Illegal Aliens "Self Deport" as Woes Mount

"Starkiller" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 09:24:17 -0600, "johnny@." <johnny@.> wrote:
>>Sanders Kaufman wrote:
>>> "Starkiller" <> wrote in message
>>>> An amazing and revolutionary new concept.
>>>> They enforced the law.
>>> No - they didn't.
>>> They took noone to jail and pressed no charges.
>>> They simply began asking everyone with dark skin and an accent to prove
>>> their citizenship.

>>It's about time.

> And of course, Kaufman remains full of ****.
> If the cops were stopping everyone with dark skin and an accent and
> using those as the only parameters the court would be flooded with
> "profile" cases.
> From the article:
> PHOENIX (Reuters) - Mexican illegal immigrant Lindi sat down with her
> husband Marco Antonio in the weeks before Christmas to decide when to
> go back to Mexico.

As an admitted criminal family they should tuck tail and run, or be

We have no need for these parasite mex's

Jim E
"Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
On Dec 25, 10:39?am, "Rudy Faroudy" <> wrote:

> Speaking for your people Sanders? ?I doubat that is really your

> You write as though you have a pieface like Ramon!

>>With a name like "Sanders Kaufman", he's probably a Jew boy.

And you are obviously an anti-Semite and bigot.
"Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
On Dec 25, 12:50?pm, "Ernesto" <> wrote:
> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message

> What if were to hire "legal" workers, instead of "white" people?

Bringing in cheap "legal" workers from out of state still betrays
Marshalltown's duty to provide work to locals who were born in Iowa,
whose families have lived in Iowa
for a century, and whose ancestors pioneered Iowa and made it into a
decent place for White people to live.

what 'DUTY' are you talking about. The national duty is to provide for
its citizens, regardless of colour.

> What's with all the "white" stuff in the story?

America was founded by free White men of good character, for free
White men of good character. In order to become a citizen, immigrants
had to be free White men of good character.

Seems like the last think you care about is America as a WHOLE. You care
only about WHITE America, don't you?

They had to swear an oath of allegience to the colony they lived in.
This oath is the same as the modern oath that legitimate applicants
for US citizenship give knowingly and willingly before a magistrate
when they become US citizens.

However, illegal aliens do no take such an oath, and, even if they
did, they would not understand or mean what they swore to.

Right now, America has about 40 million defiant "Latinos" or
"Hispanics" who have no intention of assimilating into the American

If you don't know anything about the Latino population, then don't talk
about it.
Illegals do not represent the Latino population of the US, just like you
don't represent the white population of the country.
Do not attempt to extrapolate based on your distorted views.

If they really wanted to be Americans, they would stop
identifying themselves as another ethnicity, they would stop speakin
Spanish and claiming to be Spanish. ?

Are you serious? Your statement is a joke, asking that we Latinos stop
speaking Spanish. Your ethnocentric point of view is about 60 years behind
its time. You should have stayed back in the 50's.

>The problem is not the colour of the person

Americans don't give a **** what a person's skin color is, they look
at the content of the person's character.

Bullshit. You keep talking about "white" America, and now you make this
ridiculous statement. You don't belong in NGs. You will only get flamed
and ridiculed every step of the way. Does the word "consistency" mean
anything to you?

> or the nationality

The **** nationality doesn't matter. There's only room for ONE
nationality in America, and that's American, not Mexican, Latino,
Hispanic or whatever. Anybody that doesn't come here to be an American
needs to go back to Mexico.

What about White America? I am sure you identify with it quite well.

>it is the legal status that makes the difference.

If legal status is all that matters, then you don't have a nation, you
have a managerial state where the various minorities are going to
fight each other.

You don't know much about the country that you have lived in all your
life, do you?

Why should a Mexican go to fight in Iraq, if he doesn't believe in
what America really stands for?

Because that Mexican believes in the US as a nation, and is willing to
fight for it. I know lots of Mexican citizens fighting in Iraq, so don't
tell me about their reasons for being there.

He can never become a REAL American,
it just isn't in him to think any way but the way a mestizo gangbanger

More ethnic bullshit. Why don't you give it up? You flip flop every two
paragraphs! You are making me dizzy with your flip flopping!!

But, there are two reasons why a Mexican would join the Army. The
first reason is that it keeps him out of prison for the crimes he
would commit if he were on the streets, and the other reason is that,
if he survives, he gets US citizenship without ever believing in what
America is really about.

What a ridiculous statement. Good luck being so narrow minded.
Ernesto wrote:
> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 25, 12:50?pm, "Ernesto" <> wrote:
>> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message

>> What if were to hire "legal" workers, instead of "white" people?

> Bringing in cheap "legal" workers from out of state still betrays
> Marshalltown's duty to provide work to locals who were born in Iowa,
> whose families have lived in Iowa
> for a century, and whose ancestors pioneered Iowa and made it into a
> decent place for White people to live.
> what 'DUTY' are you talking about. The national duty is to provide for
> its citizens, regardless of colour.
>> What's with all the "white" stuff in the story?

> America was founded by free White men of good character, for free
> White men of good character. In order to become a citizen, immigrants
> had to be free White men of good character.
> Seems like the last think you care about is America as a WHOLE. You care
> only about WHITE America, don't you?
> They had to swear an oath of allegience to the colony they lived in.
> This oath is the same as the modern oath that legitimate applicants
> for US citizenship give knowingly and willingly before a magistrate
> when they become US citizens.
> However, illegal aliens do no take such an oath, and, even if they
> did, they would not understand or mean what they swore to.
> Right now, America has about 40 million defiant "Latinos" or
> "Hispanics" who have no intention of assimilating into the American
> population.
> If you don't know anything about the Latino population, then don't talk
> about it.
> Illegals do not represent the Latino population of the US, just like you
> don't represent the white population of the country.
> Do not attempt to extrapolate based on your distorted views.
> If they really wanted to be Americans, they would stop
> identifying themselves as another ethnicity, they would stop speakin
> Spanish and claiming to be Spanish. ?
> Are you serious? Your statement is a joke, asking that we Latinos stop
> speaking Spanish. Your ethnocentric point of view is about 60 years behind
> its time. You should have stayed back in the 50's.
>> The problem is not the colour of the person

> Americans don't give a **** what a person's skin color is, they look
> at the content of the person's character.
> Bullshit. You keep talking about "white" America, and now you make this
> ridiculous statement. You don't belong in NGs. You will only get flamed
> and ridiculed every step of the way. Does the word "consistency" mean
> anything to you?
>> or the nationality

> The **** nationality doesn't matter. There's only room for ONE
> nationality in America, and that's American, not Mexican, Latino,
> Hispanic or whatever. Anybody that doesn't come here to be an American
> needs to go back to Mexico.
> What about White America? I am sure you identify with it quite well.
>> it is the legal status that makes the difference.

> If legal status is all that matters, then you don't have a nation, you
> have a managerial state where the various minorities are going to
> fight each other.
> You don't know much about the country that you have lived in all your
> life, do you?
> Why should a Mexican go to fight in Iraq, if he doesn't believe in
> what America really stands for?
> Because that Mexican believes in the US as a nation, and is willing to
> fight for it. I know lots of Mexican citizens fighting in Iraq, so don't
> tell me about their reasons for being there.
> He can never become a REAL American,
> it just isn't in him to think any way but the way a mestizo gangbanger
> thinks.
> More ethnic bullshit. Why don't you give it up? You flip flop every two
> paragraphs! You are making me dizzy with your flip flopping!!
> But, there are two reasons why a Mexican would join the Army. The
> first reason is that it keeps him out of prison for the crimes he
> would commit if he were on the streets, and the other reason is that,
> if he survives, he gets US citizenship without ever believing in what
> America is really about.
> What a ridiculous statement. Good luck being so narrow minded.

She is right. Why would a foreign national fight for another country?
"Ernesto" <> wrote in message
> "Sylvester Sweetmeat" <> wrote in message
> news:_tccj.2743$
>> "snausages" <> wrote in message
>> On Dec 24, 9:16 pm, wrote:
>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:01:10 -0600, Starkiller
>>>Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their
>>>citizenship or do the police only target brown people?

>> They ask every ****in person, Buttface. Then the ones that are citizens
>> drive off! And the one's that AREN'T citizens DON'T drive off!
>> Merry Christmas!

> Correction: the ones that are legally here drive off, the rest, don't.
> You don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. Millions of
> law-abiding, green-card-holding Latinos.

And millions of those green cards are just about the next item on the
chopping block.

...."as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens _AND_ the U.S. economy

IOW - la raza can expect to soon go home and inflict their misery on their
own countrymen for a while.
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:04:46 -0600, "Sanders Kaufman"
<> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>On Dec 25, 3:34 am, snausages <> wrote:
>> Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their citizenship
>> or do the police only target brown people?

>> It's that dastardly practice of profiling. You know - observe
>> patterns of criminal behavior and focus on those who fit the pattern.

>That's "criminal profiling" - and it's not what the AZ cops are doing at

Sorry, brainless trash. Criminal profiling is EXACTLY what they are
doing -- halfwitted observations by yourself to the contrary.

>They totally ignore behaviour - focusing solely on heritage.
>If they were to actually use criminal profiling - they'd be rounding up

More BS from a brainless sewer rat.
On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:47:23 -0600, "proudamerican"
<> wrote:

>"Ernesto" <> wrote in message
>> "Sylvester Sweetmeat" <> wrote in message
>> news:_tccj.2743$
>>> "snausages" <> wrote in message
>>> On Dec 24, 9:16 pm, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:01:10 -0600, Starkiller
>>>>Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their
>>>>citizenship or do the police only target brown people?
>>> They ask every ****in person, Buttface. Then the ones that are citizens
>>> drive off! And the one's that AREN'T citizens DON'T drive off!
>>> Merry Christmas!

>> Correction: the ones that are legally here drive off, the rest, don't.
>> You don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. Millions of
>> law-abiding, green-card-holding Latinos.


>That is just another flaw in the system. No Latinos is the way to go if you
>want the crime to drop in half.

And another klukker proudly waves his white sheet and empty skull.
Bill wrote:

> They passed it because your worthless ****ing president that you
> worship refuses to secure the border, enforce the law and prosecutes
> those who do. You son of a bitch.

The president?? The politicians on both sides do not want to do a damn
thing about illegals. And you blame the prez. specifically? He isn't
the one that writes legislature.
On Dec 25, 7:31�pm, "Ernesto" <> wrote:

> what 'DUTY' are you talking about. �The national duty is to provide for
> its citizens, regardless of colour.

Read the Preamble to the Constitution. It says,

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect
Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the
common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings
of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish
this Constitution for the United States of America.

The People who wrote the Preamble were free WHITE men, of good

They were mostly of the Protestant persusasion, or were Deists, who
reasoned that there must be a God, since creation surrounded them.

Posterity means the free DESCENDANTS, of the free WHITE men, also men
of good character.

Posterity does NOT refer to ******s, Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans,
Ubangis, Bushmen, Chinamen, Vietnamese, Armenians, Japs, Gypsies, or

Posterity refers to ME and people like ME. I am related by BLOOD to
most of the presidents of the USA. Everytime I look at my family tree,
I find another relative who was a senator, governor, general, admiral,
or supreme court justice.

My ancestors came here and fought the Savages, they fought the
French, they fought the British, they fought the Mexicans, they
fought the Spanish, they fought the Germans, Japs, and Communists to
make a place for ME and MINE.

Now it's time to fight the lying Jews, who say that "America is for

And I will, by God as I stand here, fight you Jew-sponsored Wetbacks
to my dying breath to preserve this Sacred Trust, passed from my
Honored Ancestors to me, that my birthright shall pass to my posterity
and not to yours.

Now there is an oath that a Bigot can be proud of. I am proud to be
called a Bigot, if that's what it takes to cleanse my country of you
On Dec 26, 5:03 am, miles <> wrote:
> Bill wrote:
> > They passed it because your worthless ****ing president that you
> > worship refuses to secure the border, enforce the law and prosecutes
> > those who do. You son of a bitch.

> The president?? The politicians on both sides do not want to do a damn
> thing about illegals. And you blame the prez. specifically? He isn't
> the one that writes legislature.

He could enforce the current laws, how about that? no one on my side
is really wanting to see new legislation passed we want enforcement.

I do blame the President because this is a leadership issue and I
expect more from a Republican, I don't expect **** from democrats.

This President had a majority in both houses for 6 years and has
managed to nothing but deficit spend, take us to war with bogus
intelligence, and not a damn thing about immigration and the border
except wanting an amnesty.

What do you not understand?

Bill O'Really
<> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:04:46 -0600, "Sanders Kaufman"
> <> wrote:

>>> It's that dastardly practice of profiling. You know - observe
>>> patterns of criminal behavior and focus on those who fit the pattern.

>>That's "criminal profiling" - and it's not what the AZ cops are doing at

> Sorry, brainless trash. Criminal profiling is EXACTLY what they are
> doing -- halfwitted observations by yourself to the contrary.

Sure, YOU think that this racial profiling is really cirminal profiling.
That's what makes you a racist, instead of just a garden variety bigot.

As you pointed out, criminal profiling would refer to behaviour.
But as you also pointed out, they're not monitoring based on behaviour.
Just race,

It's no wonder you post anonymously.
Your family would shame you, if they knew what you write here.
"Lets Roll" <> wrote in message

> IOW - la raza can expect to soon go home and inflict their misery on their
> own countrymen for a while.

It's funny how half-wits like you think that kicking an ant-hill gets rid of
the ants.
"Lets Roll" <> wrote in message
> "Ernesto" <> wrote in message
>> "Sylvester Sweetmeat" <> wrote in message
>> news:_tccj.2743$
>>> "snausages" <> wrote in message
>>> On Dec 24, 9:16 pm, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:01:10 -0600, Starkiller
>>>>Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their
>>>>citizenship or do the police only target brown people?
>>> They ask every ****in person, Buttface. Then the ones that are
>>> citizens drive off! And the one's that AREN'T citizens DON'T drive off!
>>> Merry Christmas!

>> Correction: the ones that are legally here drive off, the rest, don't.
>> You don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. Millions of
>> law-abiding, green-card-holding Latinos.

> And millions of those green cards are just about the next item on the
> chopping block.

LOL!! You got too many Bud cases for Xmas, didn't you?

> ..."as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens _AND_ the U.S.
> economy slows..."
> IOW - la raza can expect to soon go home and inflict their misery on their
> own countrymen for a while.

and lots of Wild Turkey to wash that beer down ...

or is it the other way around that you guys drink that crap in your trailer

<johnny@.> wrote in message
> Ernesto wrote:
>> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
>> On Dec 25, 12:50?pm, "Ernesto" <> wrote:
>>> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message

>>> What if were to hire "legal" workers, instead of "white" people?

>> Bringing in cheap "legal" workers from out of state still betrays
>> Marshalltown's duty to provide work to locals who were born in Iowa,
>> whose families have lived in Iowa
>> for a century, and whose ancestors pioneered Iowa and made it into a
>> decent place for White people to live.
>> what 'DUTY' are you talking about. The national duty is to provide for
>> its citizens, regardless of colour.
>>> What's with all the "white" stuff in the story?

>> America was founded by free White men of good character, for free
>> White men of good character. In order to become a citizen, immigrants
>> had to be free White men of good character.
>> Seems like the last think you care about is America as a WHOLE. You
>> care only about WHITE America, don't you?
>> They had to swear an oath of allegience to the colony they lived in.
>> This oath is the same as the modern oath that legitimate applicants
>> for US citizenship give knowingly and willingly before a magistrate
>> when they become US citizens.
>> However, illegal aliens do no take such an oath, and, even if they
>> did, they would not understand or mean what they swore to.
>> Right now, America has about 40 million defiant "Latinos" or
>> "Hispanics" who have no intention of assimilating into the American
>> population.
>> If you don't know anything about the Latino population, then don't talk
>> about it.
>> Illegals do not represent the Latino population of the US, just like
>> you don't represent the white population of the country.
>> Do not attempt to extrapolate based on your distorted views.
>> If they really wanted to be Americans, they would stop
>> identifying themselves as another ethnicity, they would stop speakin
>> Spanish and claiming to be Spanish. ?
>> Are you serious? Your statement is a joke, asking that we Latinos stop
>> speaking Spanish. Your ethnocentric point of view is about 60 years
>> behind its time. You should have stayed back in the 50's.
>>> The problem is not the colour of the person

>> Americans don't give a **** what a person's skin color is, they look
>> at the content of the person's character.
>> Bullshit. You keep talking about "white" America, and now you make
>> this ridiculous statement. You don't belong in NGs. You will only get
>> flamed and ridiculed every step of the way. Does the word "consistency"
>> mean anything to you?
>>> or the nationality

>> The **** nationality doesn't matter. There's only room for ONE
>> nationality in America, and that's American, not Mexican, Latino,
>> Hispanic or whatever. Anybody that doesn't come here to be an American
>> needs to go back to Mexico.
>> What about White America? I am sure you identify with it quite well.
>>> it is the legal status that makes the difference.

>> If legal status is all that matters, then you don't have a nation, you
>> have a managerial state where the various minorities are going to
>> fight each other.
>> You don't know much about the country that you have lived in all your
>> life, do you?
>> Why should a Mexican go to fight in Iraq, if he doesn't believe in
>> what America really stands for?
>> Because that Mexican believes in the US as a nation, and is willing to
>> fight for it. I know lots of Mexican citizens fighting in Iraq, so don't
>> tell me about their reasons for being there.
>> He can never become a REAL American,
>> it just isn't in him to think any way but the way a mestizo gangbanger
>> thinks.
>> More ethnic bullshit. Why don't you give it up? You flip flop every
>> two paragraphs! You are making me dizzy with your flip flopping!!
>> But, there are two reasons why a Mexican would join the Army. The
>> first reason is that it keeps him out of prison for the crimes he
>> would commit if he were on the streets, and the other reason is that,
>> if he survives, he gets US citizenship without ever believing in what
>> America is really about.
>> What a ridiculous statement. Good luck being so narrow minded.

> She is right. Why would a foreign national fight for another country?

Because that person has been here a short while and has not yet become a
citizen. It has happened in every war that the US has fought.
"Ernesto" <> wrote in message
> "Lets Roll" <> wrote in message

>> And millions of those green cards are just about the next item on the
>> chopping block.

> LOL!! You got too many Bud cases for Xmas, didn't you?

It happens every holiday with Ol' Ginger Germany here.
Labor day, new year's, thanksgiving.

Every family's got one - especially here in the south.
The drunk who cannot be allowed around alcohol.
<> wrote in message
> On Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:47:23 -0600, "proudamerican"
> <> wrote:
>>"Ernesto" <> wrote in message
>>> "Sylvester Sweetmeat" <> wrote in message
>>> news:_tccj.2743$
>>>> "snausages" <> wrote in message
>>>> On Dec 24, 9:16 pm, wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:01:10 -0600, Starkiller
>>>>>Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their
>>>>>citizenship or do the police only target brown people?
>>>> They ask every ****in person, Buttface. Then the ones that are
>>>> citizens
>>>> drive off! And the one's that AREN'T citizens DON'T drive off!
>>>> Merry Christmas!
>>> Correction: the ones that are legally here drive off, the rest, don't.
>>> You don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. Millions of
>>> law-abiding, green-card-holding Latinos.

>>That is just another flaw in the system. No Latinos is the way to go if
>>want the crime to drop in half.

> And another klukker proudly waves his white sheet and empty skull.

Sure. Anyone that wants the minorities to be held responsible for their
crimes is a neo Nazi Klan member. Good thinking, racist. Just continue to
hate white Americans and you will be in good standing with the rest of your
minority criminal racist crowd.
Strange how it is that minorities commit almost all violent crimes and most
of the non violent crimes .
Do you have a reason for that ? Perhaps it is because white America is
racist ?

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Lets Roll" <> wrote in message
> "Ernesto" <> wrote in message
>> "Sylvester Sweetmeat" <> wrote in message
>> news:_tccj.2743$
>>> "snausages" <> wrote in message
>>> On Dec 24, 9:16 pm, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 23:01:10 -0600, Starkiller
>>>>Do the police ask everyone they pull over for proof of their
>>>>citizenship or do the police only target brown people?
>>> They ask every ****in person, Buttface. Then the ones that are
>>> citizens drive off! And the one's that AREN'T citizens DON'T drive off!
>>> Merry Christmas!

>> Correction: the ones that are legally here drive off, the rest, don't.
>> You don't have to be a citizen to be here legally. Millions of
>> law-abiding, green-card-holding Latinos.

> And millions of those green cards are just about the next item on the
> chopping block.
> ..."as a crackdown on undocumented immigrants widens _AND_ the U.S.
> economy slows..."
> IOW - la raza can expect to soon go home and inflict their misery on their
> own countrymen for a while.

La Raza " The Race " is that not what Hitler had going on ? Typical mexican
behavior. Hate all who are not a Mexican.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Sanders Kaufman" <> wrote in message
> "Lets Roll" <> wrote in message
> news:nGlcj.1090$
>> IOW - la raza can expect to soon go home and inflict their misery on
>> their own countrymen for a while.

> It's funny how half-wits like you think that kicking an ant-hill gets rid
> of the ants.

The SAVE act will put some poison in their hill.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"David Eduardo" <> wrote in message
> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 25, 10:39?am, "Rudy Faroudy" <> wrote:
> > Speaking for your people Sanders? ?I doubat that is really your

> surname.
>> You write as though you have a pieface like Ramon!

>>>With a name like "Sanders Kaufman", he's probably a Jew boy.

More words from a racist.

> And you are obviously an anti-Semite and bigot.
> -

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Ernesto" <> wrote in message
> <johnny@.> wrote in message
> news:m%jcj.30717$
>> Ernesto wrote:
>>> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
>>> On Dec 25, 12:50?pm, "Ernesto" <> wrote:
>>>> "Morrgaine" <> wrote in message
>>>> What if were to hire "legal" workers, instead of "white" people?
>>> Bringing in cheap "legal" workers from out of state still betrays
>>> Marshalltown's duty to provide work to locals who were born in Iowa,
>>> whose families have lived in Iowa
>>> for a century, and whose ancestors pioneered Iowa and made it into a
>>> decent place for White people to live.
>>> what 'DUTY' are you talking about. The national duty is to provide
>>> for its citizens, regardless of colour.
>>>> What's with all the "white" stuff in the story?
>>> America was founded by free White men of good character, for free
>>> White men of good character. In order to become a citizen, immigrants
>>> had to be free White men of good character.
>>> Seems like the last think you care about is America as a WHOLE. You
>>> care only about WHITE America, don't you?
>>> They had to swear an oath of allegience to the colony they lived in.
>>> This oath is the same as the modern oath that legitimate applicants
>>> for US citizenship give knowingly and willingly before a magistrate
>>> when they become US citizens.
>>> However, illegal aliens do no take such an oath, and, even if they
>>> did, they would not understand or mean what they swore to.
>>> Right now, America has about 40 million defiant "Latinos" or
>>> "Hispanics" who have no intention of assimilating into the American
>>> population.
>>> If you don't know anything about the Latino population, then don't
>>> talk about it.
>>> Illegals do not represent the Latino population of the US, just like
>>> you don't represent the white population of the country.
>>> Do not attempt to extrapolate based on your distorted views.
>>> If they really wanted to be Americans, they would stop
>>> identifying themselves as another ethnicity, they would stop speakin
>>> Spanish and claiming to be Spanish. ?
>>> Are you serious? Your statement is a joke, asking that we Latinos
>>> stop speaking Spanish. Your ethnocentric point of view is about 60
>>> years behind its time. You should have stayed back in the 50's.
>>>> The problem is not the colour of the person
>>> Americans don't give a **** what a person's skin color is, they look
>>> at the content of the person's character.
>>> Bullshit. You keep talking about "white" America, and now you make
>>> this ridiculous statement. You don't belong in NGs. You will only get
>>> flamed and ridiculed every step of the way. Does the word "consistency"
>>> mean anything to you?
>>>> or the nationality
>>> The **** nationality doesn't matter. There's only room for ONE
>>> nationality in America, and that's American, not Mexican, Latino,
>>> Hispanic or whatever. Anybody that doesn't come here to be an American
>>> needs to go back to Mexico.
>>> What about White America? I am sure you identify with it quite well.
>>>> it is the legal status that makes the difference.
>>> If legal status is all that matters, then you don't have a nation, you
>>> have a managerial state where the various minorities are going to
>>> fight each other.
>>> You don't know much about the country that you have lived in all your
>>> life, do you?
>>> Why should a Mexican go to fight in Iraq, if he doesn't believe in
>>> what America really stands for?
>>> Because that Mexican believes in the US as a nation, and is willing to
>>> fight for it. I know lots of Mexican citizens fighting in Iraq, so
>>> don't tell me about their reasons for being there.
>>> He can never become a REAL American,
>>> it just isn't in him to think any way but the way a mestizo gangbanger
>>> thinks.
>>> More ethnic bullshit. Why don't you give it up? You flip flop every
>>> two paragraphs! You are making me dizzy with your flip flopping!!
>>> But, there are two reasons why a Mexican would join the Army. The
>>> first reason is that it keeps him out of prison for the crimes he
>>> would commit if he were on the streets, and the other reason is that,
>>> if he survives, he gets US citizenship without ever believing in what
>>> America is really about.
>>> What a ridiculous statement. Good luck being so narrow minded.

>> She is right. Why would a foreign national fight for another country?

> Because that person has been here a short while and has not yet become a
> citizen. It has happened in every war that the US has fought.

Greed. The need to get what they want without working at like other
immigrants. Joining the military is just another outlet for their violent
behavior. They love to kill and shoot at people and cause destruction to
anyone who is not American. So why not join ? then they get to be a citizen
and teach the other gang bangers, military tactics.
Plus they now get check from the military, welfare for their wife and kids
and other family members they get to bring over on the chain plan, free
medical, free school, rob rape and kill with more skill, and all that money
from dealing dope . It is a winning situation for them

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