Hybrid-Heart sig request

thnx for the pics :p
i've finished your sig...hope you like it
if not i can make you an other


Link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/3eac82ea5bdb32eefb4f4a4f3494040e.png


Link: http://www.offtopic.forum/data/MetaMirrorCache/4e6aa6ce0399e3244fe7f556bbe8052e.jpg
Hybi! I too must say that you do owsom sigs! I really like mine and Ill tell you when Ill want a new one...hope youll make it for me... :p OK, I noticed that you have lot of work with sigs...and you were woried that you wont get any requests...lol... ;) Anyway, ttyl... diana
Oh, I dont know why I dint noticed that before... I want my name on sig to be like that on avatar...could you do that? Please... I really dont want my name to be with big letters (dont know if this is the right word...)... Thanks!
ok thxs very much, i sent the pics and whta i want done..:) if its to hard dont bother i dont want 2 waste your time
Hybrid-Heart said:
wow ****.. requests ^^

LPfan4life0904 yeah i also do avy requests ;)
LPGirl yeah sure i'll make you a sig :)
Rabid-zombie i'm sorry but vash is right.. you must have at least 30 non-spam posts..
thnx diana.. and sorry i can't change that anymore.. i'm sorry

Well, OK...Its all right... But you now know it for next time, right? :thumbsup:
Be good and ttyl!
Hybrid-Heart said:
LPfan4life0904: i'll make you the avy..;)

LPGirl: yeah thnx for those.. i'll get right on them ;)

Diana: yeah i'll know it for the next time lol :)

Thanks a bunch! :D

Hah, my name must be a pain to type, i find its a little too long.

Oh i forgot to add can you make it 100x100 please?