im just a kid


New member
since I decided that the other story was ****, I came up with this one instead. I promise this ones better. It hit me like a brick when I was in the middle of working on my US history project. so here it is.

"c'mon rav, you can do it!"

Gasped rob as he tried to flex his fingers and get a slight bit of feeling back into them. He was excited, nervous, it was almost as bad as when his first child was born almost a year ago. He last checked on Fribby, an hour ago, where he was playing with Robs friends Mike dave and Brad in the waiting room. Rav gave a scream as rob grimmaced. then there was the sound of two small cries, one comming about two minutes after the first. Rav let go of robs hand, which he flexed gingerly.

"Two beautiful twin girls. Arnt you two lucky."

Rob smiled as the latest twin was dried off and then directly deposited in his arms. Rav clung to the other one.

"I think I want to name this one Sarah."

Rob nodded his approval as he looked down at the little meatloaf sized thing in his hand.

"I dont know why but this one over here almost looks a bit like dave."

He said with a chuckle as the baby grabbed his finger with a suprisingly strong grip.

"Never mind."

Rob said with a smile as he sank into a chair. There was a knock as Rob continued to rock the twin that he held in his hands. The baby girgled softly.

"I think it likes me."

Rob said looking up at Rav. She rolled her eyes at him.

"I think 'it' over there needs a name. Give her one already."

Rob frowned as he was trying to think. The door swung open and Brad came in carrying Fribby with Mike and Dave in tow. Brad was having a bit of trouble detangeling Fribby from his afro.

"dude your kids trying to kill me."

Brad said as Rob shifted the baby so he could grab fribby with his free arm.

"Come on fribby dont do that!"

Rob said slightly stern, giving the one year old a bit of a shock. He then turned around and promptly growled at his father. As soon as fribby hit the ground, he ran off to the corner to examine something.

"I dont know where he gets that growling thing from but its driving me nuts."

Rob muttered, giving his wife a glance.

"Dont look at me like that. It was probably dave or mike."

The baby in his arms gave a happy squeal as rob gently kissed it on the head.

"Well we know which ones gonna be daddys little girl."

Mike said as he gave rob a pat on the back.

"I think this one should be Melissa. I think that names pretty."

Rob looked up at his friends, who gave a thought full nod.

"well a 'M' name is good but its hard to find a middle name to go with it."

Rob didnt listen as he looked back down at one of his new daughters. He and rav traded off which caused Melissa to start crying. No matter what Rav did she just couldnt get her to stop crying. Once Sarah was in robs arms, she promptly spit up on him. Rob made a face, remembering that the first time he held Fribby, he was peed on. Rob noticed that as much as the time went on, he found himself particularly attracted to his third born daughter. Melissa was quite a happy baby when she was held by her father. Once she left his sight, she bawled her eyes out.

"I have never seen a baby so attatched to her daddy."

A nurse commented one day after Rav was getting ready to go home and to bring the twins with her. Rob smiled silently to himself.

*months later*

Rob sat in the room that he dubbed his 'office'. He had a desk with a computer where he sat and tried to go through some of the redicuously hard tasks that came with going through college classes from home. He sat with his hand supporting his head as his pen scratched out a few things at a time, pausing only for a split moment before it would resume. He looked at his drum kit that sat in the corner. He smiled. Drumming was Robs passion. Rob returned his pen to the paper as he scratched out some more numbers figures and general nonsense. The house was quiet where they lived, almost owing to the fact that everyone was asleep. Rav had put Fribby and the twins down for a nap and then soon driffted off to sleep herself. Rob heard the basement door creak open and the rusteling sound of someone comming down the carpeted steps slowly. His eyes perked up to see his youngest daughter crawling across the carpeted floor towards her daddy. Rob couldnt help but chuckle. He set his pen down as Melissa quickly changed direction and headed for his drumset where she plopped down and proceeded to play with the foot pedal of the bassdrum. Rob picked up her up and sat her on his lap while he rested on the drum stool. She squealed happily.

"You are one devilish little creature, Mel."

Rob said affectionatly as he placed the drumsticks securly in her hands with his over them as he tapped out a simple rythem that made Mel squeal even more. After another minute or so, Rob picked her up and carried her back upstairs.


She squealed making rob stop in his tracks. Mel had her first word before her two older sibblings. All Sarah did was cry and Fribby just growled at everyone and everything. He chuckeled as He continued up the stairs and into the kitchen where he found Rav busteling around with the bottles.

"Rav, Mel's just said her first words!"

Rob said excitedly.

"Really?! What was it? I bet she said your name right?"

Rav couldnt help but roll her eyes at her husbands excitedness.

"Yup she said Daddy."

Rav froze.

"How did she get out of the play pen and over the baby gate?"

She asked, looking at the little girl in robs arms. Rob sighed.

"I have no idea."

He said as he set one of the twins bottles out to cool.

"Has fribby started eating solid stuff yet?"

"Other then potatoes? im not sure, "

Rav mumered softly trying to focus on making her brood lunch. Rob tested the bottle on his arm and then wandered into the living room where he sat down in the rocking chair that his mom had given the two of them when They had first had Fribby. Rob rocked back and forth as he fed his daughter. If someone who didnt know Rob saw him feeding his little girl, it would have struck them as a weird picutre to see this tall burly man feeding something so small that he could fit it between his elbow and the palm of his hand. Rav came in with sarah and sat down on the blanket that was spread infront of the TV.

"How did your classes go this morning?"

Rav asked trying to make small talk.

"They were alright, It would be easier if I could be at the school, but its just not possiable."

Rob murmered as he gently rocked Mel back and forth. He then mentioned to Rav about how he had to work late shift again at the coffee house down by the pier.

"You know I hate it when you work. Mel never gets quiet. Shes not like Sarah or Fribby, she wont sleep unless your home."

Rav said a bit offhandedly. Rob looked down at the twin in his arms. Chuckeling, he remembered that time when Rav got freaked out because she couldnt tell the twins apart when they were sick, Rav was certaint that she had given Mel Sarah's medicine. But Rob pointed out that It was probably sarah that she had given the medicine to because Mel was most likely to kick and scream and cry if Rav tried anything on her.

"Mike wants me in the studio on friday cuz we had this new guy come in two weeks ago and we're going to reccord a few thing with him."

Rav smiled at him.

"Do you think you guys might get signed?"

"I hope so, we got some pretty good stuff. But some times I think it might be easier to work with Mel, sarah and Fribby instead of joe. He acts just like them sometimes."

Rob laughed as he remembered the last bit of Havoc the Korean dj had wreaked on the studio.



New member
This is f#$%&*g BRILLIANT!

OMG, I literally laughed out loud a few times as I read through - I'm sure my neighbours think I'm officially nuts or something. But this here is just A-1 stuff and I aint fooling you. I LOVED IT! It's funny; I was thinking at the start - omg, overkill, people might be starting to get sick of our weird family (or at least stories of us clogging the boards) but the thing is this just plugs into them like magic. It's expanding on a past we sorta know about but no one has really touched on, even the ones wit the supernatural element to some degree so it's no great mental leap if you know what I mean - and I can't tell you how well you're making it your own. Brilliant. Funny, touching, observant too.

This has just made my day. Thanks!

*my weird hugs*

-Rav :cool:



New member
Yes Fox, stay tuned, you're about to be *ahem* concieved. *laughs nervously cause we all know what's coming up*

*swoons for Chester*

Haha. Uh oh. Trouble on the horizon! XD



New member
*****... this is GONNA be GOOOOODDDD no fair tho, mum gets my dream, nvm, i'm over chester(for now)


New member
thats not untill the next part dag nabbit. will y'all stop visitin my brain!! its crowded and flooded with drool and rob and jimmy so stay outta it lol but hey its all good

"Wait, did you say friday?"


Rob muttered as he set Mel down in the play pen with her sleeping brother.

"It cant be on friday. I have to work all three shifts. I cant take them with me."

Rav said as she checked the calender where she and Rob kept their work scheduals.

"There isnt any other time I can go in the studio."

"well I cant very well take them with me and let them play in the meat locker."

Rav protested. Robs frown deepened as he watched Rav set Sarah down in the play pen next to Mel. "Maybe my parents can watch them..."

Rob suggested before he was cut off by rav.

"They're on vacation in seattle remember."

"Well maybe my brother..."

"Him and his wife had a baby too remember."

Rob flopped down in the large sofa feeling defeated.

"I guess I'll just have to take the three in the studio with me. I know the guys wont mind it. They're starting to think that Mel's a perminant attatchment to my hip."

Rob said with a chuckle. Rav's eyes searched the room as if she was trying to find an alternate soultion other then to let them go to the studio. The last thing she needed was for Joe to corrupt her innocent children. Her attention turned to Fribby who had just woken up from his nap. He was on all fours growling at Mel. Rav pulled him up into her arms and sat him down in the big squishy armchair.

"I guess that'd be alright. Just dont let Joe spend too much time with them..."

Rob chuckeled as he watched his two sleeping daughters and his hyperactive son running around the living room looking for his favorite toy. Rob stood up and wandered into the kitchen. He picked up the chordless from the reciever and then dialed Mikes number.


Rob carefully manuvered the two carriers and Fribby through the doors of the studios. He set down Sarah's carrier as he checked in with the girl at the front desk. She then directed him to the lounge where the other guys were congrigated.

"Well I think we know who wears the pants in the relationship."

Joe joked as he made his shot at the pool table.

"Screw you."

Rob retorted as Mel started to cry softly after being put down. Rob instantly picked her up out of the carrier as Mike came over and said hello to fribby, who growled his greeting.

"Is it safe to say that I can trust you guys with my kids when I have to go record?"

Dave nodded, not looking up from teh playstation. Rob set Mel down next to sarah as he took Sarah out of the carrier. Mel instantly crawled over to Dave and started climbing on him while sarah cried.

"Is the new guy here yet?"

Rob asked as he gave sarah her pacifier. Mike relieved Rob of sarahs weight so Rob could sit down for a moment. Sarah started crying.

"He's in there now. **** good if you ask me."

"Dude does she like ever stop crying? She like makes joe sound like bono."

Brad asked as rob tried to get sarah to stop crying.

"Thats the difference I noticed. Mel only cries if I'm not there. Sarah cries all the time."

Rob commented. He kept an eye out for Fribby out of his parphrial vision as he clambered onto the couch where Brad had sat down and immedeatly tugged on brads afro.



New member
haha I love this story

especially how I'm always tuggin Brad's afro :D

and for help with the visual, keep in mind my baby picture I posted on here :p



New member
oh and for future referance for ya fribby. my oldest brother growled at everything untill he was seven XD. i mean he was hilarious. im glad the story's keeping you entertained. personally im having fun writing it. just wait till the next part where Joe does something compleatly random.


New member
Personally I am loving this story too. The first thing I thought when I crawled outta bed this morning was that I had to see if you'd come and updated it yet - glad to see I wasn't disappointed. I'm really getting into this.

It gives a new perspective on all sides really - save us 'siding' with our actual characters as we are naturally inclined to do. Have to say though I feel sorry for the family in this. Though they are only a young family you can already see cracks appearing in it - so not good. Kids being shoved all over the place while Rob and Rav try to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. Would leave little time for anything else (if you get my drift) on a personal note - it's no wonder we know what happens next.

But as for Joe's randomness? *looks worried* Can't imagine I'd be too thrilled having him be so hyper around my youngins neither. Rob, being more focused on performing, wouldn't be much of a deterant really. Fribby and the afro - that's a crack up. But amusingly enough Fribby's constant growling screams something to me you may not have intended - psychologically; he's reacting to the tension at home. Neither of his parents are taking the time to just be with and nuture him cause their fussing over the twins/work/etc. Fribby's trying to get attention and nobody's listening.

*sad face*

LOVING THIS! More, pretty please with sugar on top??

As for the baby picture? Where?!?

Hey, lets make this visual... put all our baby pictures together (well, you 4) haha... then we'll really get a call from Rob's real lawyers for sure...


-Rav :D



New member
Mike tried to keep sarah from crying as Dave held Mel, bouncing her up and down in his arms. Brad looked around.

"Guys wheres the little dude?"

Everything went quiet. Then it became more apparent that the usuaul growls that came with Fribbys presence. The three grown men looked at each other in the eyes and then panicked.


They started shouting as they searched high and low for the little boy.

"I hope he didnt meet up with joe."

Dave muttered as he continued to run with Mel in his arms. The three men searched in all the places they could think of. Sure enough when they got back into the lounge, Fribby was with Joe and they were eating pixy sticks. Fribby was already hyper enough as it is. now he was bouncing off the walls, litterally. Brad punched joe in the back of his head.

"ow! What was that for?!?"

Joe shouted angrily at brad.

"Robs like gonna kill you for like giving Fribby sugar. The midget's like hyperactive enough as it is!"

Brad said as fribby climbed up on a table nearest to brad and started pulling on the afro again. Brad gave an exasperated sigh but despite it, he cracked a small smile at the little kids facination of his fro.

"Carefull there Fribby, i dont know if stick man over there can hold your weight."

Mike joked as sarah finally stopped crying. Dave was busy making baby faces at Mel who was mimicking him. Mike shook his head.

"Dave why is it that kid dosent cry when you hold her but bawls her eyes out if one of us hold her?"

Dave shrug his shoulders in response to mikes question. **** he had no idea. He just stands around playing the bass thats all.

"I think mel just likes her uncle dave."

"aww davey-poo has a new wuv..."

Joe said making googoo eyes at him. Dave quickly responded with a swipe to the dj. Joe jumpped out of reach only to bash his head on the refrigerator. Joe staggered and then fell onto the carpeted floor dazed. Fribby climbed down off of brad and promptly sat on Joes stomache.


Joe muttered as he blinked a couple of times. Mel and sarah gave little baby laughs as Fribby started jumping on Joe. Dave and mike exchanged glances as they both looked at the twins in their arms. Brad turned to fribby.

"Do that again fribby!"

Fribby gave a little growl of compliance and started bouncing his but on joes stomache. The door to the sound room opened and rob walked in to see the comotion.

"Jesus I turn my back for an hour and your already corrupting my kids?"

Rob said as Mel started to squirm and kick in daves arms with her little hands extended towards her father. Rob took her in his arms. Rob stepped over the recumbant form of Joe and sat down on the couch and went through the daiper bag. He pulled out two bottles and then went to put them in the microwave.

"Mike can you feed Sarah for me? If I hold her, shes gonna start crying again."

Mike nodded as the microwave went off.

"dude Im not an expert at babies like you are. but I can try."

Rob tested the bottle as he gave it to mel. Looking up at mike, he then gave him a few tips.



New member
That was adorable. I could see it all happening like a comedic film strip in my head - funny visuals indeed. Can you imagine the chaos that would have ensued in the studio way back in the very begining when the guys were still young and relatively carefree and way worse pranksters than they are today? Chaos. Rav was right to worry about the safety of her children. I can see the fit hitting the shan when someone gets home from the studio *evil smirk* Irresponsable parenting lecture in five hours and counting... haha.

Having said that, I'm loving this story. This is heartfelt. Sarah's is emotional. Fox's is suspenseful. I love the way 4 relative strangers can write about practically the same things and come up with whole diferent perspectives and emotions from it, just mind-blowing.

Anyway, I NEED MORE damnit!

Great stuff. Can't wait (but have to) for more.


-Rav :D



New member
Rav put the twins to bed. She cast a worried glance at the clock. it was going on midnight. The worst part about having twins was that when one woke up crying, you could bet anything that the other would wake up crying too. Rob was late again. He had called and said that the guys wanted him to stop by the studio after he was finished with work. Things had been super hard on her lately, having to be in the resturant by six and not leaving till five or sometimes later. Most of the time rob was home, trying to put enough time in for his accounting degree, and pulling late shift at a coffee shop down on the strip in LA. There was the sound of the door opening up and Mel's eyes sprung open, searching the room. There was a soft knock on the door as Mel kicked off her blankets. Rav sighed. this was the seventh time she had done this in the past hour and a half.

"Can you do something about your daughter? Shes about to give me grey hair."

Rav said slightly exasperated. Rob pulled her up into his arms. smiling at her, rav gently shut the door as she exited the room. Rob walked over to where the window was as he gently bounced her up and down.

"You know what mel, things are gonna change around here. Things are gonna get better, for the five of us, I promise you that."

he said softly as mel grabbed his finger and began to suck on it in her mouth. Rob sat down in the gliding chair by the door as he gently rocked back and forth. Mel had began to get a bit squirmy and grumpy from tiredness, but she didnt want to go to sleep. Rob just sat there rocking her. Finally she went to sleep. Rob set her down and then slunk out of the room. Rav was in the bedroom that the couple shared. Rob sat down on his side of the bed.

"Rav, I got some good news."


Rav mumbeled as she changed into her pajamas.

"we got signed. its so cool we'll finally be able to get out of this **** hole."

Rav lept on him with her arms around his neck.

"Honey thats awesome!I'm so proud of you!"

"Tomorrow we're having a party at Mikes house to celebrate. I cant wait for you to meet chester, hes a pretty cool guy."

Rob said pulling his shirt off as he clambered into bed in just boxers.

"What about the kids..."

"I already took care of it. My mom would be glad to have her grandkids over for the night."

Rav sat in the car while Rob dropped the kids off. She and her Mother in law were a bit.... strained. Rob was all excited when he got back in the car. Rav couldnt help but smile at her husbands happiness. When they got to mikes house, there was already many people already there. Mike greeted Rav and Rob at the door.

"Yo Robster! and Rav... How are the kids?"

"Theyre at their grand parents house. So who all's here?"

"A bunch of suits and ties from the reccord company, us, some friends..."

Mike said as a blond haired guy with glasses walked by with a beer in hand. Rob abandoned Mike at the threshold and stopped the blond guy.

"Yo chester!"

Rob greeted happily. the blond dude turned and greeted rob the same way.

"Rob. whats up?"

"Not much. Oh this is my wife Rav."

"Pleased to meet you rav."

chester said, taking her hand and kissing the top of it. Rav turned a deep shade of pink.

"Nice to meet you too."

she managed to mutter. Rob said something about getting the two of them drinks before leaving chester and Rav all to themselves.

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