Hey to the following ***/Goddesses:
LPP, WOODY, SS1, SHAFIRE, HYBRID HEART, HEART LP, TWI, MISERY, VIKING, and of course from the Temple Bourdon -The eternal RAVYNLEE...
Hey guys... what has been happening since the last post.
Friday 06/05/05 (or if you are American 05/06/05)
Went to Mission Employment this morning... they can't do anything for me anymore. Apart from put me forwards for Jobs. but they still want me to hang out with a bunch of losers once a fortnight and play happy little job seeker... Pretty ****** up if you ask me..
Went over ideas for Guitar Givaway... Here is the breakdown:
Full page spread advertising LPF in national newspaper: $1200.00, just for the web address. Sorry am now looking for donations. Local paper full page spread for the same $700.00
My ideas are out the door financially... To plug it on Radio. I can't do it as a plug, I have to advertise. Price for a thirty second advertisement $200.00. That is for one time only. not something that is running again and again.
It takes too long to go through council to get permission to do the big web address in the park and no one would let me spray paint their sheds, That face onto the biggest highway south and west out of Toowoomba. Where does that leave me? Out of the running for the guitar. Ravyn suggested weed killer at night and do all the football fields around here. hehehe... That looks like the only option... devious smile forms on lips. Hmmmm.
Spent a weekend doing as little as possible stayed indoors, wrote, watched alot of the idiot box.
Monday: came to work... posted worked, finally got new library database up and running. Wnt home had to ring russell. He got up set with me I started crying. we talked tried to sort out **** but I am not optimistic. am enjoying not having to answer to him.
Wrote alot on monday night. doing a hallmark fanfic with Ravyn having a good laugh about it too.
Tuesday. My eyes were almost swollen shut from crying so much. **** I hate being a female sometimes. I hate loving my children so much. I don't know if I love my husband though. don't know, don't know.
Wednesday. Stayed at home most of the morning. Wrote. Drank coffee. Wrote. Went for final time with my psychiatrist. I am SANE, SANE, SANE!!! went to see the kids, they are kewl, had dinner with them. Russell cried and cried. saying how hard it was for him, how alone and insecure he felt. Freaky thing that, I put up with those feelings most of our married life. He wasn't interested and didn't want to listen.
Went home wrote and went to sleep.
Thursday. Came to work, am waiting for my computer to be fixed and decided to post. It ****** up. I am now waiting for Ravyn to turn up so we can print out our work..