JammerG's Jornal


New member
Hey Lpp, what is happening girlfriend...

Am at work and Ravyn just rocked up... Loving you get outside and smell the roses... Chicky babe...




New member
Hey Lpp, what is happening girlfriend...
Am at work and Ravyn just rocked up... Loving you get outside and smell the roses... Chicky babe...

nothing much

just really really really nervous about sunday



New member

did i hear devious smile?? lmao....its one smile i can pull off and have people wondering whats up even when they know nothing is on my mind.

atleast you are sane =)



New member
nothing much
just really really really nervous about sunday
Hey Darl hope all is well. Good luck for Sunday... Things will get better. And remember outside our deepest problems don't seem so bad.

Take Care

My Chicky Babe!!!



New member
Hey to the following ***/Goddesses:
LPP, WOODY, SS1, SHAFIRE, HYBRID HEART, HEART LP, TWI, MISERY, VIKING, and of course from the Temple Bourdon -The eternal RAVYNLEE...

Hey guys... what has been happening since the last post.

Friday 06/05/05 (or if you are American 05/06/05)

Went to Mission Employment this morning... they can't do anything for me anymore. Apart from put me forwards for Jobs. but they still want me to hang out with a bunch of losers once a fortnight and play happy little job seeker... Pretty ****** up if you ask me..

Went over ideas for Guitar Givaway... Here is the breakdown:

Full page spread advertising LPF in national newspaper: $1200.00, just for the web address. Sorry am now looking for donations. Local paper full page spread for the same $700.00

My ideas are out the door financially... To plug it on Radio. I can't do it as a plug, I have to advertise. Price for a thirty second advertisement $200.00. That is for one time only. not something that is running again and again.

It takes too long to go through council to get permission to do the big web address in the park and no one would let me spray paint their sheds, That face onto the biggest highway south and west out of Toowoomba. Where does that leave me? Out of the running for the guitar. Ravyn suggested weed killer at night and do all the football fields around here. hehehe... That looks like the only option... devious smile forms on lips. Hmmmm.

Spent a weekend doing as little as possible stayed indoors, wrote, watched alot of the idiot box.

Monday: came to work... posted worked, finally got new library database up and running. Wnt home had to ring russell. He got up set with me I started crying. we talked tried to sort out **** but I am not optimistic. am enjoying not having to answer to him.

Wrote alot on monday night. doing a hallmark fanfic with Ravyn having a good laugh about it too.

Tuesday. My eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so much. **** I hate being a female sometimes. I hate loving my children so much. I don't know if I love my husband though. don't know, don't know.

Wednesday. Stayed at home most of the morning. Wrote. Drank coffee. Wrote. Went for final time with my psychiatrist. I am SANE, SANE, SANE!!! went to see the kids, they are kewl, had dinner with them. Russell cried and cried. saying how hard it was for him, how alone and insecure he felt. Freaky thing that, I put up with those feelings most of our married life. He wasn't interested and didn't want to listen.

Went home wrote and went to sleep.

Thursday. Came to work, am waiting for my computer to be fixed and decided to post. It ****** up. I am now waiting for Ravyn to turn up so we can print out our work..
Good luck with the guitar contest thing :) Yea, those things cost a **** of a lot of money :eek:

Hope things work out with the situation with you and your children. It must be aweful.. if you need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me, I'll listen :)



New member
Hey JammerG!

How are you hon?

I hope you are feeling better now..I know sometimes I hate to be a female too but I´m sure you have much more problems cause I´m much younger then you lol

but I really hope things work out...dont worry, your kids are lucky to have a cool mom like you! :thumbsup:

The adv costs alot! woaah..but still good luck!





New member
Jammer! hon! good to hear from ya!

*sigh* Russel's a jerk, you know that? I'm sure you do. Glad your kids are doing fine tho! :D *hugs* hang in there, ttyl take care!



New member
i really hope that you win that guitar.. because you spend so much money for it..

hope you and your kids are doing fine..

well take care




New member
Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses of the LPF!!!

I hope this Post finds you all well.

Today I have good news and bad news.

First the Good news.

My cousin Andy (Andrea) and her son Travis came to visit me for the week end while Ravyn was away.

We spent it with Russell and the Kids. This is truly amazing, he was fantastic, a completely different person. He was considerate and caring, especially of the children. He seems to have changed.

I hope so, but I am still sceptical (?).

Anyway now for the Bad news.

My Dad died yesterday.

He around 9.00 yesterday morning (Sunday) of a massive heart attack, doing what he loved most - Playing Golf!!!. He didn't even know he had died it was so sudden. One of his longest friends was with him. He was at peace.

I never got to say good bye to him. But I have to remember that he is now looking over me and is and always will be in my heart and my memories.

Tonight at 8.00 pm I will be having an online kind of memorial to celebate his life. JUst letting you know I will be posting poetry dedicated and written with his life in mind. And also just they way he handled things. He was truly the most amazing man. He was one of the first Aboriginal Electricians in Australia, and for many years worked subcondered to the navy because of his Marine electrical engineering skills.

I am keeping a stiff upper lip, and smiling because the last time I saw him he said he loved me. Just before he said good bye when he visited last September.

Take care

Blessings be to you all

Huggles and smoochies









New member
I hope Russel has changed for good.

I'm really sorry about your dad :confused:

I hope he had a good meaningful life. Rest in peace.



New member
I would be skeptical too...hopefully he keeps it up, and has changed for the better.

*cries* that was so so sweet. I'm very sorry for your loss, but I am glad to hear he passed on quickly, peacrfully, and harmlessly. *hugs* good to know that you are taking it well. best wishes,




New member
So sorry to hear about your dad. At least your last memory with him was a good one..

Glad to see you're being so strong through all of this. You've been through alot lately.. I respect you alot for being so strong :)

If you need someone to talk to about anything, feel free to PM me. See you later.

I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad to hear he was at peace. It's good to hear that your taking it well, I know I probably wouldn't. Well, If you need to talk, give me a PM or you can IM me on msn.




New member
*hugs* im really sorry to hear that but its cool that he was playing golf

i really hope he changed too...its natural for you to be skeptical about it because...well there are reasons.



New member
hey Guys it's better late than never... had some last minute glitches with the rent-a-car... Well I am hoping to post from MT Garnet... my home town, they have a little internet cafe there (s******s) I am posting my poetry here and in my poetry journal... He deserves it.

This is in loving memory of Lyndsay Clark Francis, 15/06/35-15/05/05 (70)

I am listening to "It's Easier To Run"...

My father was the middle child in a family of seven children. Born beside the water tower beside the Johnstone River in East Innisfail, in a little shack. His father Amerindian (Wyandot/Delaware) Scotish, His Mother, Full Blood Aboriginal from the Normanton area of the Gulf of Carpentaria in Queensland Australia. His mother died when he and his brothers and sisters were taken by the uniting church. (Stolen Generation) He and his brothers and sisters were nearly lost. His father took them from the Train (Palm Island Townsville) just before it left for NSW, where they would be re educated.

Dad was put into the anglican boarding school 'All Souls' in Charters Towers along with his brothers. He excelled in sports, Especially boxing where he held and Amatuer Title for three years undefeated before retiring. He was a great tennis player and cricketer. He played in the world championships against England in the late 60/early 70's... I can't remember now. Fantastic swimmer and diver, he was amazing athlete.

he excelled academically and did his Marine Electrician apprenticeship and engineering degree for a ship building company in Cairns. He met my mother and married her. He is survived by his wife, Norma and their six daughters (Of which I am the second youngest)

He was to me the greatest man who ever lived. He taught me to tie off a hook and sinker combination, and to bait my hooks. We loved to quietly fish on the banks of the big river (The Herbert River) I am hoping to do this again when we get back up home. He was a good horseman, growing up with his own and passing on his love to his daughters.

He was geneous and helped sll those he could being in many commitees in the town in which we lived. His love for the land that had become his home kept him in touch with his roots. Not a religious man he was still very spiritual, I think that is why I am the way I am...

I loved my Dad and Always will. We never realise how much we love them until they are gone.These are poems I wrote in the first two hours after I had found out he had died. Russell rang last night, telling me I had to pack a bag and come and stay. As soon as he said the words ‘Deadly Serious.’ I knew my Dad had died.

With my culture we listen to the animals and we have our messengers. Yesterday morning as I was hanging up the washing a Magpie sat on top of the clothesline singing to me, even when I shook out clothes he wouldn’t move. I never thought until speaking with an old aunty that the magpie for my people is the bringer of bad news (usually death). So I knew yesterday morning.

All I can say people is that always, always before you leave to go to work, school, partying, what ever. Please tell your family you love them. You never know when your loved ones could be taken away.




New member
To my Dad, The Greatest Man in The World


What is it like where you are

Are there balmy breezes

Are you working flat out

Or doing whatever pleases

You had to go and leave me here

Why did you go away

Was it something I did or didn’t do

Could it be what I would or wouldn’t say

How could you leave me like you did

What a bull **** crappy stunt you pulled

It isn’t funny, it isn’t fair

But I s’pose you felt fulfilled

I could say I hate you for doing this to me

I could build grudges and regrets

But as a man of numbers and science

You’ve put money on your bets

So I will love you and keep you close

And listen to a Charlie Pride song

I will keep my memories of you dear to me

But Forever is too long.


What I would give to have you here

I would tell you things you wouldn’t want to hear

But would hope that with your loving heart

You would learn to forgive

What I would give for your sheltering arms

Your inner strength and heart

I would hope that we could begin again

Be closer to your hear

What I would give to be able to hold your hand

To know where I am, where I stand

Do you love me? Or was I a disaster

I don’t think I will know, I will never understand

I wish you were here Dad,

I miss you so much

The warm strength within you

Protecting in your touch

You will never know the shame or pain

Because now you’ve died

How much I kept locked away

And how hard I tried to hide

But what would I give

To have heard your voice say

“You’ll be all right.”

Once more before you died.

How D You Say Good Bye To Someone Who’s Already Gone

How do you say goodbye to someone who’s already gone

You can’t wave and say see you later

You can’t call them on the phone

You can’t send an email

And say you feel so all alone.

How do you say goodbye to someone who’s already gone

You don’t have the means to fly to them

Whether in heaven or on the moon

You aren’t going to drive to them

Or take a boat or train so soon

So how do you say goodbye to someone who’s already gone?

You keep true to their memories

In regard you hold them high

You grieve your loss and loneliness

Let out all the pain with each tear you cry.

The Freedom to Fly

So much heartache and pain.

So much love to give

You always seemed the same

Giving strength to those to live.

Chained to the life you’d chosen

Halted in your journey

To some, what you did wasn’t right

But you were always right to me.

I cherished each moment with you

But I never seeked to ask you why

Dad, I know you loved us all

But now you have the freedom to fly.


“Get back on, c’mon.” – Learning to ride a bike.

“You did O K.” – End of year school concert.

“Into Second.” – Learning to Drive

“Hey, work on it.” – Learning to swing a golf club.

“Tighten those wheel nuts.” – Teaching me to change a tyre.

“Hold him, hold him.” Working with the horses.

“Yeah, love you too.” – Last time I saw him.

My Dad

Your eyes, deepest brown almost black

Your build, athletic, muscular frame

I can remember the fun we had

When we wrestled, what a game.

And your smile, a ray of sunshine

Your laughter could clear the darkest day

Your honour, your love, your morals solid

Cemented. Your views would never sway.

Your hands so big, once packed a punch

But joined to your arms they were shelter

They would keep me safe from harm

My Faith in you would never falter.

Your hair so, so black yet struck with grey

You always kept it clipped and short

You always dressed so presentable

Like a gentleman of the Queen’s Court.

You always were a welcoming man

You’re the best I ever had

Now gone from sight, but ever in heart and mind

Have been, always will be my Dad.


You were always the strong and quiet man

Your being there for me

Whether teaching me how to drive

Or helping me climb a tree.

You would give anyone help

You gave freely to those in need

Even when in danger

Helping always was your creed.

Not only was golf your sport

Your style was never bad

Be it darts or Aussie Rules

Even fishing with you was rad

Your laughter ringing out

Peeling like a bell

Your sadness always secret

Your heart would never tell

But who am I to talk about you

I am but a girl

Who will worship her dad forever

As the Greatest Man in the world.



New member
*hugs* I just wanted to let you know I can't read all these now, I have to get going to school..its really getting quite late. but I promise to read them right after school! Good luck with EVERYTHING, hon *hug*


New member
i'm so sorry about your dad..

it's very good that you're so strong and that you memories of your dad are good ones..

at least he died peacefully..

and those poems are beautiful.. they almost made me cry..

best wishes to you and your family..

take care

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