I hate cops


New Member
Jun 5, 2005
I have had one good experience with a cop in my life. That was probably because the cop was somehow able to retain some shred of humanity. I had a drug overdose ( a problem with which I have since gotten help) and she was nice enough to talk to me (once I was revived) like a person with a problem, rather than a filthy worthless loser junky who should be taken instantly to jail. That was my one good exp. Every other exp. I've had with pigs has been of the negative variety. (Is there really any other kind when it comes to dealing with these power-abusing assholes?) I spent 13 months in prison on a 10 month sentence (Yes, the judges are even bigger pigs <more like rabid, wild boars>). Don'tg ask me how the hell that **** happened. I live in Ohio, the prison capital of the nation. There are more prisons here than any other state in the union, and the cops here love to **** with people, egg them on, arrest them, abuse them, and throw them in jail, dreaming that thier victims will be incarcerated for petty ass crimes that are shamelessly beefed up in thier little police reports. Thier thinking (and the judges') seems to be not to get help for addicts, just lock them up. Oh yeah, that will surely take care of the problem. Ugh, I could go on all day about this, but I'm not going to. I've made my point I think anyway. I hate cops. :mad:
Post Note: For anyone who thinks I'm blaming the pigs for the drug problem that landed me in prison, I'm not. But the way they treat us, and I mean anyone, not just people invovled in drug offenses or even no offenses at all, is disgusting, barbaric, and outright shameful. I am willing to take responsibility for my actions, but when I have done nothing wrong, and a pig decides to **** with me because they're having a bad day, or they're pissed about their assignment (i.e. parking lot duty), they need to take thier abuse of the pathetic little amount of power they have been given, because some fool thought they were mature and humane enough to handle it, and shove it! :mad:
No doubt there are some cops that have no business having that job, but can you imagine what things would be like without them? If you think your being picked on, you might well be, have a good look in the mirror and do a honest self inventory. Could the negative attention you are getting be due to the shitty attitude you project, or could your apearence be the problem? I know that people shouldn't be judged by the way they look, but the reality of life is that it happens.Try making some changes to yourself and maybe things might get better for you!

Boy, am I sick of people making this arguement. While some officers, obviously more so in the US than here, might let power get to their heads or have some other screw loose, the people with the problems are the ones they are trying to get off the streets so they can't do any more damage. I'm not saying I have NO sympathy for you, but junkies are weak idiots and you can't possibly convince me otherwise. If you don't want to be here anymore, kill yourself. Don't lean on a crutch and limp through life--you can't have things both ways. You can either make it in life or you can't. And despite what society tries to tell you, not EVERYONE was "meant" to live. Some people aren't worth the air they breathe, and the sad fact is that they keep on existing. I'm not saying you're one of them, exactly, but you made a bad decision and you should take what punishment is dealt to you. Stupidity SHOULD be punished; it's the plague of the human race. So what I have to say is stop blaming everyone else, keep on that better road you've finally found, and maybe next time you won't make a stupid mistake.

Nice to see compassion is still running strong....

I agree that junkies, in alot of cases, are just scum. but the scummy ones were scum before they were junkies too so it isn't a fair assetment. When you think about the kind idiots you're talking about, its that same personality that lets them gravitate towards substance abuse (As well as the kinda people scum associate with). There are however a fair chuck of people who just went down the wrong path in life, and while they did make decisions that they really shouldn't have (whcih is only a reason, not an excuse) its just how they delt with **** or whtever. it may be a cruch covered in spikes, but not everyone is as strong as you i guess silver. You really oughta give them the beneift of the doubt. The scum are easy to pick apart from the unfortunate (mostly) so yah, let the scum rot and help the, otherwise, decent people.

Note: i'm not just 'philosphising' this attitude, i'm really going on first hand experience here. and i don't mean i've SEEN drugged up idiots.

GH, I'm not saying at all that the people who get hooked on drugs and all were always idiots. On the contrary, I think they become idiots when they start leaning on such harmful crutches. If they only ****ed themselves up, I'd wish them a happy trip (so to speak), but it's always other people who get hurt one way or another because of someone else's stupid decision. Though sometimes, scum is just scum. I'm sorry my post was so harsh, but it's just the way I feel. I'm not going to change that for anyone, even if it hurts feelings. This site is about free speech and truth--and beating idiots off with big sticks.
I didn't read every post here so I will not criticize anyone but rather make a quick statement on cops. They are here for a reason but let's remember they are human too and do make mistakes. There are good cops and bad cops. But overall, there are more good cops around simply doing a job. And people who are stupid and hardheaded enough to not follow simple rules get in their "line of sight". Plain and simple. I just hate it when people complain about how much cops suck just because they cannot do a simple little thing. The gov't sucks too I'll admit but we need them as well. Think of how things would be without cops or national gov't...as much as I hate to admit it, things would be hairier than a musk ox.
Here is an awsome read on the subject...

The cops aren't really to blame, it is the policies for which they work... If they disobey a direct order they can be seriously reprimanded.

Cops are not really the problem (though they are part of it)... The real problem is our hypocritical "freedom loving" society that wants to criminalize people practicing their own form of freedom because it doesn't meld with their own.

Our founding fathers (in partiticularly Alexander Hamilton) specifically put the 9nth ammendment in the bill of rights to protect our freedoms. The idea for both the 9th and 10th ammendments came from the belief that all of our rights come from God and not the constitution!

It was a widely popular belief in america during the revolution that all men had the right to self determination. As long as a persons actions did not directly effect another person, they had the right to do it. The very idea that a person could not arm himself with short or long guns and walk down the street in the busiest of cities could be curbed by legislation was absolutely laughable! Nowadays we need special permission from the government to arm ourselves.

Forget about drugs! Even though it is a God-given right to destroy your own life (by whatever means possible ... drugs, booze, laziness, TV, cholesterol, suicide, etc.) That right is still our right, It is just being oppressed by a tyranical government that has completely forgotten the primary premises for which this country was founded, one of which is self-determination.

Drug addiction is sad and terrible, just like cancer, or AIDS... I simply don't understand how criminalization is supposed to help anyway. I can almost guarantee that the amount of crack cocaine, pot and heroine in america today would neither increase nor decrease regardless whether it were perfectly legal or a captol offense.
Not only should those cops be reprimanded, but they need to go back and get re-certified on firearms.
120 rounds and they only hit him 4 times!
**** that, take their guns away and let them beat each other with sticks.
snafu said:
Not only should those cops be reprimanded, but they need to go back and get re-certified on firearms.
120 rounds and they only hit him 4 times!
LOL! You'd think! ... really though, firing a 9 milimeter (assuming they used 9mm's) at car class and doors can take a lot of pounding before it gives, especially the windshield!

**** that, take their guns away and let them beat each other with sticks.
Well, if I can't carry a weopon to protect myself, why shoulkd a cop be allowed?

i seriuosly do hate those ****ing pigs! always pulling me over always doing **** to PISSMEOFF!! i just wanna unload my AK IN HIS FACE always wearin there oakly sun glasses and there ****ing badges i JUST HATE THEM!!!
ZMAN said:
i seriuosly do hate those ****ing pigs! always pulling me over always doing **** to PISSMEOFF!! i just wanna unload my AK IN HIS FACE always wearin there oakly sun glasses and there ****ing badges i JUST HATE THEM!!!

I'm sure the officer feels the same about you. I hope to see you on COPS someday getting tased, ya' ****tard.
phreakwars said:
He'd probably be crying about it like THIS BITCH .

There are asshole cops out there, but for the most part I give them respect. They work for ****, work horrible hours, and have to take **** from ****suckers like ZMAN and his low-life ilk.

Concerning the video, I wish it had been in better quality and where I could see the bitch squirm! WHEN A COP TELLS YOU TO HANG UP YOUR PHONE, YOU DO IT OR GET TASED!
RoyalOrleans said:
Concerning the video, I wish it had been in better quality and where I could see the bitch squirm! WHEN A COP TELLS YOU TO HANG UP YOUR PHONE, YOU DO IT OR GET TASED!

I have another link to it in quicktime format, but that only will play in your browser, I posted the Ogrish link because it will open in MEDIA PLAYER (its what I use) and in MEDIA PLAYER, you can adjust the controls to make the image a bit clearer and you can go FULLSCREEN... but yes, I agree, kinda poor quality video... In the FULL QUICKTIME version, you can see the bitch totally overplays the pain (kinda sounds like shes CUMIN' HARD)..



she should have got out of the car.... period... calling someone is just an excuse to be vagrant... there is video running in every police car in the country... if she had been abused, which i guess was the fear that led her to call to explain her situation, it would have been clearly visable on the tape... which police officers have no access to....

If a cop tells you to get out of the car... get out... don't make excusses... these people deal with people who want and repeatedly try to kill them... they have know idea walking up to your car if you are one of them and are forced to treet us all the same.... just do what they say... If your clean, your clean...
I'm sorry, I really don't wanna say this but...


Blacks, TAKE NOTE...how to be a ******....

Or ... how NOT TO ACT when asked to comply with the law enforcement officers who are paid to protect YOU and EVERYONE ELSE and to uphold the law...


Its THIS kind of attitude that crosses a culture into a "STEREO TYPE"

The lady had a nice vehicle, wasn't some POS car, seemed like normally she would be a very respectable person.. but ****, HE SAID GET OUT OF THE CAR , how many times ??

And her answer was "Awe, hell no"

I don't feel sorry for her... she brought it on herself... I'm sure the ****ing ACLU would say different.... but then... I'm not a ****ing hardcore liberal either... **** that bitch.
Seriously... I really have very little sympathy for stupid people... Awe, hell no! what kind of an answer is that... I would like to see a station that just has back to back videos of ignorant assholes getting tased... now that's entertainment!
The way I look at it is obviouslt not all cops are assholes that just chose that profession to pick on people for no apparent reason and harrass everyone, but a lot of them did. The only times I have ever even incountered a cop it has been complete bullshit. I've never been in trouble with the law, but just last week I was in the car with someone that got pulled over for speeding, but they weren't speeding, which might I add is being fought against. I appreciate the cops that keep everything safe and in order, but to all of those assholes who just became cops to pick on people the way they were picked on in high school. **** you.
cynthiaa89 said:
The way I look at it is obviouslt not all cops are assholes that just chose that profession to pick on people for no apparent reason and harrass everyone, but a lot of them did. The only times I have ever even incountered a cop it has been complete bullshit. I've never been in trouble with the law, but just last week I was in the car with someone that got pulled over for speeding, but they weren't speeding, which might I add is being fought against. I appreciate the cops that keep everything safe and in order, but to all of those assholes who just became cops to pick on people the way they were picked on in high school. **** you.

you and your friends are obviously pretty young... don't let it get you down... it gets better... when I turned about 25 I noticed that the cops just stopped looking for me... The problem is that about 50% of the people your age, and my age when I was getting pulled over, are ****ing idiots! It's the old Air Force addage... One person shits, we all wear a diaper! Don't be too upset at the cops.. try to direct the anger at the people your age that make cops suspicious of you when you are doing nothing.... The cops don't know if you on the level... they just see a bunch of teenages in a car... 3 or more young people in one car is a recipe for an encounter of the SS kind... just try to lower your profile.... It does get better... by the time you are my age, you will be thanking them for pulling over teenagers....