Id Cards

You know nothing of nothing you doss yank ****. You look up propaganda and take it as gospel because as I said before, it's what you wanna hear. I pity you hillbilly.
I know that for you it didn't start until 1942. I doubt YOU know **** all about what happened in the Pacific b4 that.
Tex said:
Never heard of the Malaya Campaign?

Who the **** do you think built the Bridge over the River Kwai?

We were fighting the Japs when you were still keeping a low profile in yer trailer parks, ya silly *****.

In fine form, today Tex. Funny **** that. :D
It matters not. If Tex came out with the most retarded comment I've beheld in a long long time, I, and even the tims, will think he's cleverer and better than you. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate all americans. Just you so far, you rancid slab of smegma.
Second World War 1939 - 1945

Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War; Australian servicemen fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa; and against Japan in south-east Asia and in other parts of the Pacific. The Australian mainland came under direct attack for the first time as Japanese aircraft bombed towns in north-western Australia and Japanese midget submarines attacked Sydney harbour.

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) participated in operations against Italy after its entry into the war in June 1940. A few Australians flew in the Battle of Britain in August and September of the same year, but the Australian Army was not engaged in combat until 1941, when the 6th, 7th and 9th Divisions joined Allied operations in the Mediterranean and North Africa.
Japan entered the war in December 1941and swiftly achieved a series of victories which resulted in the occupation of most of south-east Asia and large areas of the Pacific by the end of March 1942. Singapore fell in February, with the loss of an entire Australian division. After the bombing of Darwin that same month, all RAN ships in the Mediterranean theatre, as well as the 6th and 7th Divisions, returned to defend Australia. In response to the heightened threat, the Australian government also expanded the army and air force and called for an overhaul of economic, domestic and industrial policies to give the government special powers with which to mount a total war effort at home.

In March 1942, after the defeat of the Netherlands East Indies, Japan's southward advance began to lose strength, easing Australian fears that an invasion was imminent. Further relief came when the first AIF veterans of the Mediterranean campaigns began to come home, and when the United States assumed responsibility for the country's defence and provided reinforcements and equipment. The threat of invasion receded further as the Allies won a series of decisive battles: in the Coral Sea, at Midway, on Imita Ridge and the Kokoda Track, and at Milne Bay and Buna.

I'm talking history here. The Aussies were all over SE asia before Pearl Harbour. We defeated the japs in New Guinea on the Kokoda track. Lost heavily to them in Singapore. Before Pearl Harbour.
builder said:
Second World War 1939 - 1945

Almost a million Australians, both men and women, served in the Second World War; Australian servicemen fought in campaigns against Germany and Italy in Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa; and against Japan in south-east Asia and in other parts of the Pacific. The Australian mainland came under direct attack for the first time as Japanese aircraft bombed towns in north-western Australia and Japanese midget submarines attacked Sydney harbour.

The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) participated in operations against Italy after its entry into the war in June 1940. A few Australians flew in the Battle of Britain in August and September of the same year, but the Australian Army was not engaged in combat until 1941, when the 6th, 7th and 9th Divisions joined Allied operations in the Mediterranean and North Africa.

I have nothing but the utmost respect for Australians. As I do for all allied servicmen and woman. Thier contrabution means more to civilisation as a whole than anything. Asian or european or american. Which proves what an utter knob you are hillbilly. We have more resources than you! We're better!

Tell you what hillbilly, I'd still chib you one in the blink of an eye. The fact that you can legaly own a gun don't mean jack **** in Glasgow. You'd get stabbed **** out of ya poofy wee yank.
ive spent 10 years training in martial arts and weapons. just try to use a knife in me and ill take it and put it in your throat
Sick of saying this but yet again, you make me laugh, hillbilly. Martial arts wont save you here. It's more a "hate me, hate my team" effort. Call that cowardly, but one on one, somecunt that's handy with a chibber, someone that's not to inbred to know right from left, such as yourself, hillbilly, will win.

"I know shao lin kung fu!"

Don't wash here ya pikey *******. You'll get slashed either way. As long as we can prise you from your fire-arm.

And as I don't say this about most ****s, even nazis, but yanks like you, I would happily put a blade in without batting an eyelid.
did u not here me correctly 10 years of weapons. blades, staffs, etc. just try me at fighting and see what happens to you
I'm not gonna get into this. We will never meat. You are clearly lying. Most peple on the internet that go "Iknow kung fu!" are talking utter yite. I'm still saying though, even if you are well-versed in martial arts, somecunt from the schemes with a bottle or a blade, will still kill you, no matter how much like Bruce Lee you think you are. You doss yank *****.
The Feotus said:
I'm not gonna get into this. We will never meat. You are clearly lying. Most peple on the internet that go "Iknow kung fu!" are talking utter yite. I'm still saying though, even if you are well-versed in martial arts, somecunt from the schemes with a bottle or a blade, will still kill you, no matter how much like Bruce Lee you think you are. You doss yank *****.

would you like me to scan my registration with the kukkiwon in seoul korea?