How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

The Revenger

Active Member
Mar 16, 2005
I can't understand why some people call Avril Lavigne a 'poser'. I mean, I know why they call her a poser, because they THINK that Avril says that she sings punk rock, when in fact, she sings something like guitar driven pop. I know that, what I mean is, WHY do they think that, when Avril Lavigne NEVER SAID she sung punk rock??
Probably because her IMAGE is that of a 2 bit whore, and she has no real talent, can't hold a note, and her fame will be a 15 minute job like most other bubble gum bad girls these days.
Oh please. That girl is a lot better than some of the has-beens that should have been out of the news and tabloids a long time ago. (ie. Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake..)

And no one in the music industry has any actual talent: they're chosen because they can "sell" it, not "sing" it.
She's still in the tabloids, isn't she?
Well, I don't know, I don't read the tabloids for fear of IQ reduction. We all know how precious those are in society.
I think that Avril Lavigne is "trying" to come off as tough, maybe that's the way she is, and maybe she is just faking it, but I really do believe that she's a tomboy. One thing I love about Avril is how she is against so much of what people in the music business traditionally do. For example, for photo shoots, Avril wears what SHE wants to wear, instead of "some sexy get up" that the photographers want her to wear in photo shoots. Could you just imagine how different Avril would seem if she dressed all sexy? LOL I think she looks cute when she has that evil lookin' face. I also like how she didn't learn how to play the guitar. She plays it by ear. Her attitude towards "tradional" music practices is, "to hell with it." I love rebellious girls
Rebellious my ass, shes just another mtv whore. come on, her music is kiddie bullshit and she cant sing to save herself. shes one of mtvs ploys to attract more viewers - they promote her so called badass attitude so that teenage punks can have someone to emulate and follow. shes as fake as my grandmas teeth and her hype will die out before u even know it.

listen to led zep or queen or black sabbath - real unmanufactured talent.
Good grief Charlie Brown! What a waste of a post...of course Avril is a "poser" {lame word:rolleyes: }. She sounds just like some other pissed off what was her name? Isn't it ironic...
that I can't remember?:D
kurt_cobain_was_murdered said:
Good grief Charlie Brown! What a waste of a post...of course Avril is a "poser" {lame word:rolleyes: }. She sounds just like some other pissed off what was her name? Isn't it ironic...
that I can't remember?:D

That "Ironic" chick wants to sound like Janis Joplin, but comes off as Olivia Newton John. And I can honestly say that I have NEVER... EVER heard an Avril Lavigne song and I couldn't tell you what she looks like. Ok... now I can tell you what she looks like because I Googled her image.
What a poser! She thinks that she's all Facts of Life, but really she's more like Full House.
As a musician......I will give the biotch one thing.....she at least can write her own songs! :eek:

Beats the living **** out of alot of these bubblegum chewing pop-singing pansies!!! :cool:
David Ryan said:
The woman that RoyalOrleans mentioned earlier is Alanis Morisette.

Wow! Nothing gets pass you, David Ryan. Let me guess, "Camp Sunshine - Retards iz peepoll, two", next year I may be a counsellor. Hope to see you there!
RoyalOrleans said:
Wow! Nothing gets pass you, David Ryan. Let me guess, "Camp Sunshine - Retards iz peepoll, two", next year I may be a counsellor. Hope to see you there!

Darn R.O., you beat me to it.
**** You Royal Orleans, You **** Suckin ******* Bitch!! Say That To My God Damn Face!!!! ****in Moron!!!!! **** You Too Lokibird, You ****in Kike Ass ****** **** Sucking Bitch, And **** All The Moderators Who Dissed Me Earlier!!!! Lokibird, You Need To Shut The **** Up, You God Damn ****** Bitch!!!! You Too, Royal, You're Not From New Orleans You ****in Liar. Where Do You All Live? I'm Gonna ****in Kill All Of You, ***** Whipped God Damn Mother ****in ******* Asshole Redneck ****** **** Sucking Worthless Bitch Mother ****ers!!!!!!!
If You Don't Tell Me Where You Live, Then You All Will Prove To Me That You Are All Scared Ass Bitches Who Are All ***** Whipped. You All Want To Just Type ****, And I Want To Get Down To Fighting, But I Understand You All Don't Want To Fight: After All, Fighting Is Something That Grown Ups Do, You Bunch Of ****in Four Year Olds!!!!! **** You All Filthy Rotten ****** Lovin Pieces Of ****!!!!! Don't Ever ****in Talk To Me Like That Again, ****in Bitches!!! **** Everyone That Is A Member Of This Stupid Ass ****in Website. I Hate This Website, I Hate All These Forums. I ****in Hate All Of You Forever, And God Damnit, You Had Better Give Me Your Exact Address, Numbers And All, Mother ****ers. **** You All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bitches
Go More **** To Me Over Your ****in' Lame Ass Computers. That's All You Can Do, You ****in ***** Whipped Skank Ass ****in Rotten Retarded Bitches!!!! Typing To Me Is The Only Thing You Can Do. **** This Typin ****, I Wanna ****in Literally Murder All Of You. **** You All.
Since You All Are Pissed Off About What I Said, You All Need To ****in Grow The **** Up, You God Damn Piss Ants. Better Yet, You All Should Kill Yourselves. Don't Worry, No One Will Miss You. Your Families Hate You, You Have No Friends, And Everyone That Is A Member Of This God Damn Stupid Ass Jew-created ****ing Website Is A ****ing Moron. Kick Me Off The ****in Website, Mother ****ers!!!! Talk Lots Of **** To Me Bitches!!! Those Two Things Are The Only ****ing Things Any Of You God Damn Rotten Stupid ****ing Son Of A Bitches Will Ever Get To Do To Me, So Shut The **** Up And Kill Yourselves Already, Stupid ****in Idiots. ;)
Lokibird Is Afraid To Show His Face Because He's Just Another ****ing Greasy Ass, Stupid Afro Headed Big Lipped Jive Talking ****ing ******!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Back To Africa, You ****in' Black Ass Retarded Oily, Welfare Livin' Bitch!!!!!!!!!!
The Revenger said:
I can't understand why some people call Avril Lavigne a 'poser'. I mean, I know why they call her a poser, because they THINK that Avril says that she sings punk rock, when in fact, she sings something like guitar driven pop. I know that, what I mean is, WHY do they think that, when Avril Lavigne NEVER SAID she sung punk rock??

She is not a poser she is a kid. A kid making a crap load of money doing what she is doing. That'a not a poser that's being an entertainer and doing a job in the best way you can to make the most money. What is she 16 17 years old? Who isn't a poser at that age???? OH wait you are all like 16 or 17 aren't you.
You mother ****ers are stupid, you make me laugh. Seeing you all type your stupid ****in' comments is a joke. If any of you punk ass loser ****in morons ever want to go toe to toe, then give me your ****in address, and I'll knock the ****in **** out of you in front of your whole stupid ****in' family. I'll rape your wives and your daughters, then I'll kill every member of your family after I kill all of you, so shut your ****in' mouth. Stop typing **** to me from ****ing SO MANY MILES AWAY and let's solve this **** once and for all FACE TO FACE, or are you all too scared? I don't look forward to typing on this god damn ****in computer to you mother ****ers forever. I'm ready to kill every ****in idiot that pisses me off. so TELL ME YOUR ****IN ADDRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: