[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

lol yeah,, i think i should move to england or something lol
i'm better in english then in dutch =_=
thnx for stopping by :)

well this afternoon i went to Mnoe's place
we went online of a long while.. and we made some lill movie's again lol
we've uploaded them.. i'll see if i can upload them here
i also ate at mnoe's place ^__^
and we watched some tv lol
so we pretty much did nothing but we did have fun ^^

when i came home i finished my angel boy drawing =)
it's pretty cool.. i'll see if i can make a pic of it or something
i took a shower and now i'm here..

damn my journal entry get shorter every day
i think that's because of the vacation.
i do less thins in the vacs.. lol
becasue vacations can be boring.. OMG did i said that =_=
mheh.. better than school :D

well thanks for stopping by
take care *hugs*
ehm so today 5th of july i did almost nothing then sitting behind the computer lol
my life is boring.
but i do had this interview with my*maybe* new bos :D
i'm going to work in a greenhouse
he asked me things like how old i am and if i can stand the heat in the greenhouse..
and so on.. i also got a tour through the greenhouse lol
was pretty short but mheh.. :p
i can earn €2.75 an hour =) so that's pretty much
i was so nervous when i got there i couldn't find anyone.. so i was like: ehh hello?? anybody home?
luckely i saw this man and he showed me the way lol
when i saw the boss he siad this: hehe you can see that you're a friend of Manoe.. i was like: ow yeah?
he: yeah you both wear more like black clothes,, lol
the interview went well =P

well the rest of the day i sat behind the computer..

btw i took a pic from my drawing i made
here it is.. it's not that sharp but mheh :p

and yes the background has to look like that :p
but the drawing looks really small but it's much bigger..
ahh well

thnx for reading
take care *hugs*
lol i hope i get the job too :)
and not.. lol i don't like to work =___='
ahh well i need the money!

lol no don't eat it! *gives you a cookie*
i still need that drawing :p

thnx for stopping by *hugs*

Yesterday evening i went over to my friend jeroen together with Manoe, Nienke and Nick.. we watched 2 movies :D
the first one was the nightmare before christmas..
it was pretty cool.. but i saw it before, so that's why it was also a little boring =P
after that movie we watched Constantine.. god it was a great movie =)
at least i thought it was lol,, Manoe thought it was to long,, everytime you thought the movie was over something happend..
but that's what i liked at the movie.. you couldn't tell when it was over..
ahh well
we had fun :),, we even got corny without alcohol :/ lol
maybe Jeroen putted somthing in the soda! 0_o

today i'm going shopping with Kim, Nick, Jeroen and Manoe...
if it doesn't rain =_____= cause on the news they said that it would be rainy today..
damn you rain..
and tonight we have a bbq with the whole class ^_^
it's a short of goodbye =).. cause we won't be together in one class next year :(
it will be a great night ...=)

well thnx for reading this
and take care *hugs*
its cookie time *nibbles it and the offers u some* ^____^ thankies

ooooo i wanted to see constantine when it was in the cinema and then one of my friends wouldnt let us..odd child

anyways glad to know u are having fun

i want to get a job too, i dont mind working but if i get scared or am in a new environment i am quite shy T__T
cookie! *grabs a cookie and swallows it in one time*
hmmm ^___^

lol yeah odd child.. you really should see it!
i was so jealous on those angels in the movie..
there beatiful wings o____0! i want wings too! T_T

lol you're exactly like me :p
i'm very shy too,, i'm afraid of what they think of me..
ahh well..

thnx for stopping by *gives you another cookie*
take care!
u watched nightmare...i love that movie, its my favourite, theres a new one coming out by the dude who made nightmare brofre etc, and it has johnny depp in it and it actually lks like him!!!
anyway...hehe hope u have fun today, and it isnt sad...*hugs8 tkae care of urself sweetie! ttyl
lol.. the bbq was great :)
although we sat next to bojan lol
he got our e-mail adresses 0_o,. he's going to add us on msn =___=
to send us some 'real good music' =_=

so you had a bbq too?
hope you had fun =)
tak care *hugs*

i'm going to Eindhoven today *Eindhoven is this big city in Holland and there are many stores.. and also stores i like :D like skate stores and stuff..*
but first i have to go to school to pick up my note list..
and we will go straight on to the station..
we're going by train :D
*hope that go's well =_=*
take care y'all *hugs*

*i'm sorry but i can't check others journals today*
Hello Hybi! *hugs* How have you been? I know I haven't dropped by in a while, thought I'd stop by and say a quick hello after all the lovely comments you've left in my journal these past few days... much appreciated!

Hmmm, what's been happening in your neck of the woods? Weird, we're having a BBQ tomorrow out at the Uni where Jammer works... must be the season for it or something (it's winter here, too cold for that, damnit!) Anyhoo, hope you had fun. This Eindhoven place sounds nice, I don't know Holland at all, but from some pics I've seen it looks quite beautiful. Hope you have a great time whatever you get up to.

Anyway, you take care and look after yourself and I'll TTYL,
Hey ho Rav! lol
i'm in a very happy mood today
yw about those comments.. i like it to drop by in your journal ;)

you have a bbq in winter? ow damn that must be cold..
you won't even get that darn thing working.. or it has to be an electric BBQ lol
well i hope you have fun.. atleast i had :D

Eindhoven was great :D.. we did much shopping :)
although i didn't by much.. but my friends did
lol Holland isn't that great.. i think holland sucks :p for some reason
but eindhoven was pretty beautiful.. but the best place in holland is still Venlo XDD

thnx for stopping by ^___^
*hugs* take care

..::Thurseday 7th of July::..
as you know i went to eindhoven today..
it was great.. we got there by train.. we were like very corny
we're talking about southpark at some point.. and we were like: TIMMAY!!
and then suddenly an other train came by.. and we scared the **** out of us..
lmao! we laughed so hard.. wonder if other people heard us XDD

then when we arrived in eindhoven we started shopping..
first we went to the Britain.. and my friend nick bought himself a new pair of trousers..
they're great.. they're baggy jeans :)
then.. after staying a LONG time in the britain we went to this shop called: Backstage..
it's more of a skate store.. *love that store ^___^*
Nick bought himself new shoes there.. VANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I LOVE VANS! lol.. and i love his..!
they're cute in some sort of way lol
then we went back to the britain again =__=
Manoe tried some other trousers on.. and bought herself a new pair
Jeroen tried some trousers too.. but they didn't suited him
too bad.. and i didn't had the money for new pair of trousers..
too bad.. aah well.. i did bought some stuff from vans lol
school stuff..
ow and nick bought himself an other pair of trousers.. again baggy ones..
omg he bought more then i did! o___0
then we went over too this jewelry store..
we bought something for a friend of ours there,, cause she's having her b-day party this saturday..
when we were done shopping we went to the McDonald's and ate something
and then we're off again.. home with the train..

OMG we had so much fun.. i laughed my ass off on time
we were sitting in the train.. and we're almost all alone..
one guy sat next to us.. he called someone.. and he told that person exactly where he was.. and he had kind of this gay voice..
*i have nothing against gay people*
and when we stopped at this station we saw this guy walking by with this pink t-shirt..
and nick was all like: OMG! that really doesn't suit that man!.. it's horrible look at him!.. sorry but it just doesn't suit him.. that pink t-shirt is terrible!..
and then that man got on our train and sat next to that guy that already sat nxet to us o__0
nick was like: OWwwwwww ooops.. lol
we laughed our asses of.. that guy must have heard everything nick said..
omg that was so funny.. and lame at the same time..

well we got home at 4.30 pm
that's pretty early..
ow and before i forget i got my note list today. *or how do you call it*
with all the marks of this year.. and i had pretty good marks..
i earned 30 euros lol because i showed it to my family..
easy earned :D

about the thing that happened today in London..
it's just... horrible.. i don't have any words for this..
it's so unreal.. how can things liek this happen?
there are like 33 people dead.. maybe more and so much people injured..
i just heard it when i came back from eindhoven
i mean where is the world going to? i think it would be a big mess in the future..
damn you terrorists!
there is much security over here in holland now.. they're afraid of an attack in amsterdam..
god.. what will the world be in the future!? *sigh*
i'm really shocked.....

well thnx for reading this
take care *hugs*
I'm glad you had fun shopping Hybi *hugs*
The London incident is indeed horrible. It's about 40 people dead and at least 180 injured now. *sighs* :(
I dread to think what state this world will be in in the future. It is bad enough at the moment.
hey sister :D *hugs*
yeah i had a great time =) specially in the train lol
.. i dunno either.. those people who do such things are insane..
they should be the one who are killed
take care!

ehm well today i cleaned the canteen.. and earned some money lol
that i can spend this afternoon :D
lol well at least not all..
i'm going to the market today.. maybe i'm going to buy a greenday girly..
a cute one.. with a heart on it and on both sides guns ^^
and ofcourse.. greenday on it..
and tonight i'm going horse-riding..
i hope that we can ride outdoors.. cause it rained all day.. so i'm not sure if we can
but i hope so.. cause i don't want to ride indoors..

thnx for reading this
take care y'all *hugs*
heya hybi...yey greenday!!!

hope that ur days gd today, and that u can out riding, just really stopped by to say hi cuz i havent been in a while!
*hugs* hope alls well, luv u XxXx