Is God sadistic?

I had to give up about the second paragraph. Why all this writing if you don't believe in God?

**** the guy that told you that and move on! Christians are not supposed to judge or he's an asshole, what's his opinion to you? :confused:
Spleefman said:
I had to give up about the second paragraph. Why all this writing if you don't believe in God?

**** the guy that told you that and move on! Christians are not supposed to judge or he's an asshole, what's his opinion to you? :confused:

I agree, the guy is NOT a true Christian, hes being judgemental of you... probably a Republian.
Hey i happen to differ in opinion to the other repliers. There has to be someone to stand for what they think and it matters to write that much about something that doesn't really matter to you so you can provide an in depth response explanation to something that pissed you off....hence the name of the site you happen to be on.
I see nobody bitching at HIM personally, seems more like people are offended by his FRIEND.

Think what you want here about GOD, its your right, were not here to convince you otherwise.
But we ARE here to scrutinize, pick at/bitch at him in our own voices. Seems to be his first post so he gotta realize that people are going to insult wht he's saying, and probably him as well. but with that, dosn't mean that we don't respect your opinion, and won't hold it against you (not that it should make a difference, we're online here). but we will argue and insult to our heart's content.

Welcome to GF. Don't take anything TOO seriously, because nothing really is, and you'll have fun. Nice post.
I deffinately wasn't bitching at samIam!

Nothing pisses me off worse than a christian that goes around either condemning people to hell, or judging someone.

The people that know me on this board know that I am a Christian...a very liberal one, but one nonetheless.....but they also know that kind of **** I do not practice, and I damn sure do not condone!

****...Fullauto said he's a satanist, and him and I get along just fine!

SamIam....what I said was the truth! Stay away from the ****ers like you described! They are the one's that don't know jackshit about their own self-proclaimed choice of faith!

...and Welcome to GF!!!!! :D
My God, says there is a place for EVERYONE in the end and we shouldn't wonder about it, it never changes the final outcome of where we will be. It just changes the anticipation level.

See I can live with that. No holy wars, no bullshit threats of eternal damnation, and most importantly, no attempt to control the masses.

I just finished reading an article where Christians are still trying to get the theory of evolution thrown out of school. Nice way to throw us all back to the stone ages in my opinion. At the very least it will slow progress.
'Gospel Contradictions:

1) How many generations were there between Abraham to David? Matthew 1:17 lists fourteen generations. Matthew 1:2 lists thirteen generations.

2) Is Paul lying? In Acts 20:35 Paul told people "to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" Since Jesus never made such a biblical statement, isn
Was all of that from the site? I haven't been on there in a bit, my friend sent me the stuff a LONG time ago.
Outlaw2747 said:
Was all of that from the site? I haven't been on there in a bit, my friend sent me the stuff a LONG time ago.

Yes.Shoking isn't it?MRIH says the Qu'ran is pig-****.Atleast the Qu'ran doesn't contradict itself.
Outlaw,did I tell you I LOVE YOU???You've made my day.
Oh and my friend HATES the Muslim extremists that bomb people in the name of Allah. I don't understand why these people even do that crap? You got the contradicting Chirstians (no offense to the Christians) and the dmn bombing Musliums. AIG could you comment on that? Oh and btw, no one loves me, I'm an asshole atheist. :D
Outlaw2747 said:
Oh and my friend HATES the Muslim extremists that bomb people in the name of Allah. I don't understand why these people even do that crap? You got the contradicting Chirstians (no offense to the Christians) and the dmn bombing Musliums. AIG could you comment on that? Oh and btw, no one loves me, I'm an asshole atheist. :D

I've commented on this before,but i'll do it again just for you.
The ''bombing Musliums'' are in the wrong.They kill innocent people as well as themselves which is wrong according to Islamic teachings.
In Islam the rules are strike only is if you are striked at.You may have heard of the saying ''an eye for an eye''.This is also mentioned in the Qu'ran.
Murder is the biggest sin in Islam.If you murder someone intentionally,with no reason,then you should be punished in this world,and Allah will punish that person too.