Is smoking a crime?

No you dont have gal in your name but you have an imaginary creature as a dragon, just showing how childish you are. Oh and as for my husband poisioning his family, WE CHOSE to sit there. We dont mind the smoking because we are use to it. If you ride in a car at all you poison someone or some thing. As for calling you little...its toward your mind not how tall or short or skinny or fat you might be. Its your little thought even though you have many they are just the same thing over and over in almost every thread you respond to.
8balls, I find it sporting to hunt and shoot down idiots. It's more humane than hunting animals. If you can't handle a serious, prompt debate, well.....get lost. :) If you have nothing to contribute but mindless ****-slinging, what the hell are you doing here?

Gal, if you and your family want to kill themselves, I have no problem with it. I only ask that you don't murder others. Also, a dragon a mythical creature of great importance to the history of MANY cultures. At least I don't paint myself as just another bimbo, only to later prove it.

Finally, once AGAIN you fail. This time, to realize what I meant by your calling me little. It seems you were calling me stupid in a way that you shouldn't have been because...well...saying 'little' refers to diminutive in some way, or just....small. If you had said small-MINDED, you might have made some sense. (A/N: calling someone closed-minded without any evidence is just another last resort of the moron. Don't indulge in it.) Small-minded, like a 'gal,' do you understand the connotation of the word? No, I suppose not. If you know what a connotation is.

Anyway, I meant not to refer to me as your inferior, darlin', because it's the other way around. I feel sorry for you, so that's why I've begun to pat you on the head, though I'm sure you can't isolate which word or words I use to do it. (Hey, a plush toy of a fluffy white rabbit if you can.)

If anyone has anything INTELLIGENT to say about this issue, I'm still here, but I AM tiring of my sport. At least for today.
LMAO. I used to think watching retards having thier own olympics was pretty damn funny to watch. Now I have a new favorite, watching dragon try to say something intelligent.

Im allergic to dumb asses. Luckily I only have to read what you write.
If you would like anyone to pay any mind to your [continuing] childish insults, you might want to elaborate on that. See, we intelligent people, we use a little something we like to call evidence. That's where you quote something, and then explain--without more childish name-calling--what you find to BE...faulty in the arguement. So if you'd care to make an effort (the brain is a muscle you know), please feel free.
Wow. I actually agree with Silver Dragon. I find it ridiculous to see establishments aimed at children, such as McDonalds or other fast food restaurants, which allow smoking. No, this isn
I still think restraunt owners should have the right to choose. Many people do light up before or after but i like to enjoy my husbands company after he eats and he smokes. Now for the sake of others he also "dips" but i think that is disgusting. Yes he is only killing himself but i gotta kiss him (ok that was a joke) anyway i do understand, i use to HATE the cig. smoke but i am use to it and i think people should be able to choose. PERIOD
Gray~Gal said:
I still think restraunt owners should have the right to choose. Many people do light up before or after but i like to enjoy my husbands company after he eats and he smokes. Now for the sake of others he also "dips" but i think that is disgusting. Yes he is only killing himself but i gotta kiss him (ok that was a joke) anyway i do understand, i use to HATE the cig. smoke but i am use to it and i think people should be able to choose. PERIOD
They do have a choice. They choose to smoke. Choosing where is not a right that is given, hense the 'smoking section'. Why not fight for the right to smoke on school grounds. Is that somehow different?
If you are all done eating then you can enjoy the pleasure of his company as you walk out the door, or he can put off smoking for five minutes while you finish, unless he doesn't value your company over that after meal smoke. There is no reason to smoke at the table.
I'm not trying to be mean, but come on. What are you really fighting for?
I don't think smoking should be allowed in a resteraunt...but I still believe bar owners have the right to make the choice between smoking or non-smoking.

As I have said before...IT'S A BAR. :cool:
I'm not sure that people care all that much about bars. Sports bars are about as far down as I, personally, would care to nitpick. Some families eat there--I have. Mmm perogies. Anyway, so in general if you had to say 'smoking in public buildings is allowed' or 'disallowed' which one would you go with, Spleef?
8_BALL said:
LMAO. I used to think watching retards having thier own olympics was pretty damn funny to watch. Now I have a new favorite, watching dragon try to say something intelligent.

Im allergic to dumb asses. Luckily I only have to read what you write.

Your thoughts intrigue me on the matter. Do you have a newsletter?
Silver_dragon87 said:
I'm not sure that people care all that much about bars. Sports bars are about as far down as I, personally, would care to nitpick. Some families eat there--I have. Mmm perogies. Anyway, so in general if you had to say 'smoking in public buildings is allowed' or 'disallowed' which one would you go with, Spleef?

Well...if I had to choose between one or the other I would have to say Disallowed.

There are no questions as to what second hand smoke can do. To argue the fact is indeed futile.

I just know for instance here in Austin they just passed a new ordinence banning smoking in nightclubs and bars. I have a problem with that.

It's a's like I have said before...if you don't want to hear preaching, don't go to a church! If you don't like smoke, you damn sure don't want to go to a bar.

By the way SD...I love the warning lables on cigarettes up in Canada....I saw one pack....Cigarettes will kill you!!!

They don't **** around up there! :D
Ever see their PSAs on domestic violence? One thing I like about Canada, they don't sugar coat ****. They tell you how the **** it is.

As far as smoking, as much as I oppose of it, the bars should be able to have smokers. The smokers gotta have a place to hang out. I agree with Spleef on that idea. But restaraunts...uhhh no. I prefer to enjoy my food than have someone's disgusting cancer cloud float towards me. Some places do not actually have a non-smokers area.
Even when I smoked I did not do it in a resturant, and I didn't like people around me doing it.

If I want smoke around my food I'll go to a Bar-B-Que joint! :p
Spleefman said:
Well...if I had to choose between one or the other I would have to say Disallowed.

There are no questions as to what second hand smoke can do. To argue the fact is indeed futile.

I just know for instance here in Austin they just passed a new ordinence banning smoking in nightclubs and bars. I have a problem with that.

It's a's like I have said before...if you don't want to hear preaching, don't go to a church! If you don't like smoke, you damn sure don't want to go to a bar.

By the way SD...I love the warning lables on cigarettes up in Canada....I saw one pack....Cigarettes will kill you!!!

They don't **** around up there! :D

Hey Guy they have to "groovy" lables here to. Look on a pack of smokes and it will tell u hey ur sucking in these toxins and they may possibly kill you
Our labels are a bit more 'watered down' than most other countries. Kinda like our educational and judicial systems.
yeah but they are on there so.....and anyway if you dont know the risk when you start smoking you aint old enough to smoke then!
Gray~Gal said:
yeah but they are on there so.....and anyway if you dont know the risk when you start smoking you aint old enough to smoke then!
No one is arguing the fact that we have warning labels. Spleefman was commenting on the difference in how the warning is presented. There was never a suggestion that we lack the warning. There is the direct quote for you:
Spleefman said:
By the way SD...I love the warning lables on cigarettes up in Canada....I saw one pack....Cigarettes will kill you!!!
They don't **** around up there! :D
Do you understand now? Or would you rather continue arguing a moot point?
I suggest that places that allow smoking be compelled to put warning signs in conspicuous places outside the premises at every entrance that second-hand smoke can kill you as well.