I'm either going to lose my ****ing job

Big Momma

Active Member
Sep 24, 2005
Or I'm going to get a shitty bonus and no raise. They laid off my counterpart so I'm doing the work of two people.

The demands got to the point where they were impossible so I went to my supervisor to explain the situation, that certain things weren't getting done because there aren't enough hours in the day. She took the very things I told her I couldn't get to and made them performance issues that were lacking in me!!! So much for support. Aren't supervisors supposed to help an overloaded employee?

Also she said they guys I work for (18 of them) were bringing projects to other people (her) because I'm too busy to get to the projects immediately, and that has to stop. They never brought them to me because I'm so ****ing busy!!!!

Also, I "need to slow down in my work because I'm making errors". I explained that it's because I'm trying to do too much at one time. How can you have 5 balls in the air at all times and not drop one once in a while? How can I slow down when they keep piling deadlined work on me? I'm responsible for answering 18 phone lines while trying to do all of this.

So I have 6 weeks to bring up my performance before review time. My review in July was stellar. My supervisor and big boss acknowledge that I work non-stop for the nine hours I'm at work. My boss admits that he absolutely dumps on me. How much more can I do?

Loved getting on the elevator with the supervisor afterward. She couldn't even look at me. I think she has a friend that she wants to replace me with. Bitch.

I'll start looking for a job but this really sucks. I've been set up for failure. :mad:

Buy a small tape recorder. Gather evidence now.

Win the unfair dismissal case. Retire early.
builder said:
Buy a small tape recorder. Gather evidence now.

Win the unfair dismissal case. Retire early.

Can you really sue for this type of thing? If I laid out the details in court I would definitely win this case. These people's expectations are insane.

In the meantime I'll start working nights and weekends to get the work done. I'll do everything it takes, just to prove a point. I'll slow down to avoid errors and be perfect and make up the overflow work and earn overtime.

There won't be one bad thing they can write in a review. It will drive them nuts. This could be a sweet revenge.
I'm with Builder on this one. I am sick and tired of Employers screwing people. The take advantage with the hope that no one will fight back.

If your in the US, when they fire you, if you have some proof, you can get unemployment. I got laid off and am on unemployment and going back to school. I had gotten laid off my job twice within one year.

Lifes too short. Move on to a place where they appreciate you but if you can gather enough information to leave a really bad taste in their mouth then please do. Maybe they will think twice before they do it again.
Does your department have policies and procedures laid out that shows the number of people required to do that job??

Keep track in writing of the things you are asking to do compared to what you were doing before when you had help.

BY ALL MEANS get a tape recorder and record conversations. I would even consult an attorney now and see what he suggests. Usually they will give you a first time consult for free to hear if you have a case or not.

I went through 3 years of hell with a company I used to work for. When they finally laid me off (the company of course is going down the toilet and they had to downsize big time) I walked out of there feeling like a prisoner being released from jail, like I had been exhonerated after new evidence. AND I got unemployment for my trouble.
Thanks for your post. I'm in the US and can definitely collect if they let me go. I collected a few years ago when the firm I worked at for 15 years closed down. But that's not what's pissing me off.

We're a small company trying to make it big. They're upping the ante in performance big time. That's all good, been there and done it. But you can't expect perfect performance out of people with too much work.

I work as support in the sales division. Since they're trying to make it big sales is working double time and I'm the only support person in sales. All the work trickles down to me and everything is time-sensitive. I'm the hub and all the admin comes down to me. My boss even acknowledged that I work non-stop and yet that isn't enough. I have to do more.

The biggest thing that pisses me off is that I went to my supervisor (20 years my junior) and very clearly laid out the challenges I'm facing, and told her that it embarrasses me that I make mistakes when doing detailed work, because I can't do five things at once and be perfect, especially with ridiculous deadlines. She agreed with me that my situation was untenable and that things needed to change.

Somehow in a week's time it turned into a performance issue on my part. They acknowledged that I have the skillset and personality (tough workplace for a woman, stockbroker's trading desk) and that I work nonstop for nine hours a day.

I'm going to find a new job but I'm not leaving this one without a fight. I've already documented with HR but that doesn't matter in a small company.

I'm going to do everything it takes and get the job done, just to piss them off. I'll work nights and weekends while they go home and enjoy their families.

Supervisor is a wimp without supervisory experience; she's a puppet. She can't even look at me, I think because she feels powerless and knows I'm getting screwed. Big guy has his head in the clouds hoping it will all work out, but is a pretty decent human. Everyone's under extreme pressure and I really can't blame one person for any of this.

I've decided to turn it into a game. I'll leave on my own terms, but in the meantime I'll handle every ridiculous expectation and make them take a look at themselves. Despite how they come across in these posts they're pretty human. They know I have a family and I told them upfront that overtime wasn't in the cards before I took the job. In the past my boss would never allow me to work OT because of my family.

So I'm going to blow sunshine up everyone's ass. I might even bake cookies and bring them to work on Monday. I'm going to be so perfect it will make their heads spin. Hopefully it gets me the bonus. At the very least when I leave, they'll be screwed.

And it's not only me they're screwing. They promoted a sales assistant to stockbroker and demoted him back to my helper. This guy's been there for three years and he still has to make his budgeted number of sales. He's put three years of blood sweat and tears into the company and they're ****ing him too. I've only been there 18 months.
The way I see it, the company is losing money by not providing a secondary helper for you. If the people you work for have a buddy or whatever your saying who needs a job and they are looking for an excuse to replace you... then let them.. The burden of teaching someone else the ropes, who, as far as we know, may not be as qualified or seasoned, could have a tremendous impact on their business if what you say about them overwhelming you is true.

A successful business doesn't have many customers, it has returning customers. I can say that has been the secret to my success in my own personal business. If you are making errors because you are trying to exceed the total number of customer orders over providing adequate service to all of the customers, then you can expect failure in the business.

I think you need to reemphasize this to your boss repeatedly. If this is unacceptable to them as an employer, then yes, look for another job in the mean time, and while your at it, steal your employers business away by going directly to the client and explaining why you yourself could do a job for them more efficiently then by the method your employer wishes to take, and offer to do work for them independently... At least when it comes to my line of work, I find there is more money to be made working independent, AND carrying the regular 40hour job that is less stressful on your mind and body..

If it is things like insurance and benefits and **** like that, that worry you in the transition, then drop out of your employers "BENEFIT" plan and get your own. Myself personally, I prefer to invest my money without a 3rd party intervention, the same with my health coverage.

It's all these ****ing "perks" that employers try and give out that corrupt the job market.

A lot of employers are forced to either give all this great **** out like bonuses, dental insurance, prescription drug plans, and it's all bullshit.. People are basically driven to believe that their well being depends on the benefits of their employer, and let themselves be swindled into the commodity market of the capitalistic world of work to buy **** to give some other asshole a job making more **** for someone else to buy/eat... **** it... just live life and quit ****ing bitching about your job.
I'm not in a position to steal business or whore myself out to the clients. Yes, I need benefits at this point until I can start my own business and find a sugar daddy to support my kids.
phreakwars said:
Sure, life isn't about getting that big bonus. You got that at conception.

I agree. $5,000 is hardly a big bonus but after the past year of hell I can stick it out 7 more weeks and hopefully bag it. I've earned it and then some.

My original post wasn't about "working for the man". It's what most of us do for a living. Sure, I can start my own busines and buy health/dental insurance but for my family that would cost $1,200 every three months.

My original post was basically about assholes in the workplace. If I only had myself to support I would start a nice little business doing what I like, but that's not realistic in my situation.

And you're wrong, a good business is not only built on repeat business unless you're an auto mechanic and think netting $50K per year is a good living. A good, growing business is built on repeat business, new business and volume.

You are right that my employers are short sighted though. The problem is that my "customers" are internal. Our external customers have no idea what is going on, and when something does fail the brokers point the finger at me. I'm the scapegoat making 1/20 of what they make. And you're right that when I leave they'll suffer the learning curve of a new admin, but that's not going to help me right now.
I was once where you are right now. I was all wrapped up in the bullshit, the whys and so forth.
In the end it doesn't matter. The best thing that ever happened to me was getting laid off.
Its like trying to save a dying marriage. Your relieved when the whole nightmare is over and you can lay down the burden you have been carrying.
You can't win this one.
You're right, there's no way I can win. I can make their game more difficult, however. I've given up on the why's and the reason why doesn't really matter. I'll just be an impeccable employee and watch them look for reasons to get rid of me, while trying to find a job. It's easier to find a job while employed.

In the meantime I'll be the most pleasant person you've ever met. I swear I'm going to make cookies and bring them into work and watch people squirm while they wrangle with their consciences (sp?).

Oh, I forgot, another performance issue is that I'm not nice enough to the wives when they call. Back when I had help I would make small-talk when they called but now since I'm busy I just take messages. Apparently they miss the discourse. So I'll chat up the wives about the latest deal on All-Clad at TJ Maxx, and about the challenges of the PTO.

Ya, I can do that. And I'll get paid OT on Saturdays while I finish up the workload and brush up my resume.
Write down every single incident you can remember, detailing the time of day, date, relevance, etc.

You don't win a case on one or two incidents, however damning they might appear to you. The court will be more likely to side with you if there is a clear pattern of bullying behaviour, documented and dated, stretching over an extended period. Witnesses are good, but don't try and get them on side. Simply note who witnessed what, and they will be called on in court.

As for buckling under the workload, simply slow back to a pace you can cope with. If this draws fire, tape it, or write it down, word for word.

It sounds to me like you feel you are inexpendable to the business. Don't assume that you are. :cool:
Oh I have no illusions that I'm inexpendable. It will just take a long time and a lot of pain for my supervisor to get somebody up to my speed and level of productivity.

I'm not going to bother with legalities, other than documenting with HR. I don't have a lawsuit here. They will either lay me off or fire me, both of which would let me collect unemployment, but I'll find another job before that happens. I've seen total losers hang on for months there while they were told to look elsewhere for a job.

I'm just pissed at the circumstances. I'm a damn good worker and I don't deserve this treatment. The big boss even admitted I work my tail off and said I have the skills, but am overworked and overwhelmed.
Thanks. I used to have my sigs written for me, usually by CES, but I wrote that one. :D

One more thing, Big Momma, keep smiling, even when under attack. Now that really pisses them off. Might just land you an assault charge. LOL.
Big Momma said:
Or I'm going to get a shitty bonus and no raise. They laid off my counterpart so I'm doing the work of two people.

The demands got to the point where they were impossible so I went to my supervisor to explain the situation, that certain things weren't getting done because there aren't enough hours in the day. She took the very things I told her I couldn't get to and made them performance issues that were lacking in me!!! So much for support. Aren't supervisors supposed to help an overloaded employee?

Also she said they guys I work for (18 of them) were bringing projects to other people (her) because I'm too busy to get to the projects immediately, and that has to stop. They never brought them to me because I'm so ****ing busy!!!!

Also, I "need to slow down in my work because I'm making errors". I explained that it's because I'm trying to do too much at one time. How can you have 5 balls in the air at all times and not drop one once in a while? How can I slow down when they keep piling deadlined work on me? I'm responsible for answering 18 phone lines while trying to do all of this.

So I have 6 weeks to bring up my performance before review time. My review in July was stellar. My supervisor and big boss acknowledge that I work non-stop for the nine hours I'm at work. My boss admits that he absolutely dumps on me. How much more can I do?

Loved getting on the elevator with the supervisor afterward. She couldn't even look at me. I think she has a friend that she wants to replace me with. Bitch.

I'll start looking for a job but this really sucks. I've been set up for failure. :mad:


How fitting. I just got off work at 4 am. I've gotton home at 6 because I stopped by another store to drop something off to a co-worker. They were WAY overloaded so I decided to stay there for an extra 2 hours, without pay, to help them get the place back in working order. There's no way 2 poeple could fill the demandes of a Saturday night, serving hundreds of drunken customers and keeping the place clean and ready. It's insane and unfair.
When it comes to the point when you employer's penny pinching is costing your your mental and physical well being then something must be done.

Although its against my nature to just tell somebody off...

**** YOU AMY!! (Our manager)

Pushes out the jives, Brings in the love...
builder said:
Thanks. I used to have my sigs written for me, usually by CES, but I wrote that one. :D

One more thing, Big Momma, keep smiling, even when under attack. Now that really pisses them off. Might just land you an assault charge. LOL.

Oh, I will keep smiling because it WILL piss them off! I just need to psyche myself up for it. Right now I'm completely demoralized but I won't give them the satisfaction of seeing it. Plus I hate kissing ass but that's exactly what I have to do.

For now. What comes around goes around. I'm a firm believer in karma. :D
You poor thing, that's ridiculous. This job is costing me my mental and physical well-being, and it's affecting my family as well. I come home dog tired and my kids deserve better. I stew over this in bed at night and it's the first thing on my mind when I wake up.

The only thing that will get me through the next few months is smiling all the while plotting. Sick time judiciously used could illustrate a few points for them, and the overtime will be nice to pay for Christmas.

In the end it might all work out. Supervisor ultimately will look bad because of the chaos, and if I play this right I could come out smelling like a rose. When the budget goes out the window with my overtime that will be her bad.

I've never played the role of martyr before but I think I could have some fun with it. I'll be the unfailing, perfect employee, always hunkered over my desk with a smile on my face. I just need to psyche myself up for the game. None of this is in keeping with my personality. I'm ordinarily a "take no prisoners" type of person. This game is going to take some finesse.