Id Cards


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2005
As usual, the British government has succumbed to another American idea and they're trying to push ID cards down our throats.

The latest information on this deal is that it'll cost us 90-odd ****in' quid for one of these cards, which also comes with a free gift...the coppers with shitty attitudes will be able to stop you for no reason just to check your card.

Of course, I'm sure this is just an attempt to control the increasing problem of illegal immigration and terrorism in the UK, as Blair and his cabinet have stated in the press. I wouldn't dream of suggesting it was just another underhanded attempt to **** with our civil liberties, and take us one step closer to a police state.

In addition to a photo and personal information, the card will be encoded with other goodies like our fingerprints and retinal scans.

Dunno about you lot, but I usually take my eyes and fingers with me when I go out anyway.

And if this is meant to be an effective tool in monitoring immigration and terrorist movements, can anyone tell me how the **** it's gonna work with hook-handed blind-cleric-gobshite Abu Hamza.


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The idea that ID cards will curb terrorism is so ridiculous it isn't even funny! Why on earth would a suicide bound terrorist (aka MUSLIM) give a ****. He'd simply apply for the damn card and then go blow himself up!

Now if our Governments would round up all of the muslims and deport their asses back to arabia where they belong, THAT would curb terrorism!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Now if our Governments would round up all of the muslims and deport their asses back to arabia where they belong, THAT would curb terrorism!

Why deport them, when you have such a primo tropical holiday destination like gitmo to send them to? Make them your guests, for an indefinite period of time.

Who knows? You might even become friends. :rolleyes:
DNA's on the cards for the cards too. Just in case you forget your genome when out and about.

Has anyone else got any wonderful ideas I can pass on to my government, in order that they can avoid all that time consuming arseing about with warrants?
Tex said:
DNA's on the cards for the cards too. Just in case you forget your genome when out and about.

Has anyone else got any wonderful ideas I can pass on to my government, in order that they can avoid all that time consuming arseing about with warrants?
Small micro-detonators implanted in the base of the skull that are sensitive to any thought patterns that could be interpreted as deviant. That will keep the street cleaners busy.
GF Admin said:
The Facts;

  • [ ]Immigration (legal & Illegal) is a massive problem/issue in the US and Europe
    [ ]The terrorists, immigrants and radicals use our own liberties and laws against us to infiltrate, destroy and disrupt our societies and commerce. They take advantage of our justice system and our own lawyers are more then willing to spin them out of jail.
    [ ]Those that want to get ID of any sort can and will get it legally or illegally national ID or not
    [ ]Any government law or legislative action meant to curb illegal immigration etc.. Is immediately attacked by the lawyers ACLU, NAACP etc.. And labeled as racist etc..
    [ ]The US and Europe have huge immigrant populations that have basically set up shop in our countries and are not assimilating, eventually this will lead to open revolt and internal armed conflict.
    [ ]The western democracies will evolve into totalitarian states in order to survive. They will have to do this or be totally overrun and bred out by the third world masses.

What could be done to change this?

  • [ ]Total lock down on all travel to and from those regions in dispute, no one in no one out.
    [ ]All immigration halted, all work visa
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I agree with most of this except on one point. Islam is NOT a religion! it is a political/social philosophy based on murder, war and terrorism. It is very akin to facsism as well. As far as I know, there is nothing in the constitution of the US that would dissallow us to eradicate such an organization. In fact Islam itself is against our constitution and all muslims by default belong to an organization that undermines the same!

Unfortunately the US constitution only applies to your country mate. You can't go ****ing with other countries on the grounds that they have different views.

However, I see **** all wrong with imprisoning or deporting any sympathisers to the Islamic cause in time of war. We did it in WWII and it was probably one of the main contributing factors to reducing the risk of espionage, sabotage, etc.
Tex said:
Unfortunately the US constitution only applies to your country mate. You can't go ****ing with other countries on the grounds that they have different views.
Oh, no? Back when we had balls, we saved ya'll from Hitler... If it weren't for Patton and the third army, you'd be posting in German... mate.

Of course nowadays, it is not PC to round up these savages and deport their asses back to the sand dunes they crawled out of. Hell, we even keep on giving the mother****ers visas to come over here.

As far as the UK goes, ya'll have your own ways of dealing with this vermin... And I wish you and Tony Blair God's speed in stamping out islam in jolly ole England.

However, I see **** all wrong with imprisoning or deporting any sympathisers to the Islamic cause in time of war. We did it in WWII and it was probably one of the main contributing factors to reducing the risk of espionage, sabotage, etc.
Damn right, and we did it to the japs here as well and the ****ing bleeding hearts who deplore the japanease detention centers in WWII conveniently forget that there were 0 (yes, ZERO) acts of espionage by japanease sympathizers during the war, in contrast to over 400 well documented acts of espionage by germans during the same time period.

It is simple logic that ousting all muslims ftom the US is in the best interest of the US.

It should also be a crime to conduct business with any islamic country (including selling them wheat, grain, sugar, or any thing else...) we should simply starve the rabid bastards into submission.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Oh, no? Back when we had balls, we saved ya'll from Hitler.

I get sick and tired of hearing how the Yanks saved us all and won WWII single-handedly.

I get sick and tired of watching movies like Private Ryan where there's not one Brit, or any other ally in the film. Or how you captured the German Enigma code machine in U-571.

If you're so hard, and so keen on ****in' helping, where were you at the ****ing start?

Keepin' yer ****in' heads down in case you got attacked, that's where.

.. If it weren't for Patton and the third army, you'd be posting in German... mate.
And if it wasn't for us, and the rest of Europe, and Australia, and Africa, and India, and Russia, et al. you'd be posting in Japanese.

Name me one war you fought, and won, on your own.

You even had the French and the ****in' Indians help you when you won the war of Independence.

And when I say 'you', I mean us, coz you weren't technically Americans until AFTER you won.
Tex said:
I get sick and tired of hearing how the Yanks saved us all and won WWII single-handedly.

I get sick and tired of watching movies like Private Ryan where there's not one Brit, or any other ally in the film. Or how you captured the German Enigma code machine in U-571.

If you're so hard, and so keen on ****in' helping, where were you at the ****ing start?

Keepin' yer ****in' heads down in case you got attacked, that's where.

And if it wasn't for us, and the rest of Europe, and Australia, and Africa, and India, and Russia, et al. you'd be posting in Japanese.

Name me one war you fought, and won, on your own.

You even had the French and the ****in' Indians help you when you won the war of Independence.

And when I say 'you', I mean us, coz you weren't technically Americans until AFTER you won.

C'mon baaaaby..admit it. I can hear it in your voice. You wanna BE us, don'tcha? Don'tcha? It's just eatin you alive. You hate us like you hate Bill Gates.

Ain't it a bitch?
Tex said:
...And if it wasn't for us, and the rest of Europe, and Australia, and Africa, and India, and Russia, et al. you'd be posting in Japanese.
Now, you're just being stupid... Sure the US, England, and Russia all can take credit for toppling the nazis (even though greece, the french and even italians helped, yet they were of no consequence)... but the US defeated the japs all alone , buddy.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Tex said:
...And if it wasn't for us, and the rest of Europe, and Australia, and Africa, and India, and Russia, et al. you'd be posting in Japanese./QUOTE]Now, you're just being stupid... Sure the US, England, and Russia all can take credit for toppling the nazis (even though greece, the french and even italians helped, yet they were of no consequence)... but the US defeated the japs all alone , buddy.

You're a ****wit if you believe that ****, MRIH. The Aussies won the Kokoda trail. They ousted the Japs in New Guinea. Get a grip. :rolleyes:
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Hey, my Italian boss and his wife just had their second baby. I guess this little infant would be classed a new "Guinea" too !:D

Quite possibly, Hugh.
What about the Alamo?
We got our asses ("arses" for Builder) handed to us by Santa Ana....
Too many Mexicans and not enough drunk Texans to fend for themselves...except Davey Crocket and Jim Bowie...they were from Tennessee:p
Tex said:
You even had the French and the ****in' Indians help you when you won the war of Independence.

And when I say 'you', I mean us, coz you weren't technically Americans until AFTER you won.

Both sides were aided by Indians. If you win a war with France as an ally you should get double credits.