If I Were In A Band This Is What I'd Write

Im a one man talking to a one man nodding
I dont think hes listening but i love the nodding
it gives me a great rush of euphoria
to tell ones man another mans story yer
this was the story im a telling
no need to clome close i'll be yelling!

I got off the grand central line
spied across the road and caught eye
of a ticket officer giving me a parking fine!
i let go ran and gave an all mighty sigh
I yelled out 'Stop that car is myn'
she said 'Tough Luck Go To Mummy And Cry'
So i procceded to do what i got taught to do
I gave her the biggest stare you ever do see
though im not quite sure what it was meant to do
it did nothing why wasnt it taught me
what i weant to do in this kind of situation
now she thinks i got something up there
shes got the glove O no colon irrigation
better scadaddle
better dog paddle
better ride the saddel
better scadaddle
I didnt get away no sir
I got brutally violated by her
she shoved it up n everything turned a blur
she pulled something out and said 'sir?'
i turned around and looked at her
and she looked back and said

Whatcha got that up there for
n i said 'what the hell is that' i dun know anymore
she said it was a telephone pole
and i said no its clearly lasts weeks toilet role!
wrapped round something i wanted get at
with the toilet paper o damn ur hand u should wash that
she ran of screaming and i tell you something
i got away with that parking fine n i payed nothing
i guess that stare really did help me something

So thats my story i wanted to tell
please do pass it on
maybe a story to lead others to rebel
by then i will be long gone
as im the ass man who lives in the hotel
the hotel babylon!
Its not got cool to do music anymore
i gotta write a piece of art
find the write note key and score
but hell i dont know where to start
took a pen and a piece of paper
do a conceptial album about a dude who wanted to rape her
or do one about cancer, gods awnser or even a failed hollywood dancer
Got to make it whitty, tight and clever
must never write a hook again not ever
because that means its just a simple pop endevour

Gotta get respect gotta get it
Gotta be resepected o respected
o no o no o no
its another hook
now my name is going in the sell out book

Maybe i should cut off my ear
or do a song about the one i hold dear
do a song bout a girl who left me
or about the endless struggels of the pizza stain on my setee
sit down and write a masterpiece
maybe i should write one bout my weird neighbour petrice
gotaa have a meaning
gotta have a meaning no!
I just wanna write a stupid hook and hear the women go

Oooo baby
I love you baby
I see you baby
I wanted u lately

ah oh
gots to go
to the disco
and got to show
im down to go
can get real low
time to show
show the flow
at the indie disco

Played the harp it didnt work
played the kazoo it didnt work
played the cat and that didnt work
nothing is experimental anymore
so all i want to do now is write a damn fine score

ah oh
gots to go
to the disco
and got to show
im down to go
can get real low
time to show
show the flow
at the indie disco

I said

ah oh
gots to go
to the disco
and got to show
im down to go
can get real low
time to show
show the flow
at the indie disco

Maybe i can get myself a pizza
maybe i can get myself an awnser
i dunno but i want something meat
to sit down on my seat
wait what does this all mean
all i know this is a catchy number, and im mean

ah oh
gots to go
to the disco
and got to show
im down to go
can get real low
time to show
show the flow
at the indie disco
Oh well, Matt how you come up with stuff like this is still beyond me! Haha It's certainly a funny reading, I liked the pizza stain on the setee, lol. These are funny and impressive to me since I could never write like this so, yeah good job there mate! (Wow that sounded so British ^^) :D

GO MAKE A RECORD OUT OF THESE I'M TELLIN YOU!!! But you never listen...:p
OMG that guy's mind works faster than I could possibly imagine!!! During our convo tonight I gave him simple words and he came up with lyrics in less than 1 minute!! JESUS!!! Yeah I'm talking about Matt, that's right... I'm amazed... For example... I told him something about an umbrella and he wrote this...

they say it rains up north makes people upset, dont u dear put the umbrella up it might just get wet and this guy i once met spoke to me in a down tone he procceded to sit talk n moan he then looked at me n i heard a groan/ o no no no no no not another day not another day/ showers plauge the skies of the english weather off to abroad we go come heather we need to escape the english weather/ we flew off to spain but the sitting down cause my legs to go threw such pain as a blood begun to clot my vain i rand around in symetrics i sure as hell hope i can find the paremedics

Then I told him "brb" and he wrote this:

I was having the most interesting coversation for years/ i was braught to laughter and later braught to tears/ i didnt know it then but i sure how knew later/ i had to say something that might just irritate her/ oh my god i have something to say/ something to say which might ruin your day/ be right back be right back/ i think i have a pain in my back/ or i really just need to hit the sack/ this noice outside is driving me wack/ my best friend is on the phone his name is jack/ so i totally forgot about her/ i stayed out all night my face started growing furt/ when i made it back to the desktop computer/ i looked at my buddy list and could no longer see her/ saw a message that said **** u/ she blocked me now what am i meant to do

About cereal:

i think i have seen it all/ now time to grabe me a bowl of cereal/ i got a packet of frosties/ got the cups for my faviroute teas/ dont understand why i got the cereal at all/ its midnight and this coffee i got is tall/ im gonna be up all night now/ but damn it insomia will help me it shall

And cigarettes:

I took a toke on the very first cigarette/ and now im left sitting here in total regret/ one by the hour every hour/ one after my very first shower/ sitting here in the basment/ wondering where all my money went/ burning away the ashes appear/ addiction keys up and kicks into firth gear/ it eats at u like a plauge/ the reasson i do it is all but vauge/ in need of another in need of another/ suckin on it like i need it like no other/ so i sat here in my chair wondering/ thinking along wondering and pondering/ why am i inhaling away/ surley this is the way im gonna loose sight of day

Wow Matt...well done mate...:thumbsup:
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words

We dropped the line off at the corner store
we never even quite knew what we even saw
we went by the floor and didnt quite know the score
we were just shown the god damned door
we hit the sound of the ground like we did before
we hit ourselfs so damned hard on that god damned floor
we never had enough we just always wanted more
we thought we had enough but it turns out we knew no score

Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words

we thought we got away but we were stopped by the shore
we didnt quite know why but we wanted to know more
we hit the brick we hit brick wall n floor
we thought we could learn but learn no more
we just hit that god damned door
we wanted to know we wanted to know the score
we were just all a massive learning whoare

Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
I had the car but not the gas
I had the need but not the want
I had the many things but had nothing
I had the ticket but didnt get the entry
I had the crash but didnt have the accident
I had the food but didnt have the meal
I had the people but didnt have to company
I had the reassoning but not the reasson
I had the logic but not the understanding
I had the chance but not the opputunity

The clock ticks to the beat of the world
My life revolves around this
It revolves around everything
but most imprtantly it dont revolve around myself
do i have control?
I dont think so
but we love to believe
so why do i not believe
i guess im not just the type
to pull the blinds over my eyes
not the type that belives more happens after one dies
not the one to believe what i consider to be lies
the clock ticks to the beat of the world
and i dont think im relevant
I had the car but not the gas
I had the need but not the want
I had the many things but had nothing
I had the ticket but didnt get the entry
I had the crash but didnt have the accident
I had the food but didnt have the meal
I had the people but didnt have to company
I had the reassoning but not the reasson
I had the logic but not the understanding
I had the chance but not the opputunity
Looking into the mirror and it reflects
the oppputunities i missed
the what i could of been or shoulda been
but even if see myself
even if know what i should of been
I dont seem to ever want to
change the fact
im not who i want to be
not who i really am
not the person i would like to know
shatterd poetry and shatterd dreams
I never understood what life means
as closer death leans
I had the car but not the gas
I had the need but not the want
I had the many things but had nothing
I had the ticket but didnt get the entry
I had the crash but didnt have the accident
I had the food but didnt have the meal
I had the people but didnt have to company
I had the reassoning but not the reasson
I had the logic but not the understanding
I had the chance but not the opputunity
I didnt know myself what i did wrong
others did but thats just fact
you dont understand me if i dont understand myself
but you think u do
I dont understand where im comming from
but u think u know but u got it all wrong
i try to make sense with this road map
lost in the laines
look for an escape
look for a release
never to late for a change of life
but for some reasson i'd rather not
how can i be me if i dont know
if i dont know what is really me
for all those others to see
but i guess it may never be
I had the car but not the gas
I had the need but not the want
I had the many things but had nothing
I had the ticket but didnt get the entry
I had the crash but didnt have the accident
I had the food but didnt have the meal
I had the people but didnt have to company
I had the reassoning but not the reasson
I had the logic but not the understanding
I had the chance but not the opputunity
Colour me blue
colour me pink
colour me red
colour me yellow
I will never say hello

No matter how u dress me
no matter how u adress me
i will always be who i am
i will always be what i always was
not never be what i never was
keep going the route i was always going
no turning point on the street im flowing
threw the woods and threw the streets
threw the oceans and threw the deserts
I will always be one thing
one thing only
and thats me

Colour me blue
colour me pink
colour me red
colour me yellow
I will never say hello

Shaken up like a milkshake shaker
being hit in the head with a rock braker
I turned to the left of me
of which i saw nothing i wanted to see
played up to long living expectation
that did seem to help my relation
grew in stature n poise
now i stood up n made noice
only to be knocked back down
now im made to look like the clown

Colour me blue
colour me pink
colour me red
colour me yellow
I will never say hello

Never enough
its just never enough
for me or u
for me or u
i do what i want not as u do
Okay, I like these (the two i read)

1st one: I really like how you put your emotions into words, thats great cause some people who write song lyrics cant do that in which case they end up suckkkkyyy.

2nd one: I really really like this one. I love the resilient voice in it, how you Wont change no matter what. Extremely good!!!!
Took a hard left on the fith avenue
pretty birds pretty trees
the birds sang as did the bees
i looked outside the window looking past
looking past the time i once had
this may be better for me but it sure aint
it may better for me but it sure aint
the place.....
i once....
called home

Stuck to the place i once called home
u cant scrape me off im a barnicle
so u know what they all say
it will all be better another day
o is it true what they say?
that it will all be better another day

I got myself a blank canvas
got myself a brand new paint brush
but i cant paint nothin
I look back at the wall
look at the pictures n i cant feel them anymore
trying to create new picture to feel
but i aint never gonna feel them at all

banging my head against the wall
asking myself to let myself in
asking myself to come out and play
but i never knew myself what would happen
what would happen the next day
smells clean and looks sheen
but this means absaloutly nothing to me

Why is it that
i say that
i feel that
i will never be never be me again
cut at the roots
thrown in a bucket
i will never be allowed to grow again
Awww thanks I appriciate the sweet comments u two MWAH!

I looked into the dephs of the ocean
I looked at just about everything
I thought I knew it all
But that just show i need to know more
I could have my brain emptied the next day
and still not know what i didnt already know

And I still didnt know what i didnt already know
And I still didnt know what i didnt already know

Like a light snow caught in a breeze
aims wonderlessly threw the air
as if I should really care
as if I should really care
I didnt know exactly what to share
I didnt know exactly how i would fair
I took all the fruit from the fruit basket
but still wasnt satisfied
I took it all I took it all
but i still only felt 2 inches tall
I hit the floor when i aimed for the celling
does that sound at all appealing?
I dropped all my damned oranges
in the mans breifcase
and he never came back
I guess i lost em all

I guess i lost em all......
I guess i lost em all DAMN

I lost it all but found it all
stood up and shouted tall
I will never again take that fall
cause I now know what to do
but nevew knew before
i take a stand yell

Well well well u see the man
the man gives u a stare
and u know its not fair
u step back run for ur oranges
u charge at the man with all ur oranges
u charee and hit
u hit
u hit
u hit the damned mirror
u just hit the god damn mirror
I say u just hit the god damned mirror
I will be your friend in need
I will have your back
I will tell you how to get over it

Cause im the psycyatrist
Cause im the psycyatrist
Cause im the psycyatrist *evil laugh*

I will be your friend in need
if you feed me that chicken feed
i'll be your best friend indeed
but you fail to feed me the chicken feed
i will chew u up n spit u out like sunflower seed

Cause im the pyscyatrist
I know what you need
Cause im the psycyatrist
I will have ur back indeed
Cause im the psycyatrist
the right direction i'll leed

I'll tell u where to go
As long as you know
that im not your foe
i need a living i do care what u need
as long as u feed me that chicken feed
but if you do not pay
i'll not give you the time of day
i will no longer care what you say

Cause im the pyscyatrist
I know what you need
Cause im the psycyatrist
I will have ur back indeed
Cause im the psycyatrist
the right direction i'll leed

i will sit you down n make u fill swell
I will tell u all that i need to tell
I will listen to when in life u fell
but listen to me well....
if you feed me that chicken feed
i'lll treat you with need
but dont n spit u like seed
pull u out like some unwanted weed
no longer i will lead

Cause im the pyscyatrist
I know what you need
Cause im the psycyatrist
I will have ur back indeed
Cause im the psycyatrist
the right direction i'll leed

Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words

We dropped the line off at the corner store
we never even quite knew what we even saw
we went by the floor and didnt quite know the score
we were just shown the god damned door
we hit the sound of the ground like we did before
we hit ourselfs so damned hard on that god damned floor
we never had enough we just always wanted more
we thought we had enough but it turns out we knew no score

Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words

we thought we got away but we were stopped by the shore
we didnt quite know why but we wanted to know more
we hit the brick we hit brick wall n floor
we thought we could learn but learn no more
we just hit that god damned door
we wanted to know we wanted to know the score
we were just all a massive learning whoare

Big words dont have to be big words to be big words
Big words dont have to be big words to be big words

i like this one LOTS
We would all say our hellos and goodbyes
all I ever wanted to know is what you knew
all you ever wanted to know is what I know
you wanted to know the feelings i would never show

people that know me know me too well
people that know me know me too well

I was the person you loved but didnt quite know
we all knew that the world would fall
but I would rather that then tell you more
this relationship isn't 50/50 at all
the people I know arent really who I know
the people I love are the people I know
but I didnt know them at all
so I guess I loved no one at all

One thing forever bothers me
and it wasnt clear for others to see
its the people that know me know me to well
and I will stick by that till i go to hell

Its the book you baught with pages missing
its the film you watched with sound distrorted
im the scratched record
im the chewed up tape
missing pieces of the jigsaw
emotions being pulled by a runaway rickshaw
You thought u knew but u need to know more
but my emotions will never wash up on shore

One thing forever bothers me
and it wasnt clear for others to see
its the people that know me know me to well
and I will stick by that till i go to hell
I once felt inspired to do nothing about something which i once did nothing about which was actually something so i guess i did nothing bout something that needed to be done at all
So we took the jar and sealed it up tightly never meant to screw it on so tightly we couldnt get back o why couldnt we get back in i guess we never wanted to tighten it so tightly that we would loose sight ever so slightly so i guess we never wanted to tighten it at all.
So we took back that shot only thing we once forgot was we didnt wanna drink so we guess we all forgot so we took down the shot n swiftly soon forgot we never wated to drink at all.
so We queued up ever so paitently but so irrationly we never wanted wait impaitently yet we waited paitently without being paitent so i guess we should never of queued at all.
So We walked down the street making use of our own two feet to meet on the street of which we arranged to meet but we didnt realise is that the street we arranged to meet never existed at all.... it just never existed at all
So we stole the apples from the apple store we just didnt need any more but we took somemore from the apple store n started an apple war where we even kept the score which it took place in the apple store but we didnt need any more so i guess we shouldnt of taken the apples at all
I once rented a movie that starred bon jovi not actually realising i never liked bon jovi so i took back the movie yelled at the clerk it starred bon jovi and he just looked at me n said.... so u should never of rented that movie at all
I shouldnt of done it all
I guess i and we shouldnt of done it at all