i think i am pregnant...

wow hunny alcohol messes you up so bad thats why I'm never going to drink but anyways If you are pregnant don't abort the baby cause that would be the wrong thing to do instead just go along with pregnancy and give it up for adoption if you do have it. but if the older guy wants to stick around and care for the baby the that will be cool too. have you told your parents about this yet? Well its going to be hard breaking the news to them. so when you do tell them stay calm and let your parents give there say on it.
The same thing happened to me recently. My boyfriend and I had sex, the condom broke and I fell pregnant. I chose to keep the baby. Since I made my decision, I've had a miscarriage (sp?). This was because I was so unhealthy that my body couldn't accept the baby, and so I lost it.

I know how it feels. To have an abortion is such a hard decision to make, especially at such a young age. It wasn't too hard for me, though, because no matter what, I'd never be able to go through with an abortion, even if I was 12. (I lost my virginity just a couple of months ago, so don't worry!)

As for that pathetic excuse for a male you slept with, if you ever see him again, I want you to give him this message for me: karma, baby. Karma.

And promise me you'll be more careful in the future! Haven't you heard the reports about all the recent drink-spiking!

Unless that's only in Australia.....

Luv, Fallen Angel xx
Was that to me?

Because this guy was my first and only, and I was his. We've both had blood tests and all that stuff done, so I didn't really think it was nesscessary (sp?) afterwards. And we've used condoms everytime anyway. The thought of getting pregnant at 15 terrified me.

Luv, Fallen Angel xx
Viktorova said:
I got really drunk at a friend's party. I sorta ****ed a guy... now I think I may be pregnant... the guy was a lot older than me... and I was talking to him and we sort of got closer...

Please someone give me some advice... he was really cute but he was older than me... :(

....how old r u? thats very irresponsible