Id Cards

hugo said:
Both sides were aided by Indians. If you win a war with France as an ally you should get double credits.

The fact is, even though we fought for independence back then, the way the world is now dictates that we should probably stop thinking about ourselves as 'Americans', 'Brits', etc.... And we should start thinking about ways we are similar... Eg.. we are western nations... Independent in rule but very much from the same barrel..

Us, England, France, Germany, Australia, and a few select other European nations are all Western nations... We have similar governments, customs, traditions, etc...

Even our languages are derived from a common tongue! Our core languages are, English, French, and German... German, is derived from High Germanic, as was Olde English when Germans moved into England and begat the Anglo-Saxons... And Olde English is the basis for modern English, no matter what version of it you speak... French is a blend of German, Latin, and later Anglo Olde English...

Our religions are all basically derived from either Rome, old Norse traditions, Egyptian mythology, or the Byzantine Empire... EG.. Christian with unique blends of the 12 Norse gods, the 12 original Roman pantheon, The 12 Original Egyptian pantheon, all of whom are the same people just with different names and such. Even our Christian tradition of Jesus Christ is not much more than the re-telling of the Horus/Osiris myth...

Islamic states are all independently governed, but show a lot more solidarity than does the west... They understand that even though Egypt, and Syria are governed by different bodies, and they have slightly different political views, they are all part of a greater Islamic society...

We are hard pressed to find any solidarity on our side...

Yes, the French piss me off... But so do people from Mass... But I'd be damned if I'm gonna let someone, Even Germany, invade them!

I think the English are too liberal to be considered Capitalists, or even a democracy in some sense, but Muslim riots on the streets PISS ME THE **** OFF!

And the Australians are assholes! But they are OUR ASSHOLES! Death to anyone who tries to **** with them!

It's wonderful that we can sit here and pick apart other western nations... I guess that's just another thing about Western culture that Islam will never understand. But a little solidarity would benefit us ALL nowadays...
fullauto said:
It's wonderful that we can sit here and pick apart other western nations... I guess that's just another thing about Western culture that Islam will never understand. But a little solidarity would benefit us ALL nowadays...

The funny thing is, we bag the **** out of eachother, but when the **** hits the fan, we support eachother.

I'm still not supporting rabid ****ing patriotism to the extent that the yanks do, but we'll still back your efforts. Just watch your crossfire, you trigger-happy ****s, and let us handle the intelligence side of things for a change. ;)
builder said:
The funny thing is, we bag the **** out of eachother, but when the **** hits the fan, we support eachother.

I'm still not supporting rabid ****ing patriotism to the extent that the yanks do, but we'll still back your efforts. Just watch your crossfire, you trigger-happy ****s, and let us handle the intelligence side of things for a change. ;)

The Stage is yours! When ever you Aussies want to buck up and help out, we surely would appreciate it... We're not bloodying our hand just for us...
Yeah Australia, get your finger out...

# The Colonial Period 1788-1901
# Sudan (NSW Contingent), March-June 1885
# Boer War 1899-1902
# Boxer Uprising 1900-1901
# First World War 1914-1918
The Australian Flying Corps
Gallipoli - the sources

# Second World War 1939-1945
Timor 1942
British Commonwealth Occupation Force 1946 - 1951

# Korean War 1950-1953
# Malayan Emergency 1950-1960
# Confrontation (Indonesia) 1964-1966
# Vietnam War 1962-1972
# Gulf War (Middle East) 1990-1991

That's not even mentioning the special forces support given by the Australian SAS (SASR and RAAF) since WWII, which you'll have trouble finding a comprehensive list for.

I reckon they pull their weight mate.
Awright Tex, how ye doin' mucker? Finaly got round to joinin' up. It's a no' bad wee place man. Makin' new enemies n all that pish
Tex said:
And if it wasn't for us, and the rest of Europe, and Australia, and Africa, and India, and Russia, et al. you'd be posting in Japanese.

Dude.. Shut the **** up now... Now we ALL know you're a ****ing moron... Europe didn't help at all with the Japs... Africa didn't either... India was even less of a help than Australia was, and you ****ing simps only lost 22,000 troops in the whole ****ing war!


And Only declared war on Japan in the last months of the war, and never made it close enough to even drop any ordinance!

So, YES, we did win the war in the pacific on our own... and we did it after we ****ing saved the rest of Europe... AGAIN... from a massive German onslaught!

and after all that... We had enough love to rebuild both Europe, and Japan back! You ****ing Aussies can't pry yourselves away from your beer long enough to populate the innards of you ****ing country!

Enough of this! You can sit there and poke at us all you want, but at the end of the day, you and I both know that without American might, Europe and Australia would be much ****ing different today!

Be a man... admit it! I have enough balls to admit that the French saved our asses in the revolution...

What the **** is Your ****ing problem?! No matter how high up the totem pole we seem to go, we always have enough to spread around to our cronies... Europe, Australia etc... Your actions here, and in the Geo Political world as of late are embarrasing!

Grow UP... We saved your asses... We will Likely do it again at some point, and hopefully the time comes where you can do the same for us... Don't spoil Western solidarity with envy of the worst kind... Listening to the US vs (insert Western country here) lately is like reading the ****ing cain and abel story!
hugo said:
Both sides were aided by Indians. If you win a war with France as an ally you should get double credits.

Don't forget the English not only had Indian help they also hired German Hessian mercenaries to help and still couldn't beat us.
GF Admin said:
Your not even Irish, your some pretender Poof Tex has put up to this..Dont you think your laying the accent on a little thick there Patty???? You Fake Irish WOGey Wog

He's supposed to be Scottish, from up by Glasgow somewhere.
GF Admin said:
Your not even Irish, your some pretender Poof Tex has put up to this..Dont you think your laying the accent on a little thick there Patty???? You Fake Irish WOGey Wog

What the **** are you gibbering about you ugly yank *******?

British by law, scottish by birth, Glaswegian by the grace of god.

Don't hit us wi' yer pish ya smelly gypo *******.

Wee Aryan boy. I'm white, therefore I am. Tell ye what jizz stain, if that's all you've got going for ye, you have my ****in' pity. I work with pakistanis that are clearly a ****site better than you.

And don't call me Irish you retarded ****. That's scotts, you ****in scrotum.
Well, I'm not typing in English, I'm typing in the scottish dialect. If and only if I deemed you were worthy to be able to read that **** I would maybe have translated. But your not from the commonwealth (IE the Empire)nor are you worth my time. People with any form of culture will maybe get a translation. If it's some mad soul-less, corprate shite that they're trying to pass off as culture then no.

Silence, hillbilly, your opinion is worth less than nothing.
fullauto said:
Dude.. Shut the **** up now... Now we ALL know you're a ****ing moron... Europe didn't help at all with the Japs...

Never heard of the Malaya Campaign?

Who the **** do you think built the Bridge over the River Kwai?

We were fighting the Japs when you were still keeping a low profile in yer trailer parks, ya silly *****.
Yet again you make me laugh hillbilly. Guess what we don't get in our schools.


No guns, no shootings you inbred ****. And by the way. Europe, no matter where your from, even france, has more culture than you. Glad I'm not a yank. I'd probobly top myself.
Skaterdude409 said:
thank god my ancestors left europe, the **** hole where your from

Yeah, thank God!

You can stay in yer own **** hole and practice shooting each other, so that you can shoot us better in Iraq.