Is smoking a crime?

Ill give non smokers the restaurant...Most of these places arent properly ventilated, and people are eating after all. Most meals dont take that much longer than an hour and I, as a smoker, can wait till im back outside to have a smoke...

but bars...that is another story. To say that they are protectings peoples health going into a bar is a huge oxymoron....

An interesting experiement has arrisen here in minneapolis. They banned all indoor smoking period in hennepin county. This includes minneapolis and many surrounding cities and suburbs. This does not, however, include St. Paul. St. Paul is literally connected to minneapolis and takes very little time to travel there. If you have never been here, or care for that matter, Minneapolis has allways been the "party" city and st paul seems to be nothing more than a huge, cheaper, suburb and has a much much much smaller draw as far as "bar" people and places to go. These typically slower places to go out to are now packed houses and suddenly are having a business boom, simply because people can smoke there. Several Minneapolis bars/restaurants are closing, in the red, and are hurting big time! Before the smoking ban came into effect non-smokers actually cheered in the audience in the show-bar part of our club when the MC would mention the smoking ban. Now, an interesting part, i have actually heard non-smokers leaving minneapolis to go to st. paul because that is where all the people are and they want to be where everyone is...

WTF? They cheer about the smoking ban, yet now VOLUNTARILY are leaving their clean air places to drink to go where many people are smoking (and in higher numbers now since it is limited). Clearly our city doesnt know the people they govern.

As for keeping the bar workers healthy that is also another side of the issue because in any given place the number of smokers that work in them is about 90% or higher........(sometimes less, but in general its a pretty high number)

Ok i ran outta 2 cents...later
I think that if you smoke, there was a time in your life when you were a ****ing moron. Not saying you are now, but you were. And anyone you smokes inside has apparently no respect for anyone who doesn't smoke. I hate it especially in cars.
You can always walk away....Everyone has a right to either SMOKE or NOT to smoke. No one forces it on you. Yeah it sucks that people do cause eventually it will kill them or hurt them in some way but they are happy and only hurt some one else if the person is standing near them. If you dont like it...move or leave.
C'mon smokers, this line of logic that "if you don't like breathing my carcinogens, then leave" is akin to someone spraying the place with kelthane and saying "if you don't like the smell of my poison then leave." Cigarette smoke is lethal, guys... handle with caution!

I'm with Vortex on this: You can keep smoking out of restaurants. I really don't care. However, since the smoking ban on bars, there have been a few smaller ones once popular go out of business. Why? They all say the same thing: NO SMOKING! The winter killed the bar business. When I went out this past winter, bars that are normally PACKED were dead on the weekends. When it's 15 degrees out, who the hell wants to go stand out in the cold?
I can see putting regulations on ventilation systems so it doesn't get so smokey, but I will say that almost EVERYONE who goes to the bar smokes. I know "Non" smokers that will smoke socially at the bar on weekends. Bars will continue to lose business, but I don't see our idiot lawmakers bringing smoking back.
Yea im a little nervous for the winter myself....minneapolis doesnt exactly have mild winters.....

another phenomenon that happend here as well as small makeshift patios are now outside every single bar. And in some cases more busy outside than insdie....

and the non-smokers followed the smokers there too to hang out.....why? either they have friends out there, or because the bar inside is empty....
This is real's BAR!

Hey...if you don't want to be around preaching....better stay away from the churches.

If you don't want to be around smoke.....don't go to a bar!
Eh, I think they've gone overboard with a lot of this ****. But, even so, some of the places smoking REALLY makes me want to take someone down aren't banned, like outdoor lines.

Here, let me reverse that cigarette for you!

It would be one thing if they kept the mosquitos away, but all they do is replace my oxygen with poison. Next time I'm gonna get aggressive with a bug fogger, see how they like that ****.
You're a moron, 8 ball. Of course you can't ****ing smoke in a public area--an enclosed space! You're ****ing killing people, asswipe. It's exactly the same as if you poured paint thinner down their throat, or ****ing antifreeze or some other toxic ****. You can't force people to suffer or even die because YOU'RE a weak-willed numbnutted asshole who needs his cigs every five minutes to hold onto his miserable life. There's no reason why innocent bystanders should suffer for your stupidity. It is NOT a free country when being 'free' means you can walk around poisoning people.
Silver_dragon87 said:
You're a moron, 8 ball. Of course you can't ****ing smoke in a public area--an enclosed space! You're ****ing killing people, asswipe. It's exactly the same as if you poured paint thinner down their throat, or ****ing antifreeze or some other toxic ****. You can't force people to suffer or even die because YOU'RE a weak-willed numbnutted asshole who needs his cigs every five minutes to hold onto his miserable life. There's no reason why innocent bystanders should suffer for your stupidity. It is NOT a free country when being 'free' means you can walk around poisoning people.
I was speaking about the US. Not little ol' Canada where nothing happens. Last I checked no where in my thread did I say **** about me wanting to smoke in Canada.
Hah! Smoking hardly poisons everyone to death. If you can't continually smell the smoke, there isn't really an issue. Incidental damage to the lungs and other organs happens all the time, they heal the small stuff. It's constant exposure or large amounts that cause problems.

Forest fires release several million times more toxins into the general atmosphere, and the gasoline vehicles that pass by as close as most smokers are pouring much nastier **** into your lungs and in much larger volumes.
8, smoking is the same issue no matter where you go. Murder is still murder, and you would never get away with it if you just went up to someone and made them drink all the **** that's IN cigarettes. Troll, your point is definitely valid, but the smoking issue is something we can address more easily, and is still important. I mean, you all know I ****ing hate people, but even I know that poisoning children is.......****, it's monstrous. People do it every day--to their own families, no less. It's selfish and stupid and they should be put either in jail or a psychiatric ward.
Silver_dragon87 said:
8, smoking is the same issue no matter where you go. Murder is still murder, and you would never get away with it if you just went up to someone and made them drink all the **** that's IN cigarettes. Troll, your point is definitely valid, but the smoking issue is something we can address more easily, and is still important. I mean, you all know I ****ing hate people, but even I know that poisoning children is.......****, it's monstrous. People do it every day--to their own families, no less. It's selfish and stupid and they should be put either in jail or a psychiatric ward.

How in the blue **** am I murdering people by smoking a cigarette? If Im at a bar, smoking a cigarette, and you walk up and dont like me smoking, WALK THE **** AWAY FROM ME. People who smoke dont smoke to harm other people. Its a habit that I enjoy and will not stop just because its bad for my health and others. I will not blow my smoke in your general direction. I highly doubt people in restaurants can even smell the smokers section. I dont give a **** if the area is poorly ventilated. If you dont like how the restaurant is set up, dont bitch at me, eat some where else. Dont ban smoking all together. Its just stupid. Plain and simple.
Silver_dragon87 said:
8, smoking is the same issue no matter where you go. Murder is still murder, and you would never get away with it if you just went up to someone and made them drink all the **** that's IN cigarettes. Troll, your point is definitely valid, but the smoking issue is something we can address more easily, and is still important. I mean, you all know I ****ing hate people, but even I know that poisoning children is.......****, it's monstrous. People do it every day--to their own families, no less. It's selfish and stupid and they should be put either in jail or a psychiatric ward.

Yeah... but I thought you didn't give a **** about the children....

This is just another way of getting rid of all the ****ing people you hate in life. :cool:
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
Hah! Smoking hardly poisons everyone to death. If you can't continually smell the smoke, there isn't really an issue. Incidental damage to the lungs and other organs happens all the time, they heal the small stuff. It's constant exposure or large amounts that cause problems.

Thermite Wielding Troll said:
Forest fires release several million times more toxins into the general atmosphere, and the gasoline vehicles that pass by as close as most smokers are pouring much nastier **** into your lungs and in much larger volumes.

A. Prove it. Cigarettes are extremely poisonous.

B. If someone is sitting behind a car inhaling the fumes, yeah, it'll be dangerous. Being near a smoker when they are smoking puts 4000 different chemicals into the air. But car emissions have 3:

  • [ ]Hydrocarbons react with nitrogen oxides in the presence of sunlight and elevated temperatures to form ground-level ozone. It can cause eye irritation, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath and can lead to permanent lung damage.
    [ ]Nitrogen oxides (NOx) also contribute to the formation of ozone and contribute to the formation of acid rain and to water quality problems.
    [ ]Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, deadly gas. It reduces the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream and can impair mental functions and visual perception. In urban areas, motor vehicles are responsible for as much as 90 percent of carbon monoxide in the air.

Chemicals Found In Cigarette Smoke

There are more than 4000 chemicals including the following:

Cancer Causing Agents:

Nitrosamines, Crysenes, Cadmium, Benzo (a) pyrene, Polonium 210, Nickel, P.A.H.s, Diberiz Acidine, B-Napthylamine, Urethane, N. Nitrosonornicotene, Toluidine


Aluminum, Zinc, Magnesium, Mercury, Gold, Silicon, Silver, Titanium, Lead, Copper

And more:

Acetone (nail polish remover), Acetic Acid (Vinegar), Ammonium (Floor/Toilet Cleaner), Arsenic (poison), Butane (cigarette lighter fluid), Cadmium (rechargeable batteries), Carbon Monoxide (car exhaust fumes), DDT/Dieldrin (Insecticides), Ethanol (alcohol), Formaldehyde (preserver of body tissue and fabric), Hexamine (barbecue lighter), Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison), Methane (swamp gas), Methanol (rocket fuel), Napthalene (mothballs), Nicotine ( insecticide/addictive drug), Nitrobenzene (gasoline additive), Nitrous Oxide Phenols (disinfectant), Steric Acid (candle wax), Toluene (industrial solvent), Vinyl Chloride (makes PVC)

Ho hum.......I work for the ACS.......but hey...thanks for playing! :D

Scarey stuff huh?

I still believe that barowners have the choice of how they want to run their businesses, especially when the majority of bar visitors smoke.

Sorry......I just kind of believe in freedom, and keeping the government out of our business....goofey stuff like that.
Yeah, but you would think that if the majority of the people in their didn't smoke, you wouldn't want many smoker in their...