Hybrid-Heart sig request

i_love_mike_shinoda2 said:
OK Hybi! New request!
Im not really sure about the pictures, but I want some live shots of Mike
Like.. one from one concert rapping
A different one of him playing guitar at a different concert
And a different one of him playnig piano at a different concert
So I hope you can do it!
Thanks! *hugs*

i already have a pic of mike rapping..
but i can't find good ones from him playing guitar or keyboard
do you have any good ones? if you do can you send them to me??
thnx :)
Hybrid-Heart said:
i've already finished it :p
and i've found some great pics :)

but imageshack is really shitty at the moment..
i can't get to my images.. =_=
and now my dad is pissed..
sorry you'll have to wait a little longer :(

Well once its working can you make me a new avvy?

Here's the info:




Just cut that out and make it into an avatar please.

Colour: Just leave it the way it is. Just have a border.

Here, hopefully this works.

Can you make one using this

Text: Slipknot

and have Adam in there somewhere.

Colour: Any kind of dark colour.


and this is the original one i wanted but i couldn't decide whether to use this or the one above pic.
