Is smoking a crime?

Also you might want to put a sign out next to those that read:

This alcohol **** isn't that great for you either! ;)

Where does the slippery slope end? :confused:
Spleefman said:
Also you might want to put a sign out next to those that read:

This alcohol **** isn't that great for you either! ;)

Where does the slippery slope end? :confused:
I see what you mean spleef, but isn't alcohol normally consumed in a liquid state? What I mean by that is my consumption of alcohol is not going to get into your blood stream by being in the same building as me. And as for warning lables on alcohol, I believe they are already there.
You are right, but the no-smoking laws are like many other laws which are imposed in order to "serve" the population in terms of health, etc. The concept, basically, is to protect the more "logical and safe" of the two, I guess. Which, in itself, is quite simple, but unfair to others, as you pointed out.

I don't know where I'm going with this. It's 3:00am...
I believe that the government needs to stay away from making laws that are meant to be "good for us". They are not the nagging Mother of its citizens. People should have the choice to do what they please.

In Texas there are towns where you can't smoke in restaurants unless they have a seperate area for smokers with special ventilation so the smoke does not get to the non-smokers. That seems to make the most sense to me.

By banning smoking altogether they are eating into the profits of the restaurant and bar if the business is not given an alternative.

Having said that I have asthma, I literally can't breath if someone is smoking in an enclosed space, its not so bad if I am outside and stand a little away, upwind. The after effects can stay with me all day, require extra medication etc and I assume if I was not able to get away such as in a workplace I would end up with pneumonia again. My lungs fill with fluid pretty easily when they are irritated. I also cough like a smoker myself sometimes until I throw up. Needless to say I don't smoke and I avoid being around people who do smoke BUT I don't make a moral judgement about smokers. We all have our crutches.

The government should stay out of things like this, they are not my babysitter. If I want to drink myself to death, smoke myself to death, smoke pot daily, and I don't affect others when I do it then they need to stay out of my business.
This pisses me off too.

What the ****, most of the bars have ventilation system that takes care of the second hand smoking, and what's the point of a bar without a little smoke in the air?

God damn, conservatives trying to live another ****ing year or so of their pathetic life, making stupid ****ing laws and lowering traffic speed, when they could of use thier time and money to come up with cure for cancer or something useful that we all could use.

I mean, i understand about restraurants. I even sit in non-smoking section when I eat out.

But in a bar? people are too drunk to even know what they're eating or drinking, what the hell is the point in making it non smoking?

mine as well, ban liquor too out of bars.
Smoking Rocks!!
I've smoked for too long to have the ****ing government come in and tell me I can't. How many smokers feel like going to a restaurant and eating a meal and getting full and then having to go outside to smoke that after dinner cig. Was it really so bad to just have a smoking section. This sounds like some descrimination to me. But you know you can't descrimination on Race, sex or religion in the business world, why should you be able to do that with smoking, all smoking is is a personal decision and that invades my right to freedom in the US.

What is freedom now anyway??
As far as I am concerned smoking should be banned from all public venues, and they should continue to tax cigarettes higher and higher if you want to have a discussting habit pay for it. I go to bars and I am a non-smoker if all bars are non-smoking does that mean that smokers will not go to bars, I don't think so.
First of all, freedom is limited to you're ability to do harm to others, you cant fire off guns in a bar because you feel like it. Smoking causes health risks to others, period. How many studies of this do you need to see. Not-smoking doesn't cause damage to anyone. The government sided with the non-smokers for obvious reasons. I LOVE to smoke when I drink, but I think it is disgusting to sit in a bar that is a giant cloud of smoke. I am biased because I am born and raised in California, but here I dont see what the big ****ing deal about going outside is all about. I actually like to get some fresh air.
Yeah and do you have cold harsh winters? I don't mind going out in the summer, but come is rare that I go to a bar.
"peaches and pineapples"

peaches and pineapples are so good
peaches and pineapples dont taste like wood

i would eat peaches and pineapples in a tree
i would keep them all for me

i have ate peaches and pineapples
why debate peaches and pineapples

peaches and pineapples
Requiem said:
First of all, freedom is limited to you're ability to do harm to others, you cant fire off guns in a bar because you feel like it. Smoking causes health risks to others, period. How many studies of this do you need to see. Not-smoking doesn't cause damage to anyone. The government sided with the non-smokers for obvious reasons. I LOVE to smoke when I drink, but I think it is disgusting to sit in a bar that is a giant cloud of smoke. I am biased because I am born and raised in California, but here I dont see what the big ****ing deal about going outside is all about. I actually like to get some fresh air.

well hey you cant win them all huh j/k
You gonna drink, well there might be smoke..and well you just gotta sing
I LOVE THIS BAR....ITs MY KIND OF PLACE...ok ok i am done for now. But anyways, i will agree NOW no smoking in restraunts are A-O-K but in a bar get a ****ing goes hand in hand.
It should be the property owner who sets the smoking policy, not government. Just because something is open to the public does not mean the owner should have his property rights infringed upon. Let the free market work.
I'm with hugo on that last statement, The owners and managers should be the ones making the decision. As far as going outside, I'm in South Georgia, I don't know what kind of fresh air ya'll have wherver you happen to be, but it is ****ING hot down here. Not just the 98 degrees but 100% or more of humidity makes it dreadful to go outside. Don' mind it once in a while, but all of the time is out of the question!
I think that I or anyone else should be able to smoke just about wherever we want to.

There have been laws in place for a few years now in my area that forced restaurants to have separate ventilation for smoking v. non smoking sections. I though that we abolished discriminatory laws,
Hey Pink_Fairy90, er, Queer_Canuck69, oops I mean Silver_Dragon...I have something for you to suck on, and it isn't second hand smoke. You are a complete cretin. Your argument contains no logic. It seems your only goal was to bash us smokers. What the **** do you care? Unlike 8_ball, I WILL blow smoke in your french onion face. Why are you worried, you guys have free healthcare.

-Marilize Legajuana.
-Kill the sissy canuck dragons.
-OJ did it!
LMFAO..... i forgot I started this thread. Im glad to see the smokers and non smokers still arent getting along.
I hate non smokers and their impuissant cries of injustice. I do, however, love the fact that I used a somewhat complex choice of words given the current level of chemicals in my bloodstream at the present moment. And no, I am not referring to the 4 million chemicals in cigarettes as those are in addition to other more enjoyable chemicals. If you dont like second hand smoke then I suggest you stfu and buy a pack of Marlboros. See, instead of getting second hand smoke, you will then be getting squeaky clean, filtered first hand smoke. Its either that or quit breathing.

-God Bless The Dictionary
-Marilize Legajuana
-Smileys are for crack whores and writers of children's books.
If some people would quit smoking, they would have the money to pay off their bills and get their life straight.

it is just us smokers that pay twice the tax

Quit smoking and then you have less tax to worry about.