Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present .......THEY WANTTO DISARM YOU FOR A REASON....



Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present

Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.


1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].

1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.

1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."

1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.

1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
a later date.

February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].

1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of

September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault
weapons." [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not
semiautomatic]. That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by
Jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by
Congressman Schumer.

1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being

September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.

1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.

January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.

January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
connection with transfer of a handgun.

February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.

February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
Accountability Act of 1999.

March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
Industry Accountability Act of 1999.

March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.

May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
firearms licensing system.

January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].

May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
to expire in September, 2004.

October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.

March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
expired in late 2004.

March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
expired in late 2004.

WHen you are will be like the jews

during WW II waiting for a box car.

On Jan 9, 10:42 am, Rightwinghank <> wrote:

> WHen you are will be like the jews
> during WW II waiting for a box car.
> love
> hank

You're right hank, all the ills of the world certainly must be the
fault of the Jews...You give conservatives a bad name.
"Rightwinghank" <> wrote in message
> Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
> Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
> added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
> Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.
> ______
> 1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
> Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
> attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
> most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].
> 1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
> Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
> Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
> owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.
> 1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
> limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."
> 1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
> School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
> The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.
> 1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
> bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
> the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
> a later date.
> February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
> handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
> Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
> in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].
> 1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
> Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
> II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of
> Representatives.
> September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
> 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
> and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault
> weapons." [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not
> semiautomatic]. That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by
> Jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by
> Congressman Schumer.
> 1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
> introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
> the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being
> unconstitutional.
> September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
> becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
> was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
> convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.
> 1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
> proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
> including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
> was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
> among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
> Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.
> January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
> American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.
> January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
> Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
> connection with transfer of a handgun.
> February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
> Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.
> February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
> Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
> Industry Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
> Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.
> May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
> Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
> firearms licensing system.
> January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
> nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
> of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].
> May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
> legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
> ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
> ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
> to expire in September, 2004.
> October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
> Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
> of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.
> March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> .........................................
> WHen you are will be like the jews
> during WW II waiting for a box car.
> love
> hank

They are fake Jews from the Soviet Union called Zionists! Pakistan was the
Soviets enemy and got nukes from China, where did India get theirs? The US
or the Soviet Union?

Russia is in on it, so is Iran, the State of Israel gets all of their Oil
from Russia, and the Soviets were against Saudi Arabia, that is where it is
gong with the Pope threatening Arab Rulers that they must protect the Pope's
people in Saudi Arabia. They are also sending weapons arming both sides in
Africa, and stirring them up to kill each other off, so that they can take
control of the Oil, Coal, and Mineral Mines in Africa! They are arming both
sides in every conflict and deliberately stirring them up against each other
so that they can make money off both sides.

Bush's attack on Iran, is to hide that Russia is involved, and this is just
to distract the world from seeing how both his War and surge in Iraq was
designed to help destabilize Nuclear Pakistan, along with his Profiteering
selling advanced arms to India, and sending Bhutto in to further destabilize
Pakistan, making it possible for the Nukes to fall into the wrong hands. He
needs them to fall into the wrong hands to start ww3 as his crowd overthrows
the US from within!

What is the difference between the leading Democrats and Republicans?

Believe it or not, they are playing good cop vs bad cop, either side you
choose, you lose!

See the two groups of traitors on my website, that I wrote honest and just
petitions for a redress of grievances, but they just threw them in the trash
and made it impossible for me to get it into any Just Court.

In service of God and Country


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