How Will the Nick and Jessica Split Affect You?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
As of today, Thursday November 24th 2005: Thanksgiving Day. The Drunk Report says that Nick Lachay (La-shay or Lakey?) and Jessica Simpson have finally called it quits.

Nick & Jessica [Finally] No More!

GF, I want to know how this will affect your day to day life? I know I'm deeply disturbed about the whole ordeal.
I'm glad. Maybe I won't have to hear about it anymore now. And see her weird ass face with that ugly mouth plastered all over the front of magazine covers when I'm waiting in line at the grocery store.


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I'm not kidding when I say who the **** are they?
And unless she's gonna suck my dick I don't care. :rolleyes:
Outlaw2747 said:
They both look like sluts.

I would not doubt that, Outlaw. I mean, look at Nick. The way he dresses... so metrosexual. He's so Abercrombie and Fitch.

I wish I were that cool.
Haha, Im the lone voter..

Lol nah, actually I don't really care, but hey, I seriously am not surprised, and I wouldn't be surpised if Britney and Kevin split anytime soon either. The men in these celebrity relationships are usually prissy bitches and the women can't handle them...
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Oh no some celebrity couple split! How will I ever go on?

Just do as I did, Komrade; become a Vegan, convert to the Kabbalah or Scientology, and smoke Dunhill Lights. This should help you through this horrible, horrendous turn of events.
RoyalOrleans said:
Just do as I did, Komrade; become a Vegan, convert to the Kabbalah or Scientology, and smoke Dunhill Lights. This should help you through this horrible, horrendous turn of events.

LOL, I can see that in you RO...
does being a Vegen mean you can't eat *****???
Will they still be allowed to show "Newly Weds?", I'd pretty much die without it!!!
Gag, choke, vomit, massive diarrihea

Atleast theres still a few simpsons on TV, but they're all **** now too.
Lethalfind said:
Now that will require some readjustment of your talent or you could drown.
but...I know your thinking, what a way to go...

If I have to die of drowning, that would be the best way to do it.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Oh no some celebrity couple split! How will I ever go on?

There are support groups, dude. Hope you haven't given up yet.Throw out an SOS if you are drowning. We have you covered.
RoyalOrleans said:

Is it just me or does she look like a damned plastic doll in this picture?

As for how it will effect me, it won't besides the fact i'll have to put up with it on T.V. for the enxt few weeks. Other than that I really don't care.


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italiano_Pride said:
Is it just me or does she look like a damned plastic doll in this picture?

As for how it will effect me, it won't besides the fact i'll have to put up with it on T.V. for the enxt few weeks. Other than that I really don't care.

Plastic or not, Jessica Simpson is still very do-able.