How "far" Would You Go On a First Date?

Whats the farthest you would go on the FIRST date? (please read post first)

  • Level 1: No Kissing

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • Level 2: A Few Kisses

    Votes: 13 24.5%
  • Level 3: Innocent Making Out

    Votes: 18 34.0%
  • Level 4: Intense Making Out

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Level 5: "Favors"

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Level 6: As Far As Possible

    Votes: 4 7.5%

  • Total voters
ATLien said:
If it is a formal date, then just kiss, but I have had random hook ups with people who was not really a date as much as just a fun one night thing.

And me. Most of my relationships come from random hook ups so by the time we are actually on a formal date we've already gone quite far.

azemkamikaze03 said:
I was thinking half the ppl on here are under 18 so...i doubt they go as far as they say.

it really depends. if i knew the person for a while and i really liked him, id go as far as i wanted to as long as i felt comfortable. if it was just a random guy asking me out, a few kisses, maybe a TINY bit of making out but deffinately nothing big. therefore, i picked the middle choice. it just really depends.
azemkamikaze03 said:
I was thinking half the ppl on here are under 18 so...i doubt they go as far as they say.

i dont see how age matters. if you have the passion for someone or.. youre just horny.. it doesnt really matter HOW old you are. its more your mood.
"age aint nothing but a numba"

in a sexual way, i see where you're going with that... but relationship-wise...

trust me, i know, when i was 17, i dated my boss who was 27. I can agree with that quote to a point, and i'm kidna seeing this new girl... but she's 26 and she doesnt wanna date someone whos so much younger. I can understand her because to a point, yeah, age is just a number, but it's moreover the fact that we were at different stages of our lives, and i completely respect that.
i just go for the innocent making out thing.
i want to be with a chick, but not take advantage of her.
I would serious go for level 6. And yeap not only guys have their needs, some women have them as well ( or are afraid to say it out load because we might be called whores or nympho's ). Just give me a change and the guy doesn't know what hit him in the face.

xxxxxx Anja
azemkamikaze03 said:
I smack asses occasionally. If I know them.
Objectifier!!! Me and my best friend have had enough ass smacking from guys at school for the rest of our lives.....pft....guys.....Actually she grabbed his ass back, but he just liked it. lol
ShinodaBear said:
This is yet another one of those.... 'sex-related' topics, that once again, i've created.... hey, what i can i say? It's interesting!

If One Needs an Explaination::

Choice 1: No Kiss
That's self explainitory... You Dont Kiss on the first date

Choice 2: Only A Few Kisses
As in, maybe an innocent little pop kiss and maybe that 'magical' kiss at the end of the date. No Tounge!

Choice 3: Innocent Making Out
Tounge! Kissing Quite alot but dare not to get TOO feely with the other person.

Choice 4: Intense Making Out
You wont go an further than feeling up all over the opposite sex while making out. What's a little rub on your favorite spots?

Choice 5: "Favors"
Whether you give or you recieve, either way, you know it's tons of fun, but you're definately not going to have sex on a first date. You gotta leave atleast a little imagination left.

Choice 6: As Far As Possible
On the first date, typically, you try to get as far as you can... I'm not going to be surprised if alot of guys are choosing this. lol. S'ok if you're a girl and vote this too.

As for myself, i will break the ice and say that i believe guys have to hold their own too. Most of the time, it's a girl i wanna get to know for real, so on the first date, i try to draw the line at only innocent making out, but i usually end up going a little more intense. So i'll go with intense, since it's the usual for myself.

So I chosed a few kisses because let´s say that if I was dating a guy(yeah right*cough cough*keep telling yourself that Vero =_=)and there´s like chemistry(?) between us a few kisses it would be good for me.
To be honest there were only 2 times that I kissed with 2 guys(i´m not going to say anything about it tho).
So that´s all about it..
I guess it all depends on how i feel about the person i'm going out with.
In the past i went out with a few guys only to find out the were really jerks
And when they did try to kiss me i turned my head away.
But hopefully when i do meet that one guy i really really truely care for and know they feel the same i dunno maybe...3 lol ^.^
depends on what i feel and who it is, if its a guy u openly trust and have known for ages or soemthing then its a little bit of a different situation than if the guy was someone i met an hour ago in the local pub...^^
[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Objectifier!!! Me and my best friend have had enough ass smacking from guys at school for the rest of our lives.....pft....guys.....Actually she grabbed his ass back, but he just liked it. lol
You should feel complimented that your ass was chosen.
Well, last month I had a first date. It resulted in a hot make out session.
On Tuesday I had another first date with a different girl all together. We went to step 8. :p
Last night I hate a first date with a different girl then the first two and I was thinking "Oh, gotta sign into LPF to tell them that we had a few sweet kisses. That is when she pulled my pants off and well, there are minors here and virgin ears. Azem, I will PM you the details. :D
Tonight I have another date. Drive in theatre. 5 movies. Hottest girl I have ever met. We will not be watching to feature presentation, for damn sure! :D:D:D:D