How Most Left Wing Liberals Sound


New member
He sounds like you used to eddo.. nice try.

Why didn't you agree with me when I was telling him to shut the **** up a year ago rather than board the TJ express with broman? Yeah.. that's what "we" needed..

You want your head back in my avatar?
Shut the **** up wez.

(is that how it goes?) :)



New member
Still upset about something as you accuse me of not letting something go?
Saying it doesn't make me you...
[ame=]YouTube - Solo Violin: Chairman's Waltz (Memoirs of a Geisha)[/ame]



Active Members
ZOMG is he STILL WHINING? He just never stops crying does he? :rolleyes:
I guess he NOW wants to see all the private messages from members going "WILL YOU TELL THAT CRYBABY TO JUST SHUT THE **** UP ALREADY".



Private messages are irrelivant to the facts.

Either I disobeyed the rules of the forum or I did not.

Sure, I can accept the idea that some people applied pressure on a personal level to take some action against me, but their pressure is not the rules of this forum, or at least that is not the way it should be.

Now about this "crybaby" smear you two keep tossing around, what exactly is crying in your world? Is it just a person who does not bow down to you? The story of corrupt leadership believing themselves to be gods has been played out over and over throughout the span of time and each time it has always been the same:

Those who do not agree with their unfair actions are called crybabies, trouble makers, that somehow the disenfranchised are the ones to be blamed, not you, your decisions must be pure and clean without the color of bias or anger, or even frustration, not even.....retribution or revenge.

Right here in these last few comments made by both you and IWS you all but admit that you were under pressure from a couple people complaining about my views to remove me, to remove that which they did not agree with, to erase the opposition to their own possitions.

Your own words, given at the time of the banning and with no reason to feel compelled to lie, you clearly said I was removed for "nit picking". Were you telling lies then or now?

Now I ask this, who is the real crybaby, the guy standing here facing you with open discussion asking direct questions your too afraid to answer truthfully, or the people whispering in the background, begging you to remove me even though I have never broken the rules?

You can dispense with the personal attacks on my character because I am immune to these childish tactics, we both know they are for the audience and not really for me because you already know I am too strong of a person to be bothered in that way. You see, there is your weakness when dealing with someone like me. I don't care what other people think of me. That is why you caved into pressure to remove me when you got the complaints and that is why you now cannot admit to the mistake, because you believe admitting it will diminish you in some way by those watching.

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



New member
Sure, I can accept the idea that some people applied pressure on a personal level to take some action against me, but their pressure is not the rules of this forum, or at least that is not the way it should be.
TJ.. this is what you, eddo and brotherman tried to do to me.. and your methods of crying a river to anyone who will listen about people who wont bow down to you is what got you banned.

Rise and shine..



Active Members
Ain't done this in ages......



Well adding that tag to my name was real mature.

More dodging through personal attacks I see, typical liberal all the way, lol.



Active Members
I love the way your showing pictures of yourself crying, am I really that much of a threat to you that you have to deflect attention away from yourself like this?

Along with the never ending stream of personal attacks you are also doing one other predictable thing, dodging the facts.

And that is why every time you call me names and add demeaning tags to my screen name I am laughing my *** off at how transparent you are.

I have said all along your the bosses of this little pond, I am not trying to make you change, all I have ever done is ask you to admit it, but I guess that was too much integrity to ask for right?



Active Members
TJ, Some things never change
Your right, some things never change, like your dodging of the questions you are afraid to answer.

Keep piling on the personal attacks, never mind they are also against the forum rules but being as your above the rules, that is not even a detail right?

Have you ever saw a cop speeding and thought, "hey, he is supposed to represent the rules, he punnishes those who break the rules, why is he breaking the rules? Should he not be setting the example?"

Are you and Bender "do as I say, not as I do" types?



New member
Your right, some things never change, like your dodging of the questions you are afraid to answer.
Keep piling on the personal attacks, never mind they are also against the forum rules but being as your above the rules, that is not even a detail right?

Have you ever saw a cop speeding and thought, "hey, he is supposed to represent the rules, he punnishes those who break the rules, why is he breaking the rules? Should he not be setting the example?"

Are you and Bender "do as I say, not as I do" types?
[ame=]YouTube - Bleach: Never Meant to Belong (Sad Violin Solo)[/ame]



Active Members
Well the music is nice, but if you put as much energy into being honest as you do with flames, personal attacks, and other deflections, this would have been a one page addition to the thread instead of being drawn out into this mess.


New member
Well the music is nice, but if you put as much energy into being honest as you do with flames, personal attacks, and other deflections, this would have been a one page addition to the thread instead of being drawn out into this mess.
Ah yes, I've seen this affliction before.

In retaliation, during an arguement, to twist the facts to actually shift the blame to the other person.

John always manages to blameshift when ever we argue.

also see; Timesjoke
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