You know i read all this stuff people write about how Linkin Park makes them feel and why they like them' date=' and they always label it is as this one thing about them like the beats or Chester's screaming, but for me it's not just one single thing or quality about them that I love. I've never been able to pinpoint what exactly it is about them that I love so much, it's just that when I put those headphones on and blast Linkin Park, I don't know it's just like the world is suddenly a better place. Nothing can hurt me, all the sadness goes away, all the frusrtation and confusion just dissapears for a little while. Everything in the world is perfect, like Chester's screams are a shield over me, and nothing can penetrate it. Does any one else feel this way, even a little bit? If you do, plaese write back, but if not, it's ok. It felt good to finally get all this out.[/quote']
Wow you totally said it, its like now, i cant listen to to Linkin Park quietly.. it HAS to be loud. I cant exactely say what it is i like most, between chesters voice and the guitars ... i just kinda get lost .. its like hypnotic
Seriousely when im angry, (which is often) or sad, or happy Or any emotion i can listen to lp and just feel better... i get so into it i sing along and just cant helpmyself...
I used to cut myself .. alot .. but wheni started listening to LP its like i ... quit... i dunno i just kinda couldnt ... after listening to LP when im sad or angry my heart is racing and im so into the music i forget about the cutting and my adrenline is just going it gives me such a rush - its addictive (the cutting would make me feel the same)
I could bust an ****** off this ... lol jk hahahha... but yea...
:thumbsup: to my favoritist band in the world.