Is this the stupidest comment you've ever seen?

ImWithStupid said:
Sorry, I was going off memory. It was MRIH replying to Tori. My bad.

But when I read it I didn't think it was meant to assume that people of color are destined to be those things.

I don't know what your definition of ''when'' is but I believe it means that something is gonna definately occur or has occured already.
BTW, who made you the defence of MRIH? He didn't find your anus,did he?
I don't know what your definition of ''when'' is but I believe it means that something is gonna definately occur or has occured already.
BTW, who made you the defence of MRIH? He didn't find your anus,did he?

Thank you for proving my point. "When", as in, "When, in past situations", where people of color...

Not, When "in the future people of color have done whatever"...

That's both past and future tense and doesn't make any sense. Learn some basic grammer.

I'm not defending anyone. I am just saying that I didn't interpret that quote the same as you did.

And also as far as defending MRIH, it was you who pointed out that I was thinking Tori wrote it and both are capable of defending themselves.
That's both past and future tense and doesn't make any sense. Learn some basic grammer

Dipshit, that's what I wrote too. It could mean past and future, ''SOMETHING THAT WILL OCCUR OR HAS ALREADY OCCURED''.
However I doubt MRIH was talking about the past. He was talking about present day, cos how the hell would he have come to such a conclusion? He said I was one of them for God's sake. That removes the notion that he was talking about the past. I guess you're even dumb enough to believe anything, even if I said I could travel back to the past.

And also as far as defending MRIH, it was you who pointed out that I was thinking Tori wrote it and both are capable of defending themselves.

Yet it's only you who's doing all the talking for them. :rolleyes:
''I can be your hero, baby''. Pushed Enrique right of the platform, eh stupid?
Obviously, I'm talking to someone who is used to seeing his women reveal all and never leave anything to the imagination.:rolleyes: How on earth do those women call something no bigger than FLOSS, underwear?! Flippin' disgusting!

You have got to be bloody joking AIG. Leave to the imagination.
Under that gear! It could be qusimoto,alian,or even Pres.Bush. Ughh.
No thanks,i'll stay with the floss, at least i'll know what i'm getting.
Dipshit, that's what I wrote too. It could mean past and future, ''SOMETHING THAT WILL OCCUR OR HAS ALREADY OCCURED''.
However I doubt MRIH was talking about the past. He was talking about present day, cos how the hell would he have come to such a conclusion? He said I was one of them for God's sake. That removes the notion that he was talking about the past. I guess you're even dumb enough to believe anything, even if I said I could travel back to the past.

Yet it's only you who's doing all the talking for them. :rolleyes:
''I can be your hero, baby''. Pushed Enrique right of the platform, eh stupid?

Double dipshit. My point is that when speaking you can't refer to the same incident happening in both the past and present at the same time. I'm talking grammer here, not history. Moron.:rolleyes:
Finally! You caught on. Sorry to cut through your emotional rant, but I was only joking about the back of the church thing. And if I recall correctly, I never mentioned anything about you practicing anything. No motive at all. Just didn't think you would make a big deal out of this.
I didn

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