Idiots are everywhere

lilmizztemper said:
Ya know...ya'll need to come to where I live fer a it is down home kinda. I live in a town with maybe 100 pple in it. everyone helps each other (of course there is a great deal of gossip) but as a whole, life is pretty simple here.

I grew up doing the small town thing. twenty years later I said "**** this". Putting up with gossip rings, constantly having nothing to do, and being around the same bunch of hicks day in and day out got WAY too ****ing old.

I go to the city and think OMG!!! what a friggen rat race....
Cool! I moved to the city and said. wow...

New people

no more driving for two hours just to get to work

picking up bread and milk now only requires 15 footsteps

no more of the one single once a year community "festival" that involves nothing more than a bunch of hicks drinking beer and kids playing in the bush or the ditch


I dont understand how people let their children run around wearing stupid **** they do...I mean ****, if I wanted to see yer boxers, Id marry ya. and the multi colored hair and piercings well parents all argue that its letting their children express themselves...yeah whatever!!

Ok, let's get rid of all the "weird" attire and force everyone to wear jackboots and grey tunics.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I grew up doing the small town thing. twenty years later I said "**** this". Putting up with gossip rings, constantly having nothing to do, and being around the same bunch of hicks day in and day out got WAY too ****ing old.

Cool! I moved to the city and said. wow...

New people

no more driving for two hours just to get to work

picking up bread and milk now only requires 15 footsteps

no more of the one single once a year community "festival" that involves nothing more than a bunch of hicks drinking beer and kids playing in the bush or the ditch


Ok, let's get rid of all the "weird" attire and force everyone to wear jackboots and grey tunics.

No one say's you have to do any of those things including giving people things to gossip about. Driving for my groceries.......doesn't bother me, just means I need to plan ahead a little bit.
Led said:
No one say's you have to do any of those things including giving people things to gossip about. Driving for my groceries.......doesn't bother me, just means I need to plan ahead a little bit.

Where I lived the only way to get people to NOT talk about you was to be an invisible shut-in
Led said:
First of all I'm a Vegan and I haven't eaten pizza in 30 years at least not the kind your talking about. I don't order carry out or go to restaurants, I prefer to prepare my own food. My credit cards stay in my day planner and I use them for emergency purposes only most of the time, but I'm really not clear why I wouldn't be able to have credit cards in a small town like you suggest. On TV I watch the news and that's it and I could do with out that, TV rots the brain, but if you didn't know satelite dishes can bring television and broadband to the most remote parts of the world now. Further more I'm a pretty self sufficient person already, I learned basic survival skills while in the boyscouts, I grew up in a rural environment so I'm 3/4 assimilated already. So what exactly was your point? Just to show that your an ignorant suburbanite, pizza ordering, Coke drinking, SUV driving(on the cell phone), beer drinking golfer like you come off as?.............................That's all I wrote was, as long as I could get a job there...WTF !

Vegans cannot survive here...its COW county lol...guess ya could grow yer own veggies course the water bill would be outlandish since it aint been raining lately...not a good idea to be a farmer!
Led said:
Couldn't have said it better myself.

By the way people in my neck of the woods are paying $1500.00 to $2000.00 a month for the same house your paying $250.00 a month for where your at.

WOW thats too bad...and I bet yer paying fer scenery??? I lived in Colo. Springs for a year HATED IT!!!! paid $950 a month for a real dump...not to mention all the police choppers hoverin round my neighborhood nightly!! I absolutely love being right where I am. I can go outside at night and look up and see a gajillion stars...breathtaking I tell ya!!
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Where I lived the only way to get people to NOT talk about you was to be an invisible shut-in

they tend to talk bout low life scum!!! or someone they dont like!! what did ya do to irritate em??
Led said:
I pick a great portion of my food from the wild when I can. Hickory nut's drop off trees by the bushel full around here. In a rural area I could easily have a spectacular garden including edibles that don't require much water to grow. Yeah, I don't tend to agree with modern day farmers and the way they deal with their animals but I pretty much mind my own business when it comes to that. That may change though some day, maybe not we'll see.

but what do ya mean about how they deal with their animals??? we got like over 800 head cattle here and well none of em go hungry, but yeah they DO gett branded and bulls DO get their nuts cuts...but they all seem pretty happy :)
Led said:
We live right outside Chicago, it can get pretty country pretty quick as you drive away from it. A friend and I though used to drive a few hours into Iowa occasionally on a warm summer night, park in the middle of a farm road and look at those gajillion stars your talking about.

I tell ya...its absolutely beeeeautiful :D
Led said:
I just mean they're not just raising them to graze in the pasture for the rest of their lives like I would, they're probably either going to go to slaughter or the dairy, then slaughter.

I just don't go along with that thinking. I don't use animal products in any form.

well millions of people who DO use animal products depend on us!! Im not judging you in any way...I do respect your veginity :D We send our to feeders. Actually my dad is a cattle buyer/broker so hes doing the dirty work for the BIGGER companies. When ya work around em an all theres many you cant WAIT to see go to the slaughterhouse...especially the damned heifer that took me fer one HELL of a ride!!! bout broke my damned neck too. There are many beef eaters who do depend on us out here to provide them with their prime rib I tell ya. My daughters are wanting to buy a calf and raise it and keep it there are a few lucky ones ya see...
I lost the topic of this thread after reading through it... All I got was, Hicks drinking beer, cows shitting on stuff and something about astronomy...

I'm sure this thread could have been a little less idiotic :p.

I would say that no matter where you go there will be idiots, there will be rich and poor, black and white, etc etc etc... I think that the spawning of idiots is borne of their own ignorance andlack of tolerance.

Just because you live in the country, farm, live "outdoorsy" and all naturesque does not mean you are a better eco-citizen then someone who lives in the city. You said yourself Lilmizztemper you drive a big honking Ford pickup (f-150 was it?) probably with the 5.1 litre hemi-powered engine right?
farming is one of the most ecologically destructive activities in the world... sure it's getting better with new inovations of 'safe' chemical fertilizers, but once you have surpassed the small quarter-acre family only organic farm (for personal use) you are finding a need for more chemicals, more water, more machinery etc.. But on the whole I would tend to say that those living in the country live a different, not better, but different life than the city-slickers.

Thing with living in the city is that, having all those amenities so incredibly close by you can virtually eliminate that dreaded comute time. I can walk to my grocer's, convenience store, laundromat, and I can bike to the train station (but i don't hehe). This eliminates said "need for the huge SUV" (which by the way I guarantee is better on gas then any pickup) and the excess wasting of gas that we supposedly do in the city. Yeah there is gangs in the city, but don't be so naive to think that what happens in nearby cities doesn't affect the countryside surrounding it. Everything is relative... You come to the city and see the roads jam packed with SUV's and all these gas guzzling commuters and you complain, come back out to the country and breathe the air and say "Ahhh nice no more SUV's!!!". Think about this though... all that packing of people together is because it is convenient for them, a million people in a city is going to look worse than 1000 in the country. Take everyone that lives rurally with you and put them all in one place confined around a main drag. bet you'd see how crowded the country really is then.

The city is not all bad. The convenience and easy feeling of living here is nice. Feel small? get over yourself and go meet some people, lol, the city is only big and scary if you let yourself get intimidated.

Its all a matter of opinion, I have lived in the country and in the city, I love them both for their totally polar opposite attributes.

The next time - lilmizztemper - that you want to bash the city-slickers and complain about the 2 steps tot he grocery store and yadda yadda yadda, just remember who is buying all your beef so that you can drive your fancy truck... That should give you a new-found respect for them.

FORD DONT MAKE HEMI!!! Yes darlin...PowerStroke is a reference to Ford engine...not something you do when lookin at nudie pix on the net late at night!!! I said it was a F-350 (big ****in difference)!!!


What the HELL do city folks need 4WD SUV's for??? do them paved city streets get a little muddy for ya??? PANSIES!! Half of ya even know how to control the damn things...and end up rolling em when driving on ice cuz ya think 4WD drives can drive 75 on a 65mph road covered with ice.

ALSO....I HAVE lived in Colorado Springs for a year...hated it...Grocery store was a supposed 5 minute drive but STILL took 20 minutes in the heavy carazy traffic!!! I would just as soon drive 20 minutes of nothing than sit in bumper to bumper traffic getting cut off all the damned time!

One more thing to add...I aint a farmer idiot!!! Im a rancher...we dont grow anything BUT feed for our cattle and we DAMNED sure dont use chemicals...that would kill the cattle. You city people would be **** out of luck tryin to raise yer OWN damned beef and crops...yeah some could get away with it but most of ya just run down to the nearest fast food joint to grab a burger and fries...but OH ****!!! where did that beef come from for yer burger??? and the taters fer yer damned fries?????
oh yeah I forgot this one....the thing about the water!!! Yeah we are seriously deprived of water out here in Eastern Colorado...the reason being this.

As the city folks on the Front Range continue to build and the entire front range becomes one enormous Metro area...they are taking the water that comes down from the mountains and fills our rivers! We no longer HAVE rivers. But that does NOT seem to be a problem for the idiots who think they gotta have a super green lawn at any cost. Then they BITCH because there are put on water restrictions. We use water for our cattle and our crops. Ranchers and farmers are losing everything they have worked for so some moron can have a nice green lawn and a pretty house with a pretty view of the mountains!!! Yeah I hate the city and I always will. No one knows what the hell common sense is anymore.
Ok ms. temper. I wasn't trying to offend you, like i said in my other post it's personal preference. You may be happy being knee deep in cow pies all day and no traffic, no problems basically right? cuz the country is perfect!! AHH!! lovely...

Alright, for you this is the life... Here is what i like in life. Not making just enough to get by, driving a jaguar to the train station every morning (theres no traffic on the train tracks in our town), working for a large company that offers benefits, way better than 10 an fact so good that it's not hourly, it's yearly salary. I get company picnics, galas, charity auctions, free lunches, a blackberry etc... I can't describe all the perks because there are so many.

It's nice that you are a hard working, decent, honest person making their living (not a drug dealer, pimp or welfare collector...the latter is the worst of all) I very, very highly regard people that make a living with their hands. Im a little bit of a carpentry and landscaping buff myself.. But I need money. I want as much money as I can get before i retire at the ripe old age of 50!

I want to be able to pay for all my childrens educations, put some trust funds in action for them... nowhere else, unless you own your own company, can you make as much money as you can in the BIG CITY.

I sit on a trading floor surrounded by as much money within 50 metres of me as the GDP of Albania (i dont really know what the number is, but there is a fair chunk of cash on the desk).

I am kind of waiting for someone to come back on this thread and rip off the fact that I am a materialistic piece of crap...I AM!! so much so it's scary.

I don't think there is anyone honestly, who doesn't want to make as much money as possible doing what they do.

Maybe I don't "love my job" but I don't think anyone does...that's why it's called a job. I just looked for a job that paid me enough money so that I can retire and keep myself firmly planted in the city..
maybe even move a little farther in! And above and beyond all, as long as I am working here, I can afford to go anywhere and do anything I want. In fact... Maybe i'll fly to New York and enjoy some of your fine beef products!