How is Avril Lavigne a "poser"?

Well now here is a pleasant person full of love and sunshine.......

Well at least I feel better about being me right now
It's not so much about hating Avril Lavigne. It is my contempt for everything and everyone that I hate, projected onto one person. It's the same way with serial killers: A serial killer does NOT have to hate someone to kill them. The truth: I don't hate Avril, but I would love to kill her, just because she is a human.
Again one more reason to be glad I am me and don't have to exist in a miond like yours. Get thee to the proffesionals you wierdo!
**** YOU ALL said:
**** You Royal Orleans, You **** Suckin ******* Bitch!! Say That To My God Damn Face!!!! ****in Moron!!!!! **** You Too Lokibird, You ****in Kike Ass ****** **** Sucking Bitch, And **** All The Moderators Who Dissed Me Earlier!!!! Lokibird, You Need To Shut The **** Up, You God Damn ****** Bitch!!!! You Too, Royal, You're Not From New Orleans You ****in Liar. Where Do You All Live? I'm Gonna ****in Kill All Of You, ***** Whipped God Damn Mother ****in ******* Asshole Redneck ****** **** Sucking Worthless Bitch Mother ****ers!!!!!!!

Geez... why don't you tell me how you really feel?

Do you have a newsletter? If so, I'd like to subscribe to it.
**** YOU ALL said:
You mother ****ers are stupid, you make me laugh. Seeing you all type your stupid ****in' comments is a joke. If any of you punk ass loser ****in morons ever want to go toe to toe, then give me your ****in address, and I'll knock the ****in **** out of you in front of your whole stupid ****in' family. I'll rape your wives and your daughters, then I'll kill every member of your family after I kill all of you, so shut your ****in' mouth. Stop typing **** to me from ****ing SO MANY MILES AWAY and let's solve this **** once and for all FACE TO FACE, or are you all too scared? I don't look forward to typing on this god damn ****in computer to you mother ****ers forever. I'm ready to kill every ****in idiot that pisses me off. so TELL ME YOUR ****IN ADDRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

I live at...

6996 Your Mama's Saggy Left Tit Lane
****youya****in****ville, LA 06660

As much as I'd love to piss on your broken body, I'm not the type of person to make idle threats. That is, unless, I'm standing face to face with that person. Ask that poor ******* I shot back in the Gulf War, that is, on your way to hell.
**** YOU ALL said:
You mother ****ers are stupid, you make me laugh. Seeing you all type your stupid ****in' comments is a joke. If any of you punk ass loser ****in morons ever want to go toe to toe, then give me your ****in address, and I'll knock the ****in **** out of you in front of your whole stupid ****in' family. I'll rape your wives and your daughters, then I'll kill every member of your family after I kill all of you, so shut your ****in' mouth. Stop typing **** to me from ****ing SO MANY MILES AWAY and let's solve this **** once and for all FACE TO FACE, or are you all too scared? I don't look forward to typing on this god damn ****in computer to you mother ****ers forever. I'm ready to kill every ****in idiot that pisses me off. so TELL ME YOUR ****IN ADDRESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:


Well, there you have it.

Sad Pathetic Morons like this fool have moved from the ranks of the unregistered and into the realm of the actually registered members.

Phreak, toss this guy into the idiot box...For Life...
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

Well, there you have it.

Sad Pathetic Morons like this fool have moved from the ranks of the unregistered and into the realm of the actually registered members.

Phreak, toss this guy into the idiot box...For Life...

This is one of those guys that masturbates thirty times a day, never sees the sun or looks outside... his most proud moment was when he made his first bowel movement.
Hey man....why don't you post your address since you are this real tough street fightin thug?

Oh...wait, I have your IP address...if I dig deep enough.... Threats like you have posted are a Federal crime I think.....maybe Phreak has the inside on that one.

Anyway, you obviously are very angry, or... you are just trying to piss people off. Either way, what you have been doing is very uncool.

What you haven't thought of is that eventually you will piss the wrong person off. You may be tough (I doubt it), but I don't think you can beat up every Mother ****er in this fact, I'm poitive that you can't.
You stated that "Fighting...that's what grown-ups do!" Wrong man...real wrong!

So go ahead...keep it up, and eventually I'll get to read about you getting your ass kicked by some kid half your size! Either that or some big black guy that didn't like you saying "******" a hundred times!

I pity you, man! May God be with you! :(
Could it be David Ryan is **** you All?

**** YOU ALL said:
**** You Royal Orleans, You **** Suckin ******* Bitch!! Say That To My God Damn Face!!!! ****in Moron!!!!! **** You Too Lokibird, You ****in Kike Ass ****** **** Sucking Bitch, And **** All The Moderators Who Dissed Me Earlier!!!! Lokibird, You Need To Shut The **** Up, You God Damn ****** Bitch!!!! You Too, Royal, You're Not From New Orleans You ****in Liar. Where Do You All Live? I'm Gonna ****in Kill All Of You, ***** Whipped God Damn Mother ****in ******* Asshole Redneck ****** **** Sucking Worthless Bitch Mother ****ers!!!!!!!

From another thread:

David Ryan said:
**** Everyone That Replied To My Message, I Don't Have To Grow Up. I Don't Have To Do A God Damn Thing, So **** You! If You Were Here Right Now, I Would Beat The Mother ****in' **** Out Of All Of You To ****in' Death! No ****in' Joke. My Mom Deserves To Be Killed, Just Like All Of You. So **** You. **** Your Moms, **** Your Dads, **** Your Whole Family And All Your Friends. Say That **** To My Face, You God Damn ***** Whipped Mother ****ers!!!!!! If I Ever ****in' Find Out Where You All Live, I'm Gonna ****in' Take Care Of All Of You.

It seems that one name is not enough to show his idiotic nature.
Spleefman said:
You think????????? ;)

I was merely pointing this out to those others who have not had the joy and fulfillment of reading the sharp and witty responses of our boy on the other threads. I am well aware that most of you know his reputation. Just helpin' the other newbies like myself.
lokibird said:
I was merely pointing this out to those others who have not had the joy and fulfillment of reading the sharp and witty responses of our boy on the other threads. I am well aware that most of you know his reputation. Just helpin' the other newbies like myself.

Hey Loki....I didn't mean that in a crappy manner! Sorry about that.....I was just going along with what you said! .

This little ****er has sent me four or five personal messages......all of them threatening, and saying he was going to kill me, whoop my hillbilly ass...that kind of ****!

Hillbilly......what a ****tard!
Spleefman said:
Hey Loki....I didn't mean that in a crappy manner! Sorry about that.....I was just going along with what you said! .

This little ****er has sent me four or five personal messages......all of them threatening, and saying he was going to kill me, whoop my hillbilly ass...that kind of ****!

Hillbilly......what a ****tard!

I've gotten the same private messages from that ****tard and I just discard them or forward them to Phreak. Perhaps when all of these tools are gone, we can have a decent conversation with one another.
**** YOU ALL said:
Lokibird, You Need To Shut The **** Up, You God Damn ****** Bitch!!!! You Too, Royal, You're Not From New Orleans You ****in Liar. Where Do You All Live?

I almost forgot to respond to this:

As my profile reads: RENO, NEVADA... Since you can not compete intellectually, I would be more than happy to have a physical confrontation with you. Name the place in Reno and I will meet you there but there must be rules:

1) No weapons... ONLY PUNK-ASS COWARDS USE WEAPONS. If you insist on weapons, then as the one being challenged I choose the bo (which is a staff for non-martial artists).

2) I will give you the first shot, because then I can claim self-defense and it will be your last shot. This I promise you. It would not be my first fight. How about you?

But, we all know that you will either

A: never take me up on this challenge

or B: retort in explitives because you are truly a coward.

ARE YOU AFRAID OF FACING YOUR ELDER AND A WOMAN TO BOOT? As a warning, I have placed highly in national martial arts tournaments before.
lokibird said:
I almost forgot to respond to this:

As my profile reads: RENO, NEVADA... Since you can not compete intellectually, I would be more than happy to have a physical confrontation with you. Name the place in Reno and I will meet you there but there must be rules:

1) No weapons... ONLY PUNK-ASS COWARDS USE WEAPONS. If you insist on weapons, then as the one being challenged I choose the bo (which is a staff for non-martial artists).

2) I will give you the first shot, because then I can claim self-defense and it will be your last shot. This I promise you. It would not be my first fight. How about you?

But, we all know that you will either

A: never take me up on this challenge

or B: retort in explitives because you are truly a coward.

ARE YOU AFRAID OF FACING YOUR ELDER AND A WOMAN TO BOOT? As a warning, I have placed highly in national martial arts tournaments before.

lokibird said:
I almost forgot to respond to this:
As my profile reads: RENO, NEVADA... Since you can not compete intellectually, I would be more than happy to have a physical confrontation with you. Name the place in Reno and I will meet you there but there must be rules:

1) No weapons... ONLY PUNK-ASS COWARDS USE WEAPONS. If you insist on weapons, then as the one being challenged I choose the bo (which is a staff for non-martial artists).
2) I will give you the first shot, because then I can claim self-defense and it will be your last shot. This I promise you. It would not be my first fight. How about you?
But, we all know that you will either
A: never take me up on this challenge
or B: retort in explitives because you are truly a coward.

ARE YOU AFRAID OF FACING YOUR ELDER AND A WOMAN TO BOOT? As a warning, I have placed highly in national martial arts tournaments before.

I received my response on the shout board today. No surprise... He chose choice B.
So why did we let the retards in. I thought we were trying to enact new rules to keep the flamers out not let them all in in one big wave. Are we not going to ban people anymore? Or is this just temporary for shits and giggles. I thought the postings by **** you all were pretty amusing until like the 11th one and then I wanted to virtually stab him in the neck. If I get a private message from that ****er from this post there are gonna be some flying words.