Insane Ppl Thread!

i'm one loco crazy lady hhee

***runs up to the stage and starts to sing numb*******

and plus i'm drunk

but not in real life..

but yes
***starts to hit on all the members of linkin park*****
Brkng_Th_Hbt said:
okie dokie, your cool! You think my ass is sexilicious!

hahaha that cracks me up lol

***takes brkng_th_hbt on to the dance floor and dancing all sexi like with him****

oh yea more beer please
twilightcrimson7 said:
I hope they don't close it! IT'S PERFECTLY NORMAL! *shifty eyes*

Yes my friend, you are right. This thread is completely normal. I'm am now trying so very hard to contain my insane laughter. I might explode. I hope nothing serious happens. *twitches*

Uh, if a tree falls in the forest and no hears it..does my pengiun still need to see a vet about its psychosis? He thinks he is stealing my sanity, but we all now George Bush is really a banana...No really, he is.
My roof is on fire, the commies found me.
ooooo muffins... i want muffins... hah...*starts dancing* i luv dancin to this song...its "whats happenin" by Trick Daddy.....

ne waiz.... i have a question!!!!!!!!!! would a slinky on an escalator ever stop!?

is tommarow Sexy Chaz's b-day!?...i think it is... hmmmmmmm... is it!?