I shagged my best friend's wife

Dear Lord.

Has it been two months since I graced your melancholic lives with my enlightened erudite rhetoric and elocution?

What has de kannibaal in up to?

Well I have been extremely busy, having to have spent a few days in that filthy favela named Las Vegas for business, I have had to spend a week in the cosmopolitan German capital, Berlin, finding myself among the beautiful people as always. I have also been to my locales which are too numerous to name, and in any case simple proletarian punters like yourselves would have no reference point, as your travels and life experiences don't go any further than the drive thru at some shambles of a fast food franchise.

Did I mention that my close friend that was the original point of this thread, has been on a path of unfortunate self destruction due to the many woes that manifest themselves as the issues of his complicated personal life?

Yes, sadly he is now in rehab, getting the help he needs, I get my leg over off with his ex-wife at my leisure, and wearing his favourite bath robe around what used to be his house but now has been awarded to her by the magnanimous court of law, that does not look well upon porch monkeys like my friend with cocaine problems in failed marriages.

I know all my fans here must have had an empty spot in their lives during my absence, and I am certain my cameo appearance here will bring a ray of sunshine to their otherwise dull and tedious lives.

PS. The cretins who have labelled me brawl-hall must be castrated at once, I am most certainly not prostituting my standards and posting at such a favela, rather I spend my time at digitalstrife.net where I textually disembowel cretins from all over the world for sport.

God Bless you all. Especially Builder. He's my hero 'cause he's so big and strong.
Good ole' DK, how the hell are ya.. Yes, I will admit, I was somewhat distraught to not hear frequent updates of your friends self destruction.

Even so much to a point, that I felt hurt and betrayed by you.

I was kind of hoping you would film us all a nice Bucakee fest on her face and post it in the gallerys... but, I understand completely.

It's good to have a whore on the side.

Speaking of whore, hows ole' "I THINK I AM MY AVATAR" H.C. Trouble doing ??

Haven't had the time to see any of the redundant "Ohh ho ho, you call that an insult.. I am better then YOU" gay ass **** that the brawl hall zombies mutter out daily. They have no appreciation for artistic expression, quite sad really. They DARE call you an outcast ?

Maybe this might not be a very original statement, but it fits...

What a bunch of ****ing fags !!

Nobody ever gives any REAL thought into their liguistic expression anymore. I visit for the free porn just like the other 93% of it's members..

But anyways, good to see ya again.
What surprises me about dek is, that out of a possible hundred thousand or so spermatazoa, he made it through.

Who would have backed that with a fiver? Not I.
It is good to have a fellow member of the bourgeoisie back. Ignore them pesky proletariats. We should have never given them free speech.
Ah Phreak, Hugo, I am absolutely thrilled to see you both again.

I know I haven't been as faithful as I should have been to my fans here at GF, I am involved in other endeavours at the moment, but I have a breather for a bit and thought I would say hello.

Now HC Trouble, yeah, he is not really around as much as he used to be, but we did do a rather nasty expose on him at my home forum that exposes him for being a fellonious net terrorist, and I would imagine he is not best pleased.

The most amusing part is that we posted his photo so you can see for yourselves what a tosser he is....


I left Brawl-Hall a few months back, we expect its demise by summer, I can't say I am sorry, the porch monkey who runs it has taken advantage of his regulars and the place is decaying faster than a Congolese Ebola victim.

Funny thing, I just realized that Builder is an Aussie. Do they finally have the Internet in Australia?
Ahhh hahahaaha that's ****ing hilarious !!

THIS is Mr. Big Bad "I AM MY AVATAR" HC Trouble ?



Ahhahahaha hahahaha

Ohh ****, my ****ING sides hurt now...




WTF happened to his crooked ass head ??
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Yeah, I really wrecked Bawl-Bawl yesterday.

Couple of us got into the admin panel and tossed about 3000 threads into usenet, deleted the arcade, deleted a few hundred members, etc.

The favela was down for a number of hours before the poor old legless ****** Doomsday had to restore a back up. The site still doesn't look right and you could shoot a cannon through there.

Net terror at its best.
de kannibaal said:
Yeah, I really wrecked Bawl-Bawl yesterday.

Couple of us got into the admin panel and tossed about 3000 threads into usenet, deleted the arcade, deleted a few hundred members, etc.

The favela was down for a number of hours before the poor old legless ****** Doomsday had to restore a back up. The site still doesn't look right and you could shoot a cannon through there.

Net terror at its best.

Weren't you supposed to have me arrested for tax evasion?

Or have you been too weighed down by child porn allegations to carry through with any of your hollow threats?

Its good to see you have made use of your spare time by harassing web sites of various location.