JammerG's Jornal


New member
it sounds like he was a great man. i wish more people were like that in this world.
Hail to all those Gods and Godesses. I am up home... Wow talk about change. I am here in Far north Queensland and am feeling at ease and relaxed... lmao... listening to one step closer... It is amazing up here Mum and Dads place looks straight out over the dam. We see all different typoes of Parrots during the day... we put out seed every morning and get Galahs, Cockatoos, Northern Rosellas, lorikeets, Butcher birds, Magpies, kookaburras, Currawongs, Peewees, Squatter Pigeons, Top notches and even at times Black Red tailed Cockatoos.

When we got to the top of the Palmerston Range (Thursday evening, Sunset) between Innisfail and Milla Milla, I cried. I was home. You would never believe this place until you have seen it. Rainforrestted hills, and Mountians (Mt Bartlefreer {?} the Highest Mountian in Queensland, Shrouded in low cloud. and the sun just setting. Up among the cluds and I cried. The Greenness of the fields, the soft light of the sun you would have cried at the beauty too. I am so home now I am at ease. being with Mum, I gave her one of my traditional desert paintings which I had bought up to put in Dad's coffin. I decided to give it to her instead. She cried and and said it was beautiful.

My sister, Lynda is reading "The Greatest Man in the World" at the funeral service. It is going to be a graveside service here in Mt Garnet. Crowds are already rocking up here to be there. A proper tribute to a man who touched so many lives.

Yesterday Friday, My younger sister's birthday.

I haven't stopped writing since I have been here, apart from helping with washing, washing up, fixing up Mum's gardens and mowing the yard (Mowing later today coz the dew is so thick it's no use until the dew has burnt off.

Today Saturday, 22nd of May.

Anyway, I woke up about 5.30 this morning, fog was thick, and I sat on the back steps on the veranda and looked at the dam, you couldn't see any further than twenty feet into the trees. I nursed a cuppa and had a smoke. It was fantastic. I was really quiet, and three kangaroos hopped down past the house and munched on this one clump of really green grass, before something spooked them, I knew I was home seeing those roos.

I got up and went inside had a shower at 6.00 and made another cuppa and had this beat in my head and a little later I wrote the first poem. Well by the time My Mum, her sister Hazel, and my three sisters and my niece came outside I had finished it. They all loved it. It's like kinda red neck country in beat, something you can get the spoons out to and sing along with. LMAO.

Anyway between cuppas, I put seed out the back cpz a couple of cockies were sitting up in the trees crying out feed me. So yeah it was great. I loved it...

Stay well and hopefully I will get back to you soon. with Pics once I get home.




New member
i always wanted to learn how to play the spoons....


the only ones i have seen were run over or at the zoo...you are quite lucky



New member
Hey hon. I posted this HUGE post here earlier, longer than even my post in my journal, and then I went and lost it playing around on eBay... I'm sorry, my bad! Spank me... anybody??? *looks around hopefully*

Anyway... since I don't feel like retyping all of it, and let's face it, I'm bummed I can't repeat it word for word cause there was some funny impulsive things I'll just never say again and now they're gone and I'm like so despondent... and I need to draw a breath! *gasp*

So, I'm just gonna say simply that I miss you like crazy and I'm glad all is going well there, and hope your father's service goes well, as well as can be expected. Please give my regards to your kin, even those I don't know. (Big "hi!" to those I do... that are talking to me, at least)

Take care and I'll be in touch. BTW, when you've a chance, check out my journal and take a look at what I just bought... you'll shake your head, but, what can I say except;

*sticks all fingers up at you save the ring finger*

It's all good. You know what I'm getting at. In joke. Hehehe. *rolls eyes*

Okay, so... *sigh* guess I'd better go and make good on my promise to get you a BBB signed pick or something... would you like that??? Since this morning's post (my previous post that never made it to your journal) I've since discovered my comp won't let me open LPF and eBay simultaneously, so I gotta get out of one to get into the other. Bummer. Well, least I know now.

Take care, sista, glad you're taking it easy and back home where you've longed to be for a while now. Still, will be good to see you again. I'm bored! Keep chillin' (though obviously not literally, you're in the tropics now!) and take it easy. Catch up with ya soon enough.

*big squeeze hugs*




New member
heey Jammer..

so you're home :)

that's great. and you saw kangaroos?

cool.. the only one i've ever seen were in the zoo

well take care =)



New member
Australian animals have really weird names lol :p but they're fun though :thumbsup:

Fog? I like fog, I grew up with it. I miss the fog.



New member
Wow your place sounds so beautiful!

I´m like that too, when I see a beautiful place, I start to cry lol can´t help it!

Nature is just one beautiful thing.

I really wanna see Kangaroos cause they are my fav animal and I´ve only seen them in Tv.

Well hope you are fine.


ttyl hon



New member
Hello deary... I'm here... where are you??? *waiting patiently*

Just read my journal entry, the one you just posted at mine, I meant... *laughs* I'm in deep **** now, huh? *laughs again* Just wait. Once I get the stuff I'm gonna frame it and hang it up here in the living room so everyone can see it, yes, even you! And, at this rate, you probably WILL get your ****** LPU4 pack before me. I can't believe it. I sent the money off 13 weeks ago now, that's a ****** long time, I know I've said ****** a lot during this post but I'm ****** ****** and I'm ****** sick of waiting and if I don't get my ****** pack soon I'm gonna ****** swim to the States and yank someone's ****** sack off like a ****** paper towel! *GROWL*

*laughs maniacally*

So... how are you today?

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New member
Hello deary... I'm here... where are you??? *waiting patiently*
Hey baby, How are you... am writing a big post now so will let you read when I finish.

Hail to the Gods and Goddesses of LPF!!!

Hope all of you are well, I am fine and waiting to come home to Toowoomba.

THE FUNERAL SERVICE FOR DAD (Yesterday, Monday 1.00pm est Australian Time 23/05/05)

I got up early (5.30 am) The roos (Kangaroos) were gone by then and I went out for a smoke and a cuppa joe (Yeah still smoking) Had been up til 1.30 am earlier in the morning. The Sulfer crested cockatoos came in so I fed them and did some writing on my fan fic (hehehe Ravyn is in for some good reading once I type it up) and wrote a couple of poems, one is called "WHY AM I CHAINED TO THIS BEAUTY."(will put it in my journal at a later date) and sat talking to my sister Lynda and Hazel (My aunty ho has told me I am too old to call her Aunty) and my cousin Andy. Slowly we were all upand things were happening. My cousin Les (Sexy Devil), came over for a natter and we all had some fun with the hose (washing cars for the funerary parade) Lets just say I am the only one who was not water logged *S******s*. anyway my eldest sister Janet and her boys turned up. Man, my nephew Justin is one hot tamale. Cow boy with the ute etc, takes me back to my own young days working in the bush, and looking good. I decided to get dressed and then Andrea wanted to get away from all the people and Les our cousin left. So andrea and I walked down to the dam and looked out over the water. We talked quietly and Andy broke down and cried, because all of the ******** and fighting between Mum and her sisters (I can't wait to get away). andy is my closest cousing, it gets to her sometimes, because Her dad died three years ago. So yesterday had some ups and downs.

We left for the funeral and I got there before Mum so I sat with my sister Janet who had arrived because her son and husband were two of the pall bearers (coffin carriers). I sat with her and then Mum and my other sisters turned up. There were well over two hundred people who had turned up. I was totally amazed, and realised how many people dad was affiliated with.

My dad carried the olympic torch in the relay race to Melbourne for the 1956 Olympic games. We had seven other torch barers there. He played football for the Cairns Ivanhoes football team, and later coached the under 18's for fifteen years, there were past and current members (Who all wore jersys and formed a guard of honor). He was a world champion Darts player, played against England in the late 60's early 70's. There were members of the cairns darts association there as well. Former bosses who had worked with dad, were there to pay their respects, as well as former Navy personel who had known him. Then there were friends who had grown up with dad, and needed to pay their respects, as well as near and distant relations. (Black White and Brindle, I am telling you, I never knew I was related to so many black fellas). As well as all the locals, and all the golfers, from as far away as Brisbane and Darwin. Man what a crowd.

I saw so many friends and old mates who I used to hang with. Yeah it was like a kind of reunion. Blue said a few words (one of Dad's closest mates of late, and he made everyone cry when he talked about Dad's integrity, honesty, loyalty and his love of golf and the up holding of the rules.

I then read "The Greatest Man In The World." Everyone cried. people were bawling everywhere, I guess I do have a talent for hallmark (Hey Ravyn!!)

We held his wake out at the golfcourse and I was almost charged for my drink. "The ******* ******" one woman said "Wouldn't know a Francis girl if he fell over one." she then turned to me and said "Lynda do you remember me we went to school together at Ravenshoe high school." I ****** myself laughing and said to this lady who I knew, "Sorry annette, I'm Jeanne, Lynda is over there." In the end I got my cruiser (Raspberry yummy) and walked up to the last Tee Off that Dad ever stood at. I sat there in the silence except for the wind and black cockatoos in the distance; and cried and listened to "It's Easier To Run." I later went to the 2 furlong mark where he died and said good bye.

I had two more cruisers and sort of was really ****** and waited for life to pass me by. My cousin Les was really cool, sat with me and we chatted, He and my sister lynda have invited me (And the Delectable Ravynlee) up there this time next year... I actually have a job waiting for me as soon as I get up there. (Yes I am chomping at the bit!!)

We got home and we got a fire going in a half of a fortyfour galleon drum, and all ate Hazel's cocoanut curry, and got ****** and something else. I will not say anymore.

Anyway we leave tomorrow morning and head back. So I will soon be back home with Ravyn.

Love you all and remember "That food was mighty spicey!!!" :thumbsup:



New member
Hey darl, just read it. Wow, long yes, but visual. You have a touch of the poet in you, but then, that's not news to anyone really is it? *laughs*

Glad that the service went so well. I'm amazed your dad touched so many lives, that's just awesome. Must have been gratifying to you, too, to know that part of his greatness is instilled in you as his little girl, yeah? I thought your sister was going to read your poem? Maybe I read that wrong earlier *shrugs* Oh well. As for having the midas touch with Hallmark, honey, I already knew that one too! *chuckles* I told you, you're the Hallmark queen, I'm the Drama Queen! *lol* Yes, sad but true... or should that be Angst Queen? Dunno, either works well for me...

Can't wait to read your fic. Can't wait for you to read mine. Looks like I'll be having an all-nighter tonight to try and finish as much as I can so you get the comp once you get back *gasp* When you're not at work, naturally. Glad you've had fun. Shall see about going up there next year, never know, I might actually tag along. *shrug* We'll see closer to date, yeah? Still, would be good to see your country, get a little insight into the real inner you, y'know? Get the goss from all those you grew up with all the sordid little tales from your past *laughs* Would be good.

Well, don't know what else to say. Just that I'm glad the service went well and that you had a chance to say goodbye to your father. Paints an eerie picture to me (moving may be the correct word) of you standing on the golf course alone in the breeze listening to ETR. Haunting. But cathartic, none the less. I'm glad you had a chance to see your family again before they all disperse and head off into their lives again, but it's a shame about the fighting. Kind of to be expected when you get a lot of family together, does with mine anyway. You know us Harris', we fly off the handle first then ask questions later! *oops!* Yeah, that sucks, but at least you've had a chance to go home like you wanted. I'll confess I was always a bit worried I'd get the call and hear that you'd decided to stay indefinately. I'm insecure, you should know this already. I make no excuses! *laughs* But yeah, now you get to come back and pick up your old fight with your ex, huh? Lucky you.

Well, have a safe trip my dear. Give my regards to your sisters and kin, etc. Take care and take it easy on the roads. I'll look forward to my ear-bashing with regards to eBay when you get home *chuckles*

Love you sista. *big huge squeeze hugs* See you soon.


BTW, you need to join my group. Not the CoB (Church of Bourdon), That's just plain silly, but The Hey, Guess What? I'm a Superstar! club that actually started out as yours to begin with. I just initiated it on the boards. You need to come make it real! We'll work that out once your BBB sig is done, yeah? Take care darl. See you THURSDAY!

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New member
Your dad carried the torch in '56? Well then, a lot of people in Iceland must have seen him on TV. Probably the only Olympics the whole Icelandic nation watched. Not just when they were, but again and again, even today folk here watch it. Famous Olympics around here. I might have seen your dad now that you say this.

I understand they cried, your poem was after all beautiful.

Have a nice day Jammer :)



New member
Your dad carried the torch in '56? Well then, a lot of people in Iceland must have seen him on TV. Probably the only Olympics the whole Icelandic nation watched. Not just when they were, but again and again, even today folk here watch it. Famous Olympics around here. I might have seen your dad now that you say this.
I understand they cried, your poem was after all beautiful.

Have a nice day Jammer :)
Hail to All the Gods and Goddesses of Linkin Park forums... hehehe (I just love that greeting)

And I must admit I believe it to be true in many ways. We are after all Masters and Mistresses of our own destinies, as much as we can be without outside interference.

Wow I am finally at home. In my own home and sitting down with Ravyn. Yehaa. It is my nephews birthday and so in celebration of my home coming and his birthday I am now into my second Bundi Rum and Coke!!! (The Polar Bear Ads??) So yeah I am pretty pissy, second time in four days. But this is a very happy and much anticipated event (homecoming that is) Yeah Ravyn has had two vodka cruisers and two Stones Greenginger and Lemonades... she is pissy too. hehehe...

Anyway from the start. I hope you guys don't get bored reading this. We (my two sisters - Diane & Karen - and my niece, Lisa) left around 10.45 Last Wednesday the 18th of May from Toowoomba in the south eastern corner of the state of Queensland and travelled North... Here is the Map...


We travelled to Rockhampton on Wednesday . We arrived there around 9.00 pm had something for dinner and then found a cheap motel (Which was hard coz the legends of League were playing North Queensland cowboys in Rockhampton that night, but we managed) By 5.30 Thursday Morning we were on our way north to Mt Garnet and reached there by 7.30 pm (To guage the distance, we drove without stopping except for food, fuel and toilet breaks. Just constant driving.) If you look at the white line going from Toowoomba to Mt Garnet that is the route we took, approximately 2000 Kilometers (Divide by 3 or 3.4 for miles (almost 700 I think). So we arrived Thursday night at around 7.30 pm

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New member
We travelled to Rockhampton on Wednesday . We arrived there around 9.00 pm had something for dinner and then found a cheap motel (Which was hard coz the legends of League were playing North Queensland cowboys in Rockhampton that night, but we managed) By 5.30 Thursday Morning we were on our way north to Mt Garnet and reached there by 7.30 pm (To guage the distance, we drove without stopping except for food, fuel and toilet breaks. Just constant driving.) If you look at the white line going from Toowoomba to Mt Garnet that is the route we took, approximately 2000 Kilometers (Divide by 3 or 3.4 for miles (almost 700 I think). So we arrived Thursday night at around 7.30 pm
OK, just to let you guage The scenery. Toowoomba normally green luscious beautiful inland city is in the grips of a drought.


We left and hit Childers about 3.00 pm I drove from Childers...


Bypassed Bundaberg ( Famous for It's Rum)

;) (Most of the green on the aerial shot is bananas, Pineapples or sugarcane)

And drove to Rockhampton


Rockhampton hosts one of the largest Australian Cattle shows and auctions annually, A large centre for the 'man on the land'. Has all the amenities one could need and only 20 minutes from the beach...

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