Insane Ppl Thread!

Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
the "X" are the eyes and the "D" is the mouth... it's like laughing really hard or something...

LAUGH LAUGH LUAGH LAUGH *cough cough* meork!

I never really got that either,lol.
Bleh whatever
hahahhahahaha My brothers TV is stupid. Its changing channels by its self :p
FadedBlue said:
Has anyone seen Napoleon Dynamite??
Thats the best movie ever created!!

Napolian Dynamite is awesome!! I love that movie ^__^ lol,I have it and I watched yesterday! Yes! lol,hehe I'm part Italian.I just asked my mom because I wasn't for sure
lol So crazy.I learned something new today and it wsn't at school!!! YAY!! :D :D