Hyper + Misery Sig Requests

i did a guildwars sig for you lmao. looks sexy IMHO. i scrapped the other one, i was looking at it the other day.. and meh.. honestly, it disgusted me lmao. so now i have to come up with what.. two more? what exactly do you want on them lol
Let me see what you have so far. We can use those as templates to tweak better versions of them. My personal likes are Matrix, Devil May Cry, Majin Vegeta, calligraphy and dragons. Like I said, anything you can think of might spark some imaginative creativity.
majinkamahl said:
Let me see what you have so far. We can use those as templates to tweak better versions of them. My personal likes are Matrix, Devil May Cry, Majin Vegeta, calligraphy and dragons. Like I said, anything you can think of might spark some imaginative creativity.

omg DMC *melts* lmao. that game is so awesome, and dante just.. idk lmao, hold on, lemme upload it..

kk, here it is

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Do you have anything to use to tie in matrix, Majin Vegeta, clligraphy or dragons?

btw, excellent job on the sig thus far!
majinkamahl said:

Do you have anything to use to tie in matrix, Majin Vegeta, clligraphy or dragons?

btw, excellent job on the sig thus far!

naw, but it wont be hard to do. i'll work on more later. i got work tonight til (i'm closing) and i'm closing tomorrow as well (close at midnight) so i'll be pooped, and then homework. but i'll do some more when i get the time.
Ok! i had a cig a while ago that misery made me and some stuff happened that i can`t explain. (im a moron... lets just say that)

and i was wondering if i cam get a sig. with the same picture thats on my icon and then i really thing the picture in picture thing is really f`n sweet and pretty snazzy so i was wondering if i can get a clip of mike from the crawling video
and somewhere preferably in the left upperhand corner... i want "xChellsi"
kind of small
then in the middle or wherever you think it looks better put "S h a tt e r ed"
and THEN in the bottom or somewhere put "you were everything i never knew i always wanted"

but... if it looks lame... change it however you guys want to make it look pwetty.


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SpikeMinoda14 said:
Um, Hyper or misery i was wondering when you have time can you
make me a new sig?

If so i already have the pics picked out....
and this...
With the words...
"I ordered a frappuccino,now where is my f*cking frappiccino?!?! "

Also with any color backround you see fit is fine with me...That is if you
don"t mind...let me know! :thumbsup:

lol, i'll do this in a bit, when i'm done with my homework.

and err, chelsi is it? we'll have to see if misery can do that, cuz i don't have any of my vid clips anymore.
xpaintballvixenx said:
Thank you much!

yes its chellsi.

btw hyper you look just like my friend matt. i just thought i`d let you know.

thanks misery!

lol that's.. interesting...

anyways, anyone who'd like to see.. i was screwin around with my tatoo (scanned the drawing in and edited it) and made a logo with it. you can see it in my gallery thread. lemme know what you thinkz0rz