i think i am pregnant...

You have to tell her. It's the right thing to do....Just be honest with her and tell her the whole truth. EVERYTHING that happened. Then she'll buy you the pills, or get you abortion, or whatever you need.
The guy is sixteen and you are thirteen, so this is not a good situation. The fact that we were drunk as well is just going to make this look even worse. Its time to face the music - tell your parents and make an appointment with doctor. By all means, try and keep the baby. Since you are still under the age of 16, your parents still hold legal control over you and keeping the baby will legally be thier choice if they decide too.
I suggest you keep it though. If anything, your parents can raise it as thier own. But, since the guy is sixteen, he has more responsibility then you, which may include child support. He needs to be involved in these discussions too; after all, he is the father. Believe me, this guy has just as much of a burden as you at this point.

(And people, please don't make this whole thread into nothing but a fight over abortion's morality! This girl is asking for our help, so lets help her ok?)
XrockinfreakX said:
im as old as u and i dont do this crap he probably was just a freakin man whore that already screwed sum other girls

None of that matters if she is pregnant.
*smh*all i got to say is wow...your still a child, you do not need to be having a baby at 13. i had a friend who got pregnant at 12. thats way too young.

i think you should tell your parents and get an abortion....
well, im pro-choice and pro-life. but abortion should really be a last resort. take the test thingy. if your pregnant, and dont want to keep it, i think its best to like drop it off anonymously in front of a hospital or something. they do that right? btw do your parents know?
Wow that's a scary situation....
U gotta tell ur mum
Even though it might be hard it's probably a sensible thing to do
I'm sorry but I think that guy is a jerk
He took advantage of u and he gave a really stupid reason for him to have sex with u
Over here it's illegal for two minors more than 2 yrs apart to have sex lol
Not that that matters
I hope everything works out for u!
perhaps i won't get abortion... it's just really killing me now because i keep on thinking i want to get rid of my baby and then i feel i really want to keep it! i am calling sygy right now and telling her... my head is going to explode and i don't know how to tell my parents...
did you already take the test and know for sure you're pregnant? That's a really difficult situation. You're too young to have a baby, but Like Clogz say, if you keep the baby maybe your parents (and the guy you were with at the party) can help you support it. You should definitely talk to your parents about this, because it's something too important to hide, and their advice will be very important. I hope things turn out ok for you.
Viktorova said:
i am thirteen... but i will take all your advice... it was really silly of me...

Sorry,kids make mistakes all the time..*cries*

Tell your mum,mothers always help!
If you wanna get abortion,your choice,if not,keep the baby..

Im not a good advise person,im sorry..