If women ruled the World..

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
They have no weewees at all, and for that they overcompensate. I think Freud called it "Penis Envy".

Only when trapped in teh woods on a cold night and a need for peepee arises :p Otherwise you all can keep your peepers. I don't think to many women envy the ugliest piece of flesh ever created by god/biology/whatever (the BALLSACK) Who would envy that?
"Penis envy"? LOL that said from a man who does not know the advantages of being a woman. A joke I was told "After God was done creating earth he called Adam and Eve and told them he had gifts for whoever chose to have them; the ability of peeing standing up. Adam said "Oh that would be so useful for me, that way I can be able to see all the animals while I'm naming them. Oooh I want that!!!" So Eve said fine. When Adam got his gift he got the urge to pee so he ran off to see how it works. Then God told Eve well since he picked that I guess I'll give you multiple orgasms.
LOL Im sorry Im horrible at telling jokes and it seemed funnier to me when they told it to me.

Anyway I dont think there would be much of a difference. Being "sensitive" will not get you in a position where you would rule a country. The baddest bitches are the ones who would be ruling. And if it was me, I will **** up whatever bitch comes and messes with my beautiful country! You have to admit women take things more personal. There are exceptions to every rule but in general that's the way it is. It is really easy to say "No, poor people. Don't bomb them" but your kindness is gonna get your ass delt with because your an easy target to all those insensitive people. "let's talk and be rational" They are not rational and will not talk....so you have to deal with them in ways they DO understand. (Im gonna get my head bit off..lol)
Hey Vaness,you weren't here for us to wish you a happy birthday,so I say it now.

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Thank You AIG!!! :D
I woke up and Im suddenly 21 and just like that Im considered an adult!!! funny thing I dont feel a bit different, no tingly sensation no nothing. :confused: But it was good, would have been better if I wasn't pregnant and could party my ass off. Im being healthy right now for my baby so. Healthy fun it is :p
tizz said:
Only when trapped in teh woods on a cold night and a need for peepee arises :p Otherwise you all can keep your peepers. I don't think to many women envy the ugliest piece of flesh ever created by god/biology/whatever (the BALLSACK) Who would envy that?

Kinda funny how it is considered very ugly yet they want it so bad these days. And super-sized as well.
tizz said:
Hey now, I have purposely left my own answer out of the thread. How do you know how I think? I simply posing a challenge here. If oyu have ever taken a basic ethics class this was part of the study of male/female perspective. NO ONE on teh PLAANET thinks quite like me. Again, this is not about the answer to the question but the process of forming that answer and what path you get to the answer. Both genders will often come to the same conclusion, but a lot more factors into a woman's answer.

hmmm sorry tizz if i mis-read your flow.

I thought you implied women in power would make a difference and handle a situation better than men.

tizz said:
Only when trapped in teh woods on a cold night and a need for peepee arises :p Otherwise you all can keep your peepers. I don't think to many women envy the ugliest piece of flesh ever created by god/biology/whatever (the BALLSACK) Who would envy that?

Oh Tizz...how could you?

Afterall, women LOVE our ball sacks and our nuts even if like you, they don't admit it.

You love the swagger in our walk that comes from that ball sack! It's what attracted you to us in the first place.

You love the definition of our bodies and the strength we possess that comes from that ball sack.

You love the depth of our voices that comes from that ball sack.

You love the clean musky scent we exude just after a shower and during sex that comes from that ball sack.

You love our rock hard ****s that come from that ball sack.

You love our bravado, our protective nature, our overdeveloped sense of self-worth, our spontaneous creativity, and our limitless capacity to think that we can conquer the world, which comes from that ball sack.

You love the beautiful children of which although only you can bear, (a gift in its own right), you cannot create those children without our ball sacks.

Face it. You love our ball sacks and rightly so. They are one of the things that so clearly define who and what we are as men and you love that about us!

As to women ruling the world...I have no problem with that concept...Maybe someday.
Matriarchal societies are the very reason why we don't still live in holes in the ground and grunt like apes, but that's a whole other topic.

The humanoid male scrotum is one of the weirdest biological devices I have ever seen, and I have one, so I feel fully qualified to comment.

Touch it, and it moves. It's weird man. Fall ill, and it looks so sad. Miss out on sex for a while, and it lets you know all about it. I mean, if there is a god, he's just as bent as I am. :eek:
builder said:
Matriarchal societies are the very reason why we don't still live in holes in the ground and grunt like apes, but that's a whole other topic.

The humanoid male scrotum is one of the weirdest biological devices I have ever seen, and I have one, so I feel fully qualified to comment.

Touch it, and it moves. It's weird man. Fall ill, and it looks so sad. Miss out on sex for a while, and it lets you know all about it. I mean, if there is a god, he's just as bent as I am. :eek:

LMAO Finally a man who is willing to admit the otrocity that is the ballsack.. I mean WTF??? My best friend and I have spent some time discussing it trying to figure out what's up with that thing. Go down and that thing has the ability to turn a girl off faster than teh lights went out in NYC in the summer of '77
tizz said:
LMAO Finally a man who is willing to admit the otrocity that is the ballsack.. I mean WTF??? My best friend and I have spent some time discussing it trying to figure out what's up with that thing. Go down and that thing has the ability to turn a girl off faster than teh lights went out in NYC in the summer of '77


I'll take my beautiful ball sack any day in comparison to those nasty ***** lips!


What is it with those things anyway? I've been around some that could qualify as wings, and others that were so non-existant as to make a 40 year old women appear to be a prepubescent teen...Nasty nasty nasty... :eek:

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At least that sack is bald and not all wrinkled up. I mean either grow hair or don't, and at least the lips are (at least in my case) hidden behind a nice fur coat ;)
Funny stuff!!!!! However nobody has yet touched on the other obvious flaw that would undoubtedly be the undoing of any globally enjoyed bliss that could result from a matriarchal social structure............come on you know where I'm going with this................that friend of the femme that comes to visit every month. The emotional turmoil that would change all of the sensitive and careing women in power into blood thirsty vengeful demons would surely lead to the destruction of the planet via nuclear devastation.
PMS is a killer, and should always be feared if not respected.
OmegaManiac said:
Funny stuff!!!!! However nobody has yet touched on the other obvious flaw that would undoubtedly be the undoing of any globally enjoyed bliss that could result from a matriarchal social structure............come on you know where I'm going with this................that friend of the femme that comes to visit every month. The emotional turmoil that would change all of the sensitive and careing women in power into blood thirsty vengeful demons would surely lead to the destruction of the planet via nuclear devastation.
PMS is a killer, and should always be feared if not respected.

Exactly OM(late edit). That is why the best of the matriarchal societies had females as heads of state, and males as movers and shakers. Makes sense to this bloke.

The Peace Maker travelled among the Iroquois for many years, spreading his message of peace, unity and the power of the good mind. Oral history says that it may have taken him forty some years to reach everyone. Born of a Huron woman who was still a virgin, the Peace Maker, grew rapidly and one day announced that he had to journey forth to deliver a message from the Creator. He selected a white stone canoe to carry him to the Iroquois as proof of the power of his message. But he was met with much skepticism and the men that he came across refused to listen to him. After Jikohnsaseh rejuvenated his spirit, he continued and was able to persuade fifty leaders to receive his message. He gathered them together and recited the passages of the Great Law of Peace. He assigned duties to each of the leaders. To honor the role of Jikohnsaseh, he selected women as the Clan Mothers, to lead the family clans and select the male chiefs.

Women were given the right to the chief's titles and the power to remove dissident chiefs. Jikohnsaseh, by hearing of her actions, taught me to respect women and honor their role. Women are the connection to the earth and have the responsibility for the future of the nation. Men will want to fight. Women know the true price of war and must encourage the chiefs to seek a peaceful resolution.

So very ****ing true.

tizz said:
LMAO Finally a man who is willing to admit the otrocity that is the ballsack.. I mean WTF??? My best friend and I have spent some time discussing it trying to figure out what's up with that thing. Go down and that thing has the ability to turn a girl off faster than teh lights went out in NYC in the summer of '77

It's not an atrocity tizzy. After all, you were swimming around inside one once. LOL

The reason why our gonads are hanging there is to cool down the situation. You lasses have your gonads hiding way up inside.
Yall wouldnt know what to do if you had that sorta power.
And why is the anatomy of both sexes coming up anyways, no one complains when they all "MEET"....Who cares after a while what the **** looks like..all functions the same...