I shagged my best friend's wife

de kannibaal said:
I'm not impressed. That's chickenfeed.

Your stunted perception of what is successful is what keeps you people so lowly.

and what is it you do that makes you so specal? are you bill gates illagitamet son? or his whore? you speak of everyone like you are better than them, but just what is it you do that makes you so rich? if you got money to blow, go make a website to show us just what you have, untill then, get back to pumping gas and cleaning windows, and be nice to the drivers, the gas they buy gives my dad and the people that work for him a paycheck.

oh, BTW, that's for half a year's work, and he has expenses paid including crap like lobster dinner, etc...
Msixty said:
and what is it you do that makes you so specal? are you bill gates illagitamet son? or his whore? you speak of everyone like you are better than them, but just what is it you do that makes you so rich? if you got money to blow, go make a website to show us just what you have, untill then, get back to pumping gas and cleaning windows, and be nice to the drivers, the gas they buy gives my dad and the people that work for him a paycheck.

I hate to have to break it to you like this, you self-owning retard, but that last statement is the poster child of stuned, autistic cretins that were destined to sub-par mediocrity the moment their proletarian DNA was destined to pollute the Earth.

Your post is a testimonial to the necessity of education, lest your children rot in the stupidity that you have so generously displayed.

Bravo maestro.
de kannibaal said:
I hate to have to break it to you like this, you self-owning retard, but that last statement is the poster child of stuned, autistic cretins that were destined to sub-par mediocrity the moment their proletarian DNA was destined to pollute the Earth.

Your post is a testimonial to the necessity of education, lest your children rot in the stupidity that you have so generously displayed.

your DNA must be very pure that you can pull off a doge like that and not make a single note of what you do that makes you so much better, and all while attempting to make a scientific referance to appear smarter than me, your post is a testimonial to the requierment of spanking smart ass children.

so, Bravo maestro.
de kannibaal said:
I'm not impressed. That's chickenfeed.

Your stunted perception of what is successful is what keeps you people so lowly.

My advanced perception of what makes me feel happy keeps me working the odd week or two to cash up for some time off.

I'm no capitalist pig. Possessions end up owning you. :cool:
Msixty said:
your DNA must be very pure that you can pull off a doge like that and not make a single note of what you do that makes you so much better, and all while attempting to make a scientific referance to appear smarter than me, your post is a testimonial to the requierment of spanking smart ass children.

so, Bravo maestro.

I tell you what.

You prove that you can articulate yourself over the abilities of a 7 year old afflicted with Down's syndrome and sporting a bulbous head, and I will pretend that your pedestrian posts with their horrid spelling and obtuse rhetoric are even remotely indicative of someone who shouldn't be cleaning the bogs at filthy East European train stations with her tongue.

Piss off you Romany slag.
builder said:
My advanced perception of what makes me feel happy keeps me working the odd week or two to cash up for some time off.

I'm no capitalist pig. Possessions end up owning you. :cool:

Unfortunately your constant self-ownings preclude you from sermonizing about possesions.
de kannibaal said:
I tell you what.

You prove that you can articulate yourself over the abilities of a 7 year old afflicted with Down's syndrome and sporting a bulbous head, and I will pretend that your pedestrian posts with their horrid spelling and obtuse rhetoric are even remotely indicative of someone who shouldn't be cleaning the bogs at filthy East European train stations with her tongue.

Piss off you Romany slag.

i know i can't spell, it does not bother me, good attempt at using that, but it happens to be old and over-used. now, you still have not given any indecation to what makes you so superior to me or anyone else for that matter. this is assuming that nobody here holds envy to you for abusing frendship and insulting people that make your 'deam world' possible. now, will you kindly stop pretending to be a multi-millionare english teacher and answer the question, what is it that you do that makes you so much better?
Msixty said:
i know i can't spell, it does not bother me, good attempt at using that, but it happens to be old and over-used. now, you still have not given any indecation to what makes you so superior to me or anyone else for that matter. this is assuming that nobody here holds envy to you for abusing frendship and insulting people that make your 'deam world' possible. now, will you kindly stop pretending to be a multi-millionare english teacher and answer the question, what is it that you do that makes you so much better?

Are you suggesting that your erroneous logic and and desperate excuses for your lack of education and clear lifetime commitment to stupidity and a dedication to be as dense as posslble should be off limits when some dismembers your warped attempts at logic, spastic?

Give it up before you make an even more ridiculous fool of yourself. It's more humane for you.
de kannibaal said:
Unfortunately your constant self-ownings preclude you from sermonizing about possesions.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. I like it.

It's such a shame you had a rough start here at GF, dek.

Under that gruff glass-boy carapace, I sense an evil spider. No, sorry, wrong psychadelic episode.

I know how much it would suck being a glass-boy, dek. Just perservere. :cool:
phreakwars said:
DK is one cool mother ****er.:cool:


I take the admin's request to clean up this board seriously. Word at the top is that too many imbeciles had a free reign here, and this is affecting the prosperity of the forum.

I shall assrape them, one by one. Call me a modern day forum Gandhi.
de kannibaal said:

de kannibaal said:
I take the admin's request to clean up this board seriously.

So why are you dropping your **** everywhere?

de kannibaal said:
Word at the top is that too many imbeciles had a free reign here, and this is affecting the prosperity of the forum.

Word at the coalface is, that you are a raving ekkie hound, and your mood swings are sending your close friends to Siberia to escape you.

de kannibaal said:
I shall assrape them, one by one.

Too much information. Keep your job description private please.

de kannibaal said:
Call me a modern day forum Gandhi.

You're a standard forum whore. No less.

Gandhi sought no fame.
builder said:

You are a proletarian aussie wanker with no education that installs drywall of puts snakes down a toilet.

Best you grasp a perfect command of your native tongue before you start underwhelming the forum by sneezing self-ownage is a second language.


builder said:
So why are you dropping your **** everywhere?

Let's not have any tears there, what would the boys at the job site think? I can drop kick you at my leisure, I am just toying with you here.

Why don't you stop drooling, wipe that goofy look up your face and step out of the thread before you get categorically dismembered worse than the toothless slag that has been gumming my **** for the past 24 hours, spouting off about how her father settles for the paltry sum of 100 K of income?

builder said:
Word at the coalface is, that you are a raving ekkie hound, and your mood swings are sending your close friends to Siberia to escape you.

Well that's what you get when you become the forum joke, walking around with your head up your arse listening to your own farts and believing what you think they are telling you.

Let me give you a word of advice here you stupid wog tart, your libel might actually be credible if you have some factual evidence to present so that others may see you possibly even have a modicum of proof.

builder said:
Too much information. Keep your job description private please.

Yeah, that's a good little beaten down spastic, you use the word "Please" when you are addressing your betters. Seems you are slowly learning your place around the hierarchy here.

The powers that be informed me of your crass stupidity, said you would be a slow learn. But you are prostrating yourself adequately before me. Good 'tard.

builder said:
You're a standard forum whore. No less.

Gandhi sought no fame.

Neither do I.

I do this for the people.

Why don't you pontificate about monkey wrenches and drill presses and things that entertain the small mindedness of the working class?
de kannibaal said:

Perhaps you are trashy enough that you don't care if your husband comes home covered in drywall dust, or with motor oil under his hands which he subsequently sticks in your feted snatch.

I guess the concept of taking a shower is a new one to you, eh?
thekid65 said:
I guess the concept of taking a shower is a new one to you, eh?

I guess it escapes the ability of Wank-Wave's spastics-in-exile that no matter how much the working class try to shower, they will always be filthy and malodourous, that kind of grit simply doesn't wash up.

Seems you are a bit touchy about the working class. Something you want to share with us? Some arc welding story you want to talk about?

Daddy doesn't like you repugnant hoi polloi.
de kannibaal said:
I guess it escapes the ability of Wank-Wave's spastics-in-exile that no matter how much the working class try to shower, they will always be filthy and malodourous, that kind of grit simply doesn't wash up.

Seems you are a bit touchy about the working class. Something you want to share with us? Some arc welding story you want to talk about?

Daddy doesn't like you repugnant hoi polloi.

Touchy?? Nah. I've found your screams for attention in this thread to be quite humorous. Whats even funnier is some of these idiots actually take you seriously.

Royal said:
Consider a haircut, Kid. It looks like your mother ****ed a monkey.

Let me know when you come up with an original thought, will ya?
thekid65 said:
Touchy?? Nah. I've found your screams for attention in this thread to be quite humorous. Whats even funnier is some of these idiots actually take you seriously.

Yeah, funny, innit.

Reminds me of another site I went to almost a year ago. The owner of the site, Shawn Sanders, posted a new thread where I am prominent just a few days ago, nearly a year on from my arrival and months after my last post.

I wonder if he takes it seriously? He seems to have received quite the psychological mind ****.

So what. I ****ed my friend's wife, they are getting divorced and he pays me rent. Who are they to judge? They are all illiterate for the most part, hope that union dental plan is at least decent.
de kannibaal said:
Yeah, funny, innit.

Reminds me of another site I went to almost a year ago. The owner of the site, Shawn Sanders, posted a new thread where I am prominent just a few days ago, nearly a year on from my arrival and months after my last post.

I wonder if he takes it seriously? He seems to have received quite the psychological mind ****.

Strange, I must have missed that thread, he did a little blurb on BH, and I believe you are mentioned in the "Worst Troll of the Year" but other than that, I dont think anyones given you much thought( sorry to interupt your chest-thumping, please feel free to continue).

DK said:
So what. I ****ed my friend's wife, they are getting divorced and he pays me rent.

Good on ya then..and the dude sounds like a ***** to me.