[Hybrid Heart's Journal]

woah it's a long time ago that i got this many comments lol

Sis Twi - heeeeeeeey ^__^ *hugs*
i got neat stuf yeah :D i bought a greenday shirt ^^
thnx for stopping by
take care! *hugs tightly*

Keza - yeah greenday ^^ i bought the shirt :)
and i love it lol.. and thnx.. riding was okay..
but we didn't rode outdoors.. that was the not so good part of it..
ahh well
thnx for stopping by take care!
*hugs tightly*

Becks - Thnx hun ^^ hope you have fun too ;) *hug tightly*

Fiona - my life exciting? :p at the moment it's everything except that lol
thnx for stopping by *hugs tightly*

Shah - lol yeah ^^ i love riding a horse =)
lol greenday rulez! but not as much as LP lol
thnx for stopping by *hugs tightly*

*woah i'm really in a hug mood today*

yesterday we rode inside.. as you could read..
it was pretty hot in the riding school.. and our instructor let use choose..
but more people choose for riding indoors T_T
man i almost died.. lol it was hot 0_o
i rode on Chico :) it's a nice horse but it doesn't listen that well
afterwards there were italian people on the riding school! 0_o
and we had to help them.. i was like.. ahhh ****..
my friend had to help a girl who could speak dutch.. so i thought.. hmm maybe she *the person i had to help* speaks dutch too..
so i ask her if i could help her..
she answers: i'm sorry, i only speak english
i was like.. ahh.. okay.. ehm can i help you?
it was a chance to check my english lol.. and it went pretty well.
we could understand each other.. so that was good.. lol
she thanked me for helping her.. ^_^

today i had to get out of bed at 5.30 am 0_____o'
i was so tired!.. i had to work.. first day i had to work..
god i hate my job lol.. i wish they didn't hire me..
ahh well.. i'm pretty tired now..
and i have to work tomorrow 0_o GOD!!
i think i'm going to search for an other job.. that isn't in a greenhouse..
ahh well

tonight i have a b-day party of Kimmy.. but i don't stay to long
cause i have to work tomorrow T________T

thnx for reading this
take care ! *hugs*
Lol Chico is an odd name for a horse - on that note, I used to know a horse named "Boy." I was like, wtf? Why would you call your horse that? o_O

But anyway, lol, glad you had fun and well done on trying out your English :p

5:30, whoa that really sucks, id be so grumpy for like thew whole day if i got up at that time lol...glad that u got to go riding, but annoying that it was inside...*cools u down with fan*
ur english is amazing anyway, so it would have been no problem people understanding u..well ur writing is awesome so ur speaking must be too *hugs really really tightly*
hope that ur ok and not too tired tomorrow!
*stalker hug for gd luck* take care of urself hun...ttyl
*hugs sis*
man you have such an interesting life
you do so manything while i sit on my bum and do nothing lol
anyways glad you got your shirt :D
horse-riding sounds fun, except for the hot-ness and the 'lost in translation' part lol
ehh yeah the greenhouse doesnt sound to fun... hope you can find another one!
and have fun at the b-day pary :D bye bye take care!
Becks - yeah.. and you know what's even more odd?
it's a mare 0_o.. like chico means mister.. and chico *the horse* is a mare..
so that's pretty strange..
lol boy.. that's an odd name.. in holland they also give children that name.. yeah boys..
thnx for stopping by *hugs*

Keza - yeah it's to early.. and tomorrow i have to get up at 5.30 too
luckely i'm not grumpy.. but i'm tired =_=
thnx for cooling me down ^_^ *stands in front of the fan*
lol yeah i'm good at writing it.. and speaking it.. atleast my friends say.. but when i have to use it in public i'm a little nervous 0_o
thnx for the good luck
take care *stalker hug back*

Sis - Sis! ^^,, interesting?? lmao.. i think my life is boring. :p
yeah i love my new shirt.. i'm wearing it today :)
horseriding was okay.. and the part when i had to speak english was pretty funny..
the horse where she had to ride on was a little nervous so when she got on her she started to walk backwards..
and the girl was like: what is she doing? what do i have to do?
i was like: eh just stay calm.. and try to hold her still..
she was pretty nervous..
well i see what i do with my job lol..
thnx for stopping by ,, take care *hugs*

well i'm going to that party pretty soon
i'm tired so i won't stay long..
*sig* take care y'all
*big hugs*
Well chico means boy, which is why I mentioned that horse from my old stable lol. But yeah, same thing I guess. Huh... strange that it's a mare... I wonder why the owner named her that? You'd think they would name the horse Chica, because it's the feminine version.

People name their children Boy? Omg lol... that's so freaky. 0_o
Sis - Lol! yeah maybe i should.. naaah!
i think i would be the worst instructor ever..

Becks - yeah.. maybe the owner didn't know what chico means.. or he didn't know that it was a mare..
we do have a pony on our riding school who's name is chica.. and that's a mare too so..

lol yeah! a boy in our neighbourhood is named boy
the next time when they get a girl they call her girl :p

Sis - you're right lol XDD

well yesterday i had this b-day party from kimmy..
and it was fun, me, nienke, nick, jeroen, kim and Manoe went together..
we had to cycle to the party.. and it was like 7 kms away 0___o
so we did an hour to get to that party lol
so when we finally got there karen, marloes and amy where already there..
we had a blast on the party.. they also played LP :D
but then Kimmy ( now her ex) boyfriend showed up.
and he hates gothics and skaters..
so first he stood there with his friends.. and asked for beer :S
not that he says: hey kimmy.. how are you?,... noooo he's like: do you have beer?
and then they went away for a moment and kimmy followed them..
and those boys were like: stupid goddamn goths! let's fight with them.. us against those goths/skaters..
and kimmy got angry and told them to leave..
she got very angry on them, she was like: you can't call my friends names for nothing! just like the way you look doesnt have to say how you are..
kimmy was so pissed that she quited on him..
lol.. i thought it was pretty funny..
we partied and then at 11 we had to go home.. cause i had t work the next day =_=
so all corny from the alcohol we began our 7 kms journey back home..
i had to piss like a mad cow 0_o

well this morning i had to work =_=
but it was so hot in the greenhouse that i almost fainted o_0
i got so dizzy and almost fell..
i told this to my boss and he was like: that's not good..
i told them that i wanted to quite too.. cause i didn't liked the job
they told me that it was alright.. and i appoligezed..
but they said that it doesn't matter.. cause i couldn't do anything about it..
so i don't have to work anymore..
i'm relieved and sad at the same time..
i feel guilty for leaving them.. but i'm relieved that i don't have to work in that damn greenhouse anymore..
it's just not the work for me.. mnoe didn't liked that i left i guess..
she tried to convince me to stay lol.. at least i though so

today i have to go to the b-day of my little cousin ^_^
he became 2! :)
wiah time sure goes fast.. it seems like yesterday when my cousin was born
ahh well..

take care y'all who wanted to read my "interresting" journal
sorry my mistake :D
we don't go biking today 0=)

so i can update now lol

well on the b-day party of my cousin there were a lot of little kids like him..
even Maud *not me but a little girl with the same name as me lol* was there..
our present for jeano was a flower that sprayed water when you put it on a hose..
so we tried it out and jeano was so scared of it o_0
he runned towards me and was screaming: MAUD MAUD! out out! water out!
and he hugged me like: please protect me against the evil flower!
lmao.. it was so cute ^^
but it's too bad that he's afraid of the flower.. cause it's a really funny thing
i played a little with my cousin.. he swam in a little pool

when i got home again i went online and ate something
pancakes ^^
and i took some pics with my cam..
here are the results.. people with a weak heart.. don't look..

Me.. ieeeh!

Mikey! ^^

My LP sweat band! *well atleast the logo*

thnx for reading this..
take care! *hugs*
lol! my cousin is so afriad of it :p
thnx twi =),, i saw your pic too and you're cute ^^
i <3 Mikey ^^ *hamser and real mike lol*
he's playing in his cage at the moment :p
lol thnx

take care sis! *hugs*

well today started with washing my grandma's windows :p
i earned some money for it..
and i told my grandma that i quited my job..
first she was dissapointed but when i told her why she could understand it

in the afternoon we went horseriding :D
not on our riding school but somewhere else..
a riding school too but there you could rent a horse and ride alone
so we rent ourselves a horse and went of..
but i didn't trust my horse cause it hardly listenend..
so i switched with Manoe,, she rode Micha.. a big and slow horse lol
it went pretty well and when we wanted to ride back to the riding school a big white dog showed up 0_o
it started to bark 0_o,, and suddenly some other dogs appeared..
5 :|
and Manoe's and Nick's horse ran off.. very hard..
i was like: ****!..i could stop my horse from running off.
the white dog followed Manoe and Nick and barked..
a woman screamed that the dog had to come back but the dog didn't listen
after a while it came back and i heard nick scream: MANOE!
i was like: ow ****.. she fell of!
Kim wanted to check.. but then her horse ran off too!
i was like: NO KIM!
i had to stop my horse from running off too
then i could get my horse in a trot but he was still nervous.
i got at the place where the rest was.. Thank god Manoe didn't fell of
everyone was pretty shocked.. we went back after that
when we came back that woman didn't even cared about the thing that happened
she only wanted money =_=
ahh well.. i'm sure that i won't ride there anymore

my mom was pretty scared lol
but afterwards we could laugh about it
mheh that was our little adventure for today :p 0=)
thnx for reading this and take care!
ehm i earned 10 euros :)
and welcome in my journal lol :p

ehh well first a little update about yesterday
...:::Tuesday 12 july:::...
this day was a little boring.. lol but not all this were boring
in the afternoon nick suddenly came by.. we talked a little and ate an ice-cream ^^
then we went upstairs and watched frat party lol
after that Manoe called and we went over to her place..
we did some this with the web cam.. we made little movies.. lol
one time Manoe didn't know that that thing was one and she was eating this candy bar..
lol we all recorded it how she eats it.. and when she noticed that the cam was on she looked so funny! Lmao rofl..
anyway.. we made some pics and stuff.. at 5.30 pm nick and i went home again
we were having a BBQ =_=' yeeeey [sarcasm]..
my grandparents were there too..
ah it was pretty good.. but when we just started kim and Manoe came by..
we planned to go to nick that evening.. but i wasn't finished yet =_=
so when i was done i went to nick too.. we wanted to watch viva la bam..
but instead of that they broadcasted meet the barkers 0_o
mheh.. so we watched frat party again lol *which is still at nick's house at the moment -_-,, i forgot it yesterday night*
anyway.. then we watched a nightwish dvd..
and when we were done watching that we watched some tv..
Manoe and Kim went home at 10.45 pm.. and Jeroen and i stayed a little longer..
it was pretty fun lol,, we sat outside and talked a little
but then nick's dad got angry.. cause we talked to loud.. lol
so nick had to go inside and Jeroen and i went home..

that was yesterday.. and today i'm pretty much doing... nothing =_=
ahh well
thaks for reading this
take care! *HUG*