IF you could have anything you wanted for Christmas what would it be...

RoyalOrleans said:
What do I want?

Let's see... to personally bust a cap in Osama Bin Laden's skinny ass.
I'd LOVE to see that happen. Then I'd finish the job by nuking the remains straight back to his Islamic Hell. :D :D
I'm happy with my car, house, wife, kids etc...so...

...if we're talking ANYTHING...not just practical things:

1. For Islam to disappear from the world in an instant. :D

2. For enough money to quit my job and travel the world with my family for the rest of my life, opening aid centres like orphanages and hospitals in places that need them. Winning over everyone to our christian, western ideals through kindness. We're talking a completely obscene amount of money here... ;)
Tori Allen

That's a sweet price for a top condition NSX - you guys get cheap wheels in the US. A guy who works for my old man bought an NSX new around 92/93, and paid over $100,000 for it - closer to $120,000 if memory serves...Aussie dollars of course....probably around $90,000 equivalent in US currency.
I'm healthy, my son is healthy, I'm good.

Material wise, I'd like a man to sit on my couch and tell me everything I want to hear. Nothing else.

Immaterial, I have 1/2 of my sanity back so this is this best holiday I'm going to have in the past 10 years.
manicmonday said:
I'm healthy, my son is healthy, I'm good.

Material wise, I'd like a man to sit on my couch and tell me everything I want to hear. Nothing else.

Immaterial, I have 1/2 of my sanity back so this is this best holiday I'm going to have in the past 10 years.

Hear Hear on the man on the couch...
If you find a good discount source that gift wraps, please let me know...
Lethalfind said:
IF you could have anything you wanted for Christmas what would it be...

And I don't necessarily mean something you can buy at the mall.

Mum and Dad


at my Christmas table.

For even just an hour.

Mum and Dad


at my Christmas table.

For even just an hour.

This is post of the day in my book.
I pray that in some way you will know they are with you on that day.
Thanks guys.

I was pretty lucky. Had some great folks and wonderful holidays. Just didn't get enough of them! (I'm a greedy pig)

This Xmas Santa is going to bring me Bose QuietComfort
I would like to spend Christmas curled up with my friend in Texas, in front of roaring fire (we're short on that here in florida), talking, watching Diane play with her toys. No large groups of people, not alot of commotion and a reasonably small meal or maybe go out for dinner.
I feel safe when I'm with him, like he can handle anything that comes down the pike. I'm tired of always being on gaurd, always ready to suck it up when something goes wrong. I'm tired of being independent...
Lethalfind said:
I'm tired of always being on gaurd, always ready to suck it up when something goes wrong. I'm tired of being independent...

VERY well put, so beautifully sad. That really strikes a chord here. I think its a symptome of being love-lorne for too long. :eek:

I think me and you should have a suicide pact that we'll get somebody decent in the next month or off ourselves! (Just kidding :) )
eisanbt said:
VERY well put, so beautifully sad. That really strikes a chord here. I think its a symptome of being love-lorne for too long. :eek:

I think me and you should have a suicide pact that we'll get somebody decent in the next month or off ourselves! (Just kidding :) )

I guess I'm a little down because I'm bored and you know how it is...The holidays make me that way sometimes.