Is this the stupidest comment you've ever seen?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
Just a question (not an idiot box poll)... Is this not the dumbest comment to come about in a while?

I'm referring to AIG's comment that not just anybody is allowed in Christian churches because there are no black popes? Talk about irrelevance!

http://Off Topic

I was afraid she'd edit it so here it is again...
Also in the christian religion ANYBODY is welcome to pray in ANY church ANY time

I'll believe that when I see a Black Pope!
No you idiot. I was referring to that fact because it is the truth and I can't believe you're lying so much. You will find churches that are just for black people and those that only have white people attending. So yes, I do believe that your religion has alot of segragation. Your bible condones slavery, for God's sake!

I certainly won't be editing my post, fool! I miss your bias polls.
I was referring to that fact because it is the truth
We realize there's no black pope... I will stipulate that fact. but it's still irrelevant!
and I can't believe you're lying so much.
What lie, idiot... Here is a link and a quote, how on earth could it possibly be a lie? You know what, You are an idiot and I'll start that idiot box poll any way.
You will find churches that are just for black people and those that only have white people attending.
Never seen one or heard about one and I certainly have never been denied entry to any church.
So yes, I do believe that your religion has alot of segragation.
I believe you would be stupid even if your weren't muslim.
Funny how you quoted my whole post and didn't say anything about your bible condoning slavery.:rolleyes: Which further proves my point!
The Catholic Church is found all over the world. That is a lot of Bishops to choose from when electing a Pope. There were several Blacks in the committee that appointed this most recent one. It is a lifetime appointment, so the
What lie, idiot... Here is a link and a quote, how on earth could it possibly be a lie? You know what, You are an idiot and I'll start that idiot box poll any way

OK, dumbass. If you read carefully, I'm talking about how you are lying about the fact that your religion has alot of segragation! I wasn't talking about you lying about my post being there. I even said I wouldn't edit my post. WOW! While you're starting the idiot box poll, don't forget to mention your name!
One more thing...I'm curious what is the ratio Black to White to Latino is in the Catholic Church. Does anyone know? Wouldn't it stand to reason that the highest ratio would stand the better chance of becoming Pope?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:

LOL. So people should believe what this SILAS dude says. Bring better proof idiot. I'm using your bible!!!

Ha ha. This is by far his funniest quote,''From the days that Muhammad drew his sword to rob and conquer non-Muslims to this very day, Muslims have been taking non-Muslims, and even other black Muslims, as slaves''.

Obviously a friend of yours, eh MRIH.
OK, dumbass. If you read carefully, I'm talking about how you are lying about the fact that your religion has alot of segragation! I wasn't talking about you lying about my post being there. I even said I wouldn't edit my post. WOW! While you're starting the idiot box poll, don't forget to mention your name!
You didn't even mention segregation until after you called me a liar... I hope they PERMENANTLY idiot box you!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You didn't even mention segregation until after you called me a liar... I hope they PERMENANTLY idiot box you!

Look asshole, I called you a liar because you're denying your religion being segragated. Why on earth would I call you a liar when I admit that I posted what I posted. You're the idiot cos you're proving it with each word you type!

33:50 - "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty."

23:5 - "... except with their wives and slave girls, for these are lawful to them:..."

Ibn Sa'd's "Tabaqat", gives a clear description of Muhammad having "relations" with at least one of his slave girls. Muhammad had sexual relations with Mariyah, his Coptic slave. Mariyah and her sister, Sirin were slaves given as gifts to Muhammad. Muhammad gave Sirin to Hasan Thabit, the poet. Ibn Sa'd says that Muhammad "liked Mariyah, who was of white complexion, with curly hair and pretty." [Taken from Ibn Sa'd's "Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir" (Book of the Major Classes), p151].

The Quran also instructs Muslims NOT to force their female slaves into prostitution (24:34), and even allows Muslims to marry slaves if they so desire (4:24), and to free them at times as a penalty for crime or sin (4:92, 5:89, 58:3) and even allows slaves to buy their liberty, if they meet certain of their master's conditions (24:33). [90:10 'freeing of a bondsman' refers to Muslims ransoming other Muslims who were slaves of non-Muslims.]
ToriAllen said:
One more thing...I'm curious what is the ratio Black to White to Latino is in the Catholic Church. Does anyone know? Wouldn't it stand to reason that the highest ratio would stand the better chance of becoming Pope?

So there are more white people in the catholic church than black?:rolleyes:
OK, dumbass. If you read carefully, I'm talking about how you are lying about the fact that your religion has alot of segragation! I wasn't talking about you lying about my post being there. I even said I wouldn't edit my post. WOW! While you're starting the idiot box poll, don't forget to mention your name!
There are many denominations within the Christian religion. The Catholic Church, the only one with a Pope, is the least segregated of all the Churches. Most of the time, there is only one Church per Parish and everyone within that Parish goes there, regardless of color. The most likely Church to show segregation is the Southern Baptist, and there is no strict segregation. It is the choice of the person which church that want to go to, but culturally, Whites are more comfortable in a ridged Church, where Black are more comfortable in a lively Church. It has to do with upbringing, and again, with comfort levels, not racism.
So there are more white people in the catholic church than black?:rolleyes:
I know there are in the US. Most of the countries that are predominately Catholic are also Predominately White. Not only that, but most Christian Blacks in this country are involved with denominations other than Catholicism. My husband’s friend from Nigeria is catholic, but there is a large Muslim population there, too. In fact, he doesn’t like Muslims very much, because they killed his parents for being Christian…
Anyway, Islam seems to be prominent in most countries where Blacks are the majority. My only conclusion is that Blacks are not the majority in the Catholic Church.
33:50 - "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty."

You didn't post the whole verse. The verse speaks about whom the Prophet is allowed to marry. And the slaves that the Prophet(pbuh) had actually gave themselves to him. They were never forced. Now tell me, since when would anyone think of marrying his slave before Islam. Islam gave slaves equality. They worked and were payed. Most of them became muslims because they were shown compassion by the muslims. Don't take what you want from the Qur'an and take it out of context!

23:5 - "... except with their wives and slave girls, for these are lawful to them:..."

The verse actually reads; ''Except from their wives or those that their right hands possess- for then, they are free from blame''.

And this verse does not mean what your dirty mind thinks it means. Those that their right hand possesses actually means their children or the slave girls whom they marry. Illegal sexual intercourse is haram(forbidden) in Islam.

Ibn Sa'd's "Tabaqat", gives a clear description of Muhammad having "relations" with at least one of his slave girls. Muhammad had sexual relations with Mariyah, his Coptic slave. Mariyah and her sister, Sirin were slaves given as gifts to Muhammad. Muhammad gave Sirin to Hasan Thabit, the poet. Ibn Sa'd says that Muhammad "liked Mariyah, who was of white complexion, with curly hair and pretty." [Taken from Ibn Sa'd's "Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir" (Book of the Major Classes), p151].

Mariyah was one of his wives and she wasn't forced to marry him. Plus, I don't even know if the above is authentic.

The Quran also instructs Muslims NOT to force their female slaves into prostitution (24:34), and even allows Muslims to marry slaves if they so desire (4:24), and to free them at times as a penalty for crime or sin (4:92, 5:89, 58:3) and even allows slaves to buy their liberty, if they meet certain of their master's conditions (24:33). [90:10 'freeing of a bondsman' refers to Muslims ransoming other Muslims who were slaves of non-Muslims.]

I don't see a problem in NOT forcing slaves into prostitution or marrying slaves. As for the freeing them as a penalty for crime or sin. When Islam came, muslims bagan freeing the slave in the hands of the disbelievers because they were being oppressed by them. So if muslims commited a sin they had to free many slaves as a good deed, to wipe out their sins.Understand?

4:92, 5:89, 58:3, 24:33, All these verses say something different to what you wrote beside them. What an idiot!

90:10 'freeing of a bondsman' . How about you present it in full. Never mind, I'll do it.

''And what will make you know the path that is steep?,
''It is freeing a neck (slave),
''Or giving food in a day of hunger,
''To an orphan near of kin,
''Or to a Miskin(poor person) cleaving to dust(out of misery.''

As You now see it has a totally different meaning to what your foolish mind thinks!

Now let us see your bible.

Exodus 21:20-21

"When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.
If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property''

Leviticus 25:44-46
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. You can will them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly."

Need I say more.No wonder you're soooooo defensive whenever anything happens to Israel.:rolleyes:
ToriAllen said:
I know there are in the US. Most of the countries that are predominately Catholic are also Predominately White. Not only that, but most Christian Blacks in this country are involved with denominations other than Catholicism. My husband’s friend from Nigeria is catholic, but there is a large Muslim population there, too. In fact, he doesn’t like Muslims very much, because they killed his parents for being Christian…
Anyway, Islam seems to be prominent in most countries where Blacks are the majority. My only conclusion is that Blacks are not the majority in the Catholic Church.

You know what ticks me off. Whenever racism is the topic, someone says, ''My friend is black or someone's friend is black''.Typical. As for your husband's friend.Ask him was it 1 billion muslims who killed his parents?

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