Ignorance...Slomming Commercial


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005

Im sure you have all seen this commercial. Its the Anti-Drug Commercial with the fictional act of Slomming. I post this ifilm not for the commercial but for the ignorance of people in their view of drugs. I get the point the point of this commercial. The fact is that Teenage kids will do what everybody else is doing. 30 years ago it was cigarettes, now its weed, in the commercial its SLOMming. The commercial served its purpose in getting peoples attention. The ignorance of the viewers, especially the one that posted that marijuana isnt bad for you. Also another post about how alcohol is so much worse. Alcohol and Cigarettes are worse, but that doesnt make marijuana an less bad for you. These views are on of the many reasons this country has a drug problem.
enlighten us oh guru of wisdom, just how is marijuana so bad for you?

you have given us no examples of why you think it's so bad, and i for one won't take you serious unless you give me some of your own personal reasons of why it's so bad (and NOT a cut-drop from a site)
Marijuana is bad, from a person to person standpoint, in excess like everything else. In moderation it isnt. It is the worst for people that spend all of thier money on it. Furthermore, lets look at the countries that it comes from. It is destroying their economy. I had a friend from colombia who told me how drugs affect his country. The major cartels run the country, the legitimate economy cant thrive because of the seperate illegal economy. The Cartels stay rich, and the poor stay poor and there is no way out of it because of the drugs. In the US, travel to "the wrong side of the tracks" in any major city, and open your eyes, you will see what drugs are doing. Yes, the major problem is the "worse" drugs however, i beleive that marijuana is a gateway drug, not from a chemical standpoint, but from a social standpoint, if you hang around with people that smoke weed, you will find people that do worse drugs, and hey weed is easy why not try cocaine or heroine.

Also from a health standpoint, it is proven that brain function is changed over long term use of marijuana. As shown on this website http://www.pbs.org/wnet/closetohome/science/html/gateway.html
dshogan1 said:
Marijuana is bad, from a person to person standpoint, in excess like everything else. In moderation it isnt. It is the worst for people that spend all of thier money on it. Furthermore, lets look at the countries that it comes from. It is destroying their economy. I had a friend from colombia who told me how drugs affect his country. The major cartels run the country, the legitimate economy cant thrive because of the seperate illegal economy. The Cartels stay rich, and the poor stay poor and there is no way out of it because of the drugs. In the US, travel to "the wrong side of the tracks" in any major city, and open your eyes, you will see what drugs are doing. Yes, the major problem is the "worse" drugs however, i beleive that marijuana is a gateway drug, not from a chemical standpoint, but from a social standpoint, if you hang around with people that smoke weed, you will find people that do worse drugs, and hey weed is easy why not try cocaine or heroine.

Also from a health standpoint, it is proven that brain function is changed over long term use of marijuana. As shown on this website http://www.pbs.org/wnet/closetohome/science/html/gateway.html

ok, i agree with everything but gateway drug and brain affects, everything else was very valid and a good point (the social not chemical gateway drug thing was good, but i just don't think you WILL end up doing harder drugs, that's a choice, but yes, you will meet those people)

as for the brain affects, it's THC attaching to fatty cells (brain is mostly fat) and stimulating release of specific chemicals, it covers the cells suposedly causing long-term depression and dependency, BUT, THC will over time detach itself from your brain and get flushed down the toilet, so it does change the way your brain works, but not permenently.

in a nutshell, i dont agree with every little thing, but here's some rep.
OK I'm gonna have to call bullshit on this post.

Through my own personal experience, I do not know a single person who has ever started on weed and went to harder drugs.

I do however know people who do hard drugs and do weed every once in a while.

The thing about these people, is if you ask them if they can get a bag of "DOPE", the first thought in their head, is NOT on marijuana, it's usually METH.

I guess I lost track somewhere... probably in the 90's, when "DOPE" started meaning tweak instead of weed.

But anyways, if a tweaker or other hard substance abuser uses weed, it's only because they don't have the harder drug... But, in contrast, if a stoner switches to something hard, then weed is NOT giving them the buzz that they want.

It isn't because it isn't giving them that "HIGH" anymore.

I don't believe in GATEWAY DRUGS at all. They are a myth, and the article you linked to even says this plain as day..

Whether there is such a thing as a gateway drug is still very controversial

I know people who have been stoners for almost as long as I have been born, and they would never even THINK of using heavy drugs. These same people rarely use alcohol either.

I know my personal experience does not speak for the entire population, but then, the article you posted had no proof to the contrary, only a theory.

Other then that, the only thing I will say about weed is it will make you dumber and lazy... but quit doing it, and you might see a whole new world around you.

As long as you differentiate between the real world and the STONED world, you won't become an absolute piece of **** bum.

Stoned on the weekend with a couple days off... good idea...

Stoned while on break.... bad idea...

Although, I can show many studies that would indicate being stoned on the job increases productivity.

I know a dude that worked at one of the factories I used to...

He used to get stoned before work, and during his lunch break... He would actually smell like weed and have deep red bloodshot eyes.. we all witnessed the guy MULTIPLE TIMES getting high in his car at break... And I tell you what.. that mother ****er would ****ing BURY us with parts day in and day out... we actually liked it better when he WASN'T high because we wouldn't have to work as hard...:D

Stoners are some pretty ****ing precise and accurate mother ****ers when their all ****ing fixated on ****..

****er made employee of the month 3 times.:eek:
Both of you prove good points. I have never seen too much danger come directly from weed, except for people that dont have self control. The kind of people that smoke a quarter in one sitting. However, i stand by the fact that weed, and every other illegal drug is detrimental to the world economy.

If i had to offer the government a solution. Make Weed Legal, and tax it, just like alcohol and tobacco, that would be a solution, it meets the stoners and the gvt halfway.

In almost 10 years on an ambulance i have never seen a weed overdose, however i have seen at least 30 accidents resulting from weed. They should make it legal and restrict it the same way they do alcohol. After alcohol is far worse, it kills your brain, liver, kidnies, makes you look old, your teeth rot, causes ulcers and makes you sleep with ugly people.

I still think the commercial proves a good point, but brings up the issue that maybe drugs arent the problem, peer pressure is.

phreakwars said:
Stoners are some pretty ****ing precise and accurate mother ****ers when their all ****ing fixated on ****..

Yes they are, the best artist and best musician i know are stoners. My beef is with the stoners that have no self control. THe ones that smoke a weeks paycheck in one sitting. You guys have succeeded in changing my views on ****, which happens almost everytime.

Oh and, I stand by my previous statement that weed is a gateway drug, but not in the accepted sense, only in a social way, like i said in enough instances to matter, people that have access to weed can easily have access to other drugs.
Ahhlee said:
I really, really hate leeches.

Me too, they are nasty. But i hear in some instances leeches can be the best doctors you can find. I dont quite remember for what though.
Is pot a gateway drug...hmmm. Not in the sense that the smoke causes you to want a better high..but in the sense that if ya hang around enough pot smokers, one day, one of them is gonna ask you to try a line of blow, or crank, or whatever. And if you are one of those with an addictive personality, alot it times all it takes is trying something once.

phreak said:
I know a dude that worked at one of the factories I used to...

He used to get stoned before work, and during his lunch break... He would actually smell like weed and have deep red bloodshot eyes.. we all witnessed the guy MULTIPLE TIMES getting high in his car at break... And I tell you what.. that mother ****er would ****ing BURY us with parts day in and day out... we actually liked it better when he WASN'T high because we wouldn't have to work as hard...

This works, I think when one is doing the same mondane task over and over. For me, it doesnt. I used to wake and bake daily, but when I was promoted to supervisor, it did not work for me, as I had many more tasks to complete, and folks to direct. There were several times I "got stoned and missed it" and in my line of work, not only could that cost the company 10's of 1000's of dollars but someone could also be seriously injured. Simply wasnt worth it, to me. So now, I do maybe 1 or 2 bong hits after work, and I'm good to go.

Maybe its my location, but here in I-dee-ho we dont see alot of the columbian/mexican weed that was referred to in an earlier post. Most of the **** is hydroponically grown indoors, and is quality. I dont think the Cartels are getting too rich off of herb these days. With increased border security, and the size of the load that must be transported, I think the risk has outweighed the reward. The Cartels, I believe, have begun to focus more on crank, and heroin.
phreakwars said:
Although, I can show many studies that would indicate being stoned on the job increases productivity.

I know a dude that worked at one of the factories I used to...

He used to get stoned before work, and during his lunch break... He would actually smell like weed and have deep red bloodshot eyes.. we all witnessed the guy MULTIPLE TIMES getting high in his car at break... And I tell you what.. that mother ****er would ****ing BURY us with parts day in and day out... we actually liked it better when he WASN'T high because we wouldn't have to work as hard...:D

Stoners are some pretty ****ing precise and accurate mother ****ers when their all ****ing fixated on ****..

****er made employee of the month 3 times.:eek:

And haven't you noticed that while your body relaxes, your mind doesn't, and when you sit down to a task while stoned, you can really concentrate?
Oh **** I hate anti drug commercials.

Namely because they're so ****ing stupid and irrevalent to the issue they're trying to adress. A good example of this is one praticular commercial about about heroin where some chick trashes her kitchen with a frying pan while she says **** like "this is what it does to your life, family, etc". What in the name of the good lord's ass does smashing a bunch of stoneware have to do with the effects of smack usage? If you want to get the point across, MAYBE SHOW A DRAMITIZATION OF THE ACTUAL EFFECTS OF THE DRUGS IN QUESTION.
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
Oh **** I hate anti drug commercials.

Namely because they're so ****ing stupid and irrevalent to the issue they're trying to adress. A good example of this is one praticular commercial about about heroin where some chick trashes her kitchen with a frying pan while she says **** like "this is what it does to your life, family, etc". What in the name of the good lord's ass does smashing a bunch of stoneware have to do with the effects of smack usage? If you want to get the point across, MAYBE SHOW A DRAMITIZATION OF THE ACTUAL EFFECTS OF THE DRUGS IN QUESTION.

or the one where the stoned guy hits the gas and gets into a crash going like 90. when i'm baked, 5 mph is too fast, 90 would drive me out of my mind :eek:
Marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol are all bad for you...but most people use them all.........Yeah, most teenagers do what the people around them do...but damnit, I hate those goddamn commercials....and they just make me laugh..They definitely don't make me scared of weed, cigarettes, or alcohol.

Who else hates those damn commercials?

And as for the Truth commercials - Why do they have to make me feel like I'm a jackass because I'm addicted to nicotine.....They don't help....They just make me want a cigarette.
This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?
Yeah where's the sausage?
cynthiaa89 said:
Marijuana, cigarettes, and alcohol are all bad for you...but most people use them all.........Yeah, most teenagers do what the people around them do...but damnit, I hate those goddamn commercials....and they just make me laugh..They definitely don't make me scared of weed, cigarettes, or alcohol.

Who else hates those damn commercials?

And as for the Truth commercials - Why do they have to make me feel like I'm a jackass because I'm addicted to nicotine.....They don't help....They just make me want a cigarette.

B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T the reason i even started drugs.

i can't stand it when people with no first hand knowledge try and portray things that have nothing to do with the drug they are talking about and act like they are helping, even when they do hit it spot on, they're such assholes about it that nobody cares, yes, drugs are bad, but so is mcdonalds, in fact, mcdonalds is problably worse. if you're gonna quit something you find your own reason, ane you actually beleave in (how i stopped smoking cigs/weed, drinking, etc...) someone on the TV is not gonna help as much as they think they are.
The main issue lies with the lazy pieces of **** who want to do NOTHING ELSE but sit there and smoke the weed every single minute of the day and do NOTHING productive with their lives. There are rap stars and others who smoke the crap and can still do what they got to do but then you have these brainwashed, complete jackoff, ****ing imbeciles who let's a damn plant run their lives and have no self control whatsoever. Not to mention assclowns who bitch about how much America sucks for not legalizing it (boo ****ing hoo) but don't give a damn about the more pertinent issues this country has.

Point is, to the hardcore stoners, there is more to life than a ****ing plant. Geez Louise. You don't like America for that reason, then get the **** out and go to Colombia or Amsterdam.
I dont smoke weed, but i dont think legalization would be all too bad. I mean if you look at the good points of legalization. Number one is tax revenue, think about how much the government makes on cigarettes and alcohol, add weed into the mix. And number 2 it could be alot more regulated, you wouldnt have as many people dieing due to laced weed. Number 3, with weed legal, the crime rate would drop, maybe not alot, but it still would. If they cant Beat it, they might as well profit from it.
There isn't a reason on gods green earth why pot shouldn't be legal. I think it's just revenue and training for the police. Have you ever watched COPS and they're busting a pot smoker? He's just an average honest Joe minding his own buisness. He's not burgulaizing someone to get a fix.