I shagged my best friend's wife

ImWithStupid said:
I would almost say we put it up to a poll. What do you think Builder? Case decided by popular vote?

Yeah, I was just gonna box him, but phreakwars has taken a shine to him, so a poll is in order.

I'll play nice, just for phreakwars. :D
ImWithStupid said:
Actually it is quite possible and often happens that people are tried and convicted based solely on inferrences that can be made from circumstantial evidence, that includes ones actions and reactions.

The fact that you changed again from "normal" patterns of dialogue to your old "flame" tone when confronted is somewhat suspect. That along with the change of signature on BH after it was introduced by Oring on this site, also makes one wonder.

I would almost say we put it up to a poll. What do you think Builder? Case decided by popular vote?

A poll based on a lot of mindless conjecture that has zero evidence to support it is libellous at best, scandalous in general. I could care less if you set up a poll and have all your sock accounts vote in it. I am no stranger to fascist yet cowardly tactics at internet forums.

I know that despite desperate antics when no fact is offered up I have nothing to answer to.
de kannibaal said:
You are going to try and intimidate by using your panel? Be my ****ing guest. If I were some stooge who bought into any half baked conspiracy that came his way I would need to threaten and bully with my mod panel too in order to try and cover the shame of my gullibility.

If you're "intimidated" by the web, hit that little X button on the top right of your browser page. :rolleyes:
builder said:
If you're "intimidated" by the web, hit that little X button on the top right of your browser page. :rolleyes:

I am not intimidated by anything, hence I am not crouched behind my mod panel desperate to duck the obviously contrived misconceived fable that I fell for.
de kannibaal said:
A poll based on a lot of mindless conjecture that has zero evidence to support it is libellous at best, scandalous in general. I could care less if you set up a poll and have all your sock accounts vote in it. I am no stranger to fascist yet cowardly tactics at internet forums.

I know that despite desperate antics when no fact is offered up I have nothing to answer to.

This is actually the exact opposite of facism. It's a vote by a jury of your peers, based on arguments and facts presented. Sounds pretty democratic to me.

As for your claim of the claims having zero evidence and being libellous and scandalous, you gave them merit by your reaction and believe me I know how to read peoples reactions to information. Your reaction is very suspect.

I'd suggest you start working on your opening statement.
ImWithStupid said:
This is actually the exact opposite of facism. It's a vote by a jury of your peers, based on arguments and facts presented. Sounds pretty democratic to me.

As for your claim of the claims having zero evidence and being libellous and scandalous, you gave them merit by your reaction and believe me I know how to read peoples reactions to information. Your reaction is very suspect.

I'd suggest you start working on your opening statement.

When accused heinously of a fabricated troll and asked to accept the results of a vote of my "peers" which is entirely comprised of 4 members and their 5 or 6 sock accounts each, I simply chuckle to myself how naive these low grade panel abusers are relegated to using such dubious methods to even try and keep up with the skull****ing I have dished out, via a rational defense questioning a slanderious supposition, that has been entirely concoted by some tart who got her butt spanked, in the name of some desperate troll.

Amateurs. ****ing amateurs.
de kannibaal said:
When accused heinously of a fabricated troll and asked to accept the results of a vote of my "peers" which is entirely comprised of 4 members and their 5 or 6 sock accounts each, I simply chuckle to myself how naive these low grade panel abusers are relegated to using such dubious methods to even try and keep up with the skull****ing I have dished out, via a rational defense questioning a slanderious supposition, that has been entirely concoted by some tart who got her butt spanked, in the name of some desperate troll.

Amateurs. ****ing amateurs.

Actually anyone can vote in polls in the Polling Booth. Even you. Better check the ballot.
Now that I am home from work and have time to catch up on this post a bit, all I have to say is,
Oring... eat **** !!

We ****ing knew he was Oranje from brawl hall the very first ****ing day he posted.. Did we give a **** ???


Did we know he was full of ****... well duh !!!

You haven't exposed anything.. while your here exposing stupid **** we already knew, tell your faggot buddies rotwang, and HC hi for us... who was that other one... oh yeah.. Chairman Mow or some **** like that.. who knows... who cares.. look in the archives, their **** is in there somewhere..

The point being... if kannibaal wants to come over and amuse us by ****ing trolling around on the site talking smack, we really don't give a ****..

We aren't going to like ban him or anything... we might play around with him and abuse our mod CP with him.. but that's nothing ****ing special either, we have done that to almost everyone..

If he still sticks around, then **** it, were cool with each other and we probably have an understanding **** is just for fun anyway.

If you think kanibaal is ****ing annoying us think again. Every member has an IGNORE button at their disposal and can choose whether to view his posts or not... seems to me nobody has complained yet, except for LF, who always complains anyway.
phreakwars said:
Now that I am home from work and have time to catch up on this post a bit, all I have to say is Oring... eat **** !!

We ****ing knew he was Oranje from brawl hall the very first ****ing day he posted.. Did we give a **** ???


Did we know he was full of ****... well duh !!!

You haven't exposed anything.. while your here exposing stupid **** we already knew, tell your faggot buddies rotwang, and HC hi for us... who was that other one... oh yeah.. Chairman Mow or some **** like that.. who knows... who cares.. look in the archives, their **** is in there somewhere..

The point being... if kannibaal wants to come over and amuse us by ****ing trolling around on the site talking smack, we really don't give a ****..

We aren't going to like ban him or anything... we might play around with him and abuse our mod CP with him.. but that's nothing ****ing special either, we have done that to almost everyone..

If he still sticks around, then **** it, were cool with each other and we probably have an understanding **** is just for fun anyway.

If you think kanibaal is ****ing annoying us think again. Every member has an IGNORE button at their disposal and can choose whether to view his posts or not... seems to me nobody has complained yet, except for LF, who always complains anyway.

de kannibaal said:
I am not intimidated by anything, hence I am not crouched behind my mod panel desperate to duck the obviously contrived misconceived fable that I fell for.

I just gave you good rep (I spelled now Know) I'm a moron when it comes to spelling ****. But you do have builders number on this one.
snafu said:
I just gave you good rep (I spelled now Know) I'm a moron when it comes to spelling ****. But you do have builders number on this one.

****ing right. I know the tactics cowards rely on.
Oring said:
I'm Lethalfind? "Post proof of these scandalicious insinuationalistics." LOL

I will never believe that you are LF, unless she has someone else writing her material. You're posts are much to clear and comprehensive to be LF.
de kannibaal said:
****ing right. I know the tactics cowards rely on.

You're siding with a stoner who laid false accusations.

I'm not surprised, considering you have no leg to stand on here. :rolleyes:
builder said:
You're siding with a stoner who laid false accusations.

I'm not surprised, considering you have no leg to stand on here. :rolleyes:

You preaching false accusations to me? Are you ****ing kidding me?

That is the greatest hypocritical moment of the Internet forum community this year.

Well done.
