I_Love_Mike_Shinoda2's Journal

Well its not hard to believe at my school. It really sucks here. Even the field trips are boring. The last one we had was Tuesday and the only good part about it was my tan I got. lol. The lunch they had wasnt good either!
It was called "Beating the Odds Rally" It had people that arent big singers yet but sang there. They also had people who like lost body parts but live their dream. You know Bethany Hamplition? That girl from Hawaii who was surfing and got beaten by a shark and lost her left arm? She was there. Shes the only person I know about and was really cool. It was the only interesting thing there.


New member
I dont even know what a field trip is to be honest lol

but it sounds freaky about the girl from hawaii...poor girl

Ok heres a quick update for today cuz I have to go in like 2 minutes!!!

Today was weird since it was Friday the 13th. My english report went well... I did it very good. We had a pizza party too.

Ill write more later. Bye!



New member
Oh ***. I hate pizza right now. Maybe it's because I just ate a whole one for myself? I feel sick..

Glad you did good on your report. See ya later :)

Haha thanks guys!

Yea when I had the pizza I didnt want it cuz I had 2 slice for lunch (my friends dont eat much) so yea haha

Um.. the rest of the day was fine. When I went to my sis's game, I had to babysit a 2 year old. it was really fun. Hes really cute and nice. I got payed 10 bucks too so I guess thats cool. He kept crying when he saw his dad, I have no clue why. Then I went to go work out. it was cool I guess.



New member
Glad to see you had fun babysitting. I've only babysat once in my life (maybe it's because I'm a guy?) and it was brutal. Got paid $20 though, lol, which I later wasted on candy.
Haha. One time I babysat and it was for 5 hours and got paid 10 bucks! I thought it was rip off! This time it was 2 hours and 10 bucks. I only had one job and that was a newspaper deliever girl and on my first and final pay check I used it for a cell phone I wanted. Now Im saving up for a new one.. ****.. life isnt free.... :(
Ok this is gonna be a small update. Its not really what I did but what Im thinking

Ok well about an hour ago I was talking to my friend Mike. I talked to him before and I didnt really know him. He went to my school but I didnt know who he was in person. But just a few weeks ago, I saw him at my friends house who is like 11 years old. I found out that he is a really cool dude and kind of cute. Lately I have been talking to him more on AIM since I actually know who he is. But everytime I talk to him, its like.. I love him. Kind of scary to say.. including type. But heres my problem. Remember my friend Jay. Well I kind of like "love" him too. And lately my friends have been telling him! So just a few days ago one of my friends said that he said "Well if [my girlfriend] dumps me or I dump her then I think Ill ask her out cuz I kind of like her too" So like I dunno what to do. Any sugguestions?

Oh and another thing, I was checking out the LPF games and I went to the last page. There are some games on there that I have been used since October and guess who like "ruined" the fun.. ATLien.. haha. I think its funny. Cuz he like posted normal stuff but I guess people were like.. afraid.. or soemthing. I dunno.. but yall are probably thinking Im stupid or something haha but I thought it was funny.



New member
heey Mel

just popped in to say hi :D

how are you?

so.. you're in love with two persons? or am i wrong..

well if you like mike better than jay, then i think you just have to follow your heart..

mheh.. i think you have to decide that for yourself..

well hope you're doing fine

byebye! *hugs*



New member
Hey Mel!

dont worry I like your username :thumbsup:

well that sounds lill complicated lol

heh I´m kinda in the same situation as you...**** I hate it lol

I think you should get to know Mike better and as Jay ilkes you...why not wait a lill?

Idk man, I suck at this lol so sry :p

but as Hybi said, you have to decide that by your won so good luck :thumbsup:


Hi guys!

Im doing fine!

Anyways, thanks for the advice. I kinda like it. Mike goes to my school and is my grade (7th) and Jay goes to my old school and is in 8th. So thats kind of why I think Mike would work better (Plus his name is the same as the guy that is my idol, haha). My friend suggested I should like go out with both but thats like the worst advice I've ever got and plus Ive done it before and its not good.

Wow.. 800 posts.. I remember when i came on here and I was so confused when I younger, hahaha. :thumbsup:

OK well I solved everything. I havent talked to Jay in the longest time. I have been talking to Mike all day. We were in a chat room together I started talking about this game me and my friends used to play (well actually I made it up just so I can see what will happen) So i like "Its a game where all ur friends, boy and girl, go out for a week. At the end of the week, you go like to the movies and if you guys kiss, then you guys are like actually together." And so we started and Mike asked me! Right now we are actually acting like a real couple. Its like so cool. lol.
Well today was ok. The funniest thing happened in I.T. Ok there is this really stupid kid named Michael who likes to get in fights and there was this kid named Chris that he was messing with. They like stand up and started pushing each other. Then our teacher went "Whats wrong?" and Chris goes "Im gonna kick his ***!" and normally we dont cuss infront of teachers but I thought it was the funniest thing ever! So the rest of the day was boring and I only got to see Mike for like 2 seconds :( But we talk a lot on AIM so its all cool :)
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