internet relationships

i don't belive in good relationships like this. i had one, it was terrible, i liked him so much (i saw him for real and stuff), but he was always acting like it wasn't important, so he broke up and i was so sad and... now i don't belive... *sigh*
It's a complicated thing. On the internet there are a lot of creepy people hanging around, so sometimes you think you're talking to someone and you're talking to some creep who made up a personality to talk to you :\ If it wasn't for that, it'd be a good way to meet people lol I had an internet relationship some years ago, when I was 15 and the guy was 17 (so not a problem with age), and it was fun while it lasted, unfortunatelly he lived far away from me so we couldn't get to me, and that was why I ended it. I mean, if I couldn't meet him, I don't think it'd be worth it to hang on to that :p it wasn't really real. Anyway, we both moved on, and I'm now 20 ad we're still friends, so it's cool. I'm not going to say I disagree or agree with internet relationships, but the real life thing is much better, and never forget about the dangers of the internet!
omg I'm in one now its actually going really well right now.Well I met my internet love in a christian chatroom.well this is how we met.. I was in a Christian Chatroom on msn chatting and this guy imed me. well we started talking and hit it off straight from there. well he asked me out when we first met and of course I said no. so at the end of November 2003, he asked me again and this time I said yes. and a year later we are still together.We both live in the US and plan to meet up soon.They can work if you and the person make the effort to.
I made an effort, and it lasted for about 2 years....I was in love, but the feeling wasn't returned to me. She may have loved me, but she wasn't IN love with me......So I'm bitter now-_-

Good luck o_0
Internet relationships are quite possible but they arent the same as being able to hold the person you love. My last boyfriend...i met online...we would talk for hours on the phone. then we met up and went out all summer...dirty ******* broke my heart...
jomama10691 said:
Internet relationships are quite possible but they arent the same as being able to hold the person you love. My last boyfriend...i met online...we would talk for hours on the phone. then we met up and went out all summer...dirty ******* broke my heart...

awwz0rz soz *hug* what'd he do?
jomama10691 said:
Well, i THOUGHT i was falling in love....then i found out he was a two timing bitch on a stick...i have horrible luck with guys i guess :(

You know how many times i heard this? lol from lots of different women to, and they do with about 4-5 guys, its like, will u ever learn?
Online romances/relationships are pointless. Its a nerd's folly. I suggest walking outside and finding a guy/girl that you like and asking them out. And on top of it all, no one knows who anyone is on the internet. That 'hot babe' could be some fat nerd living in his mom's basement or something...*shudders*
I met this guy online a while ago. I had a boyfriend at the time. I'm sitll with him, too!
But this guy, we talked for ages, until one day he told me that he was in love with me. He said that if I didn't break up with my boyfriend for him, he'd kill himself.
I told him to wake the f*ck up, and told him, "if you really loved me, you wouldn't want to hurt me so much."
Now he hates me. He'll come onto Msn and call me a slut, and then he'll block me.
So, once again, I was f*cked over by a male. They like doing that to me. I'm so bloody niave (sp?) sometimes!
After that I had a bad case of MHS (Man- haters' syndrome.) My boyfriend loved it! He was allowed to act like a girl in front of me. Terrifying, I know....

Luv, Fallen Angel xx
yea ive done this net relasonship b4 and ill say from experiance it doesnt always turn out how it feels like it will. I met this guy that was going to a concert i was going to and we talked online for like 3 months leading up to the concert and we both thought we liked eachother, then we met. and its not that we hate eeachother cause were really good friends now but, after meetin we knew itd be kewler to just be friends. So alot of times it changes after u actually meet the person. Hope that gives some helpful advice to someone.
Skye said:
hi, well, i just want to ask if anyone's ever fallen in love or has a crush on anyone they met online? if they ask you if you two could become more than friends because they really like you, what would you say? can you trust them?
because a guy i know since feb, and i have a big big big big crush on him, just told me he really likes me, and he's all the way in UK. i know, it could be as a friend, but i....don't know. :(


well take it from me. i wouldnt really do it. see i met this girl. she is wonderful and we go out. i met her on the internet(on lpf acttually) weve been dating for like 2 months. she is awsum. i call her all the time. BUT she lives in the same country so i can visit her. but u two live in opposite ends kinda. i mean if u really wanna go for it. but...its going to be real hard. trust me i know...and dont feel like a looser datin a person u met online. Cuz i could get a girl easily but just this one is speacil to me.

OK, well, wait...firstly, thanks everyone for your advices. He sucks now! He's short-tempered, always have to win, in arguments etc. Gosh! I said my real name is Jenny, just Jenny. He doesn't believe me, he keeps thinking its Jennifer but I like being called Jenny. Wtf?? He doesn't know me in real life and yet....argh!! So pissed. >_>" what sore loser! Got upset and started swearing, just like that! But then...if i start ignoring him, he might call me and annoy me. what do i do now? I am such an idiot.
