Hybrid-Heart sig request

Hey sis!
I have more work for you lol
I already have requested you for a new sig and avy matching it and now can you plz wrire Sammi and have some effe´cts on my current avy?
that would be great!
now I´m off.
thanx again
Hey Hybi,I would like u 2 make me a sig if it´s possible,these are some pics I have chosen that could be as my sig or that u can do something about them:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/Vero_86/My Photos/anime_42.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/Vero_86/My Photos/anime_76.jpg

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v407/Vero_86/My Photos/anime_28.jpg

And these are parts of diffent songs that u can probably add on my sig(one or the other not both):

*It's never too late to live your life,
The time is now, it's do or die

or may be this one:

*Sometimes you can´t make it on your own

That´s all I can think of for my sig,if u have a problem with the pics or somethinz plz let me know.
Thanx in advance Hybi.:thumbsup:
okay Taylor this is your avy:

link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/ac442d8d0ddbf771e9094173cc2e98aa.jpg

and your sig and avy Sammi:


link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/e4648403f0649c2ca7f697ed89ec0acf.jpg


link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/d7fe82e262a938be121a59de3c7f9c5a.png

hope you guys like them
thanx Sis it rox!!
it´s like talk to teh hands moment lmao
I have one more request and Idk if you know about tis but it was that I dont want ppl to mix me up with shahfire lol so can you change my avy a bit..the same colour yet some effects and Sammi written on it :thumbsup: