Jews vs the Second Amendment

Lawrence Glickman wrote:
> On 9 Apr 2007 03:55:59 -0700, "TTan" <> wrote:
>>> Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?

>> Just look at any map prior to 1918

> Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
> accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.
> Lg

Actually a 1956 map still shows Palestine.. And Ersatz Israel was never
to be an enclave of just Jews. The murderous racist Zionists made it so!
The murdered and pillage the Arab majority out of their birthright and
the mutual gift of land from the UN. The Jews do need to be separated
from decent society and isolated for all time.


> Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
> accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.

Using your Jew logic, you won't mind when in 2025 when the DNA
collecting Muslims have 'cleansed' Palestine, and all maps are
returned to pre-infestation.
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 06:47:23 -0500, Don Ocean <>

>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>> On 9 Apr 2007 03:55:59 -0700, "TTan" <> wrote:
>>>> Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?
>>> Just look at any map prior to 1918

>> Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
>> accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.
>> Lg

>Actually a 1956 map still shows Palestine..

What does that have to do with anything. My calendar say it is 2007

> And Ersatz Israel was never
>to be an enclave of just Jews.

Says who, you?

> The murderous racist Zionists made it so!

Israel doesn't hold a candle to the U.S.A. when it comes to murdering
innocent civilians.

>The murdered and pillage the Arab majority out of their birthright and
>the mutual gift of land from the UN.

The arabians never accepted the UN solution.

> The Jews do need to be separated
>from decent society and isolated for all time.

In terms of carnage, the Israelis are a model society compared to the

On 9 Apr 2007 05:33:37 -0700, "PK Smith" <> wrote:

>> Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
>> accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.

>Using your Jew logic, you won't mind when in 2025 when the DNA
>collecting Muslims have 'cleansed' Palestine, and all maps are
>returned to pre-infestation.

I will eviscerate anyone or any entity that attempts to harm any Jew
within my reach. this time around, expect a real armageddon.
Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 13:21:45 -0700, Tim May
> <> wrote:
>>In article <>, Lawrence
>>Glickman <> wrote:
>>>January, 2007:
>>>A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
>>>non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
>>>fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
>>>United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
>>>fined and/or sent to prison.

>>"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights" contacted me several
>>years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one of my essays. I
>>said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why Jews need to
>>move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
>>pro-government liberal mindset.
>>(I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)
>>There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
>>versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
>>that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
>>spread West.
>>Some likely contributors to this mindset:
>>-- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
>>to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
>>enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
>>interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
>>Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
>>communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
>>such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
>>Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
>>in established cities.
>>As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
>>most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
>>Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most
>>-- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
>>"lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
>>of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
>>(the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.
>>(This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
>>Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
>>for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
>>Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
>>the Germans in their plans.)
>>(And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
>>on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
>>privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)
>>-- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
>>the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
>>culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
>>by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
>>property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"
>>-- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
>>liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
>>toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
>>why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
>>Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
>>"cowboy" rights.
>>-- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
>>acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
>>fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
>>The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
>>as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
>>face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
>>of this is why the survivors said "Never again."
>>(I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
>>Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
>>region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
>>lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
>>Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
>>nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
>>companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
>>only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
>>of the above.)
>>I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
>>demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
>>or hell.
>>So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
>>fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally
>>Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
>>and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
>>the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.
>>--Tim May

> You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.

Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
today by the US government.

> It is exactly
> what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
> USA at the time of their invasion.

Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.

> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
> here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned
colonialization, except for a pass granted to the zionists. That's
proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake. I'd rather have
seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
Redding, California.

> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.

No, modeled like the National Socialists from that country that killed
so many of them. Apparently Zionists loved National Socialism, just
hated this one narrow aspect of the German variety, or rather retargeted
that aspect to the Palestinians. Zionists needed more leibensraum.

> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
> the United States.

While I agree that everyone should be armed in America, it's typical
Zionist thinking to use coercion to put an idea into action. If an idea
has merit, it must be sold on its' merits, not through the use of force.

> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
> roll.
> Lg

Never underestimate the power of fools. The robber of a gun store who
walked past a police car to get in the front door immediately found that
his DNA line ended.
Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 21:32:38 GMT, "Avenger" <>
> wrote:
>> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians

>>Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
>>thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
>>whcih was taken over by European refugees.

> Liar. There were millions of Indians. And they were systematically
> murdered by the US Govn't Cavalry.

You're confabulating the planned murders of the plains Indians by the
same Union officers after they'd waged total war against the Confederate
States with early Puritan immigration. The Puritans settled on
non-occupied land, and later bought more land from it's owners, or were
given land for siding with one group of Indians against another group of
Indians. You're a little shy on your history.

>>when they settled
>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>>>imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
>>>Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>>>citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>>>agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>>>the United States.

>>Crime is actually down to a 1/3 of what is was 20 years ago.

> Bullshit. It has never been higher. 2/3rds of cases never make it to
> the Court System because that would bring the Judicial Process to a
> grinding halt from overload. You LIE again.

Crime is tied to the percentage of the population that are between the
ages of 14 and 21, and the percentage that are aliens and minorities.

>>>How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>>>each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n

>>Banks today have bullet proof glass between the tellers and customers.

> Where is that? Not around here they don't. THEY DO NOT. Currency
> exchanges do, banks do not. Why the **** do you think they get robbed
> in the first place nitwit? If they had bulletproof glass nobody could
> rob them.
> You're nothing but a ****ing LIAR Avenger. Are you sure you don't
> work for the government disinformation agency?
> Lg

In Washington, DC even the Post Offices have bullet resistant glass at
the counters. Why do you think that is?
Toleman wrote:

> Avenger said:
>>There were about 20 million(probably more like 5) "Indians" on TWO
>>continents, North and South America. In fact, 10k years ago when they came
>>here the ENTIRE population of the earth was 1 million.

> The North American aboriginals were very offended over the DNA-based science
> that proved how they originated in Asia and crossed the ice bridge in Russia /
> Alaska, migrating south.
> It was "heresy" to them.

They hate even more the growing body of evidence that North America was
once home to whites BEFORE the indians came here and wiped them out.
Benj wrote:

> Avenger wrote:
>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians

>>Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
>>thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
>>whcih was taken over by European refugees.

> Obviously you never heard the story of the "Trail of Tears". The
> president was Andrew Jackson. He wanted to get rid of all Indians East
> of the Mississippi river. The Indians, being Eastern Indians and
> civilized about things did what you and I might do: Hired lawyers and
> took the case clear to the Supreme Court. The court came down
> declaring that the gummint had no right to boot Indians out of the
> East. Jackson sneered "How many [army] divisions does the Supreme
> Court have?" he called out the army, gathered up the Indians East of
> the Mississippi and shipped them all West where most either died on
> the way of were killed by Western Indians who didn't want anymore
> humans coming their way Indian or not. The only reason I'm here is my
> great grandmother married a white man and was therefore not ejected.
> Jackson did some great things fighting the financial power elite, but
> the Trail of Tears ranks right up there with Concentration camps for
> Japanese Americans and the Bonus marchers Etc. as another dark chapter
> of American hegemony.

The TRail of Tears episode was indeed a dark deed, particularly
considering the Cherokee had won their argument in the Supreme Court,
prompting Jackson's famous, "Let them enforce it" epithet.

Nevertheless, like many, your confabulating what happened in the 17th
century with what happened in the 19th century. You might want to
consult a settlement time line to see that.
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>> You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.

>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>today by the US government.

It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
Why so?

>> It is exactly
>> what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>> USA at the time of their invasion.

>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.

But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

>> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>> here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned

Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
to take this essay of yours seriously?

> except for a pass granted to the zionists.

Lie. see above

> That's
>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.

Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
facts of reality.

> I'd rather have
>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>Redding, California.

Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
Some of us do learn from our mistakes.

>> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.

>No, modeled like the National Socialists from that country that killed
>so many of them.

In the Holohoax? Nobody was killed in the Holohoax, or haven't you
been keeping up.

> Apparently Zionists loved National Socialism, just
>hated this one narrow aspect of the German variety, or rather retargeted
>that aspect to the Palestinians. Zionists needed more leibensraum.

They'll get it after the USA turns Iran into a dustbowl. It is part
of The Plan

>> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>> the United States.

>While I agree that everyone should be armed in America, it's typical
>Zionist thinking to use coercion to put an idea into action. If an idea
>has merit, it must be sold on its' merits, not through the use of force.

No coersion involved, except to wake up the sleeping sheep before they
get aboard the trucks to the slaughterhouses.

>> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>> roll.
>> Lg

>Never underestimate the power of fools.

I promise not to underestimate you.

> The robber of a gun store who
>walked past a police car to get in the front door immediately found that
>his DNA line ended.

Maybe not. No doubt he left behind a bunch of half-breeds to carry on
his lineage.

Bret Cahill wrote:

> The "individualist right to a gun" never appears anywhere in the
> Second Amendment

Yes it does, since natural rights are never collectively held, all
rights are the private property of individuals, therefore the right for
which protection is demanded by the Second Amendment is an intrinsic
individual right.

> and federal force has _never_ been "checked" on U. S.
> soil by individualist ownership of guns,

Yes it has, many times.

> but the real reason so few
> Jews suck on the "if I git pushed too far" pacifier is because Jews
> don't sit around indulging themselves in the fantasy that "utopia will
> break out after an individualist shoots the tax collector."

You have no idea because you have no ideals.

> Jews tend to be _real_ citizens who take _real_ action.


> The ones who sit around daydreaming pure nonsense -- "check them evil
> feds with violence" -- and stewing in their juice tend to be anti-
> semites.
> Bret Cahill

Ah, the old "anti-Semite" ad hominem. That's been thoroughtly "checked"
by both a book titled "The Politics of Anti-Semitism"1 and a scholarly
article titled "The Israel Lobby"2 which was published in March of 2006
by the London Review of Books.


Bret Cahill, still ignorant and still a big mouth.
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:30:16 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>> On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 21:32:38 GMT, "Avenger" <>
>> wrote:
>>> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians
>>>Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
>>>thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
>>>whcih was taken over by European refugees.

>> Liar. There were millions of Indians. And they were systematically
>> murdered by the US Govn't Cavalry.

>You're confabulating the planned murders of the plains Indians by the
>same Union officers after they'd waged total war against the Confederate
>States with early Puritan immigration. The Puritans settled on
>non-occupied land, and later bought more land from it's owners, or were
>given land for siding with one group of Indians against another group of
> Indians. You're a little shy on your history.
>>>when they settled
>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>>I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>>>>imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
>>>>Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>>>>citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>>>>agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>>>>the United States.
>>>Crime is actually down to a 1/3 of what is was 20 years ago.

>> Bullshit. It has never been higher. 2/3rds of cases never make it to
>> the Court System because that would bring the Judicial Process to a
>> grinding halt from overload. You LIE again.

>Crime is tied to the percentage of the population that are between the
>ages of 14 and 21, and the percentage that are aliens and minorities.

What does that have to do with the preceding paragraph?

>>>>How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>>>>each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>>>Banks today have bullet proof glass between the tellers and customers.

>> Where is that? Not around here they don't. THEY DO NOT. Currency
>> exchanges do, banks do not. Why the **** do you think they get robbed
>> in the first place nitwit? If they had bulletproof glass nobody could
>> rob them.
>> You're nothing but a ****ing LIAR Avenger. Are you sure you don't
>> work for the government disinformation agency?
>> Lg

>In Washington, DC even the Post Offices have bullet resistant glass at
>the counters. Why do you think that is?

Because they don't have armed guards.

There are no such things here in Illinois. AFAIK.
Ted wrote:

> Avenger said:
>>Then you know nothing about your own Constitution since these Rights were
>>enumerated as INDIVIDUAL rights. And US Supreme Court rulings all say this.

> Then why, has there never been a supreme court ruling in favor of the right to
> keep and bear arms?

Judicial corruption.
the_blogologist wrote:

> Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>>the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

> There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
> million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
> Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
> desert?

Because it belongs to them.
Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 18:51:42 -0700,
> (the_blogologist) wrote:
>>Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>>>On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:00:24 -0700,
>>>(the_blogologist) wrote:
>>>>Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>>>>>the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>>There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>>>>million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>>>>Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>>>Yes exactly. I see you've done the math and have the correct numbers.
>>>The problem with that little bit of land, is that it contains HOLY
>>>RELICS that are central to the religions to be found in that area.
>>>For example, I will say The Dome of the Rock, the Tomb of Rachel ....

>>That was the justification for the Crusades.

> and rumor has it that Hitler was after the Ark of the Covenant. That
> is the original container of the original 10 Commandments. And the
> search for the holy Grau (cup) Grail, that Jesus drank from at the
> last supper, and the lance that pierced Jesus' side to end his torment
> on the cross, as Schicklegrubber thought that his armies could not be
> defeated if they possessed these relics.
> I can't help but wonder if that had something to do with Rommel's
> Africa Corps and his adventures in the region.

Yeah, I saw that in a Hollywood movies too, all a fabrication based on
someone's imagination. The Germans were after oil to fuel the Reich,
and nothing more.
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:52:44 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>> and rumor has it that Hitler was after the Ark of the Covenant. That
>> is the original container of the original 10 Commandments. And the
>> search for the holy Grau (cup) Grail, that Jesus drank from at the
>> last supper, and the lance that pierced Jesus' side to end his torment
>> on the cross, as Schicklegrubber thought that his armies could not be
>> defeated if they possessed these relics.
>> I can't help but wonder if that had something to do with Rommel's
>> Africa Corps and his adventures in the region.

>Yeah, I saw that in a Hollywood movies too, all a fabrication based on
>someone's imagination. The Germans were after oil to fuel the Reich,
>and nothing more.

ah so. I thought it was a little far out to believe. The oil I can
believe that. The other stuff: far-fetched. Or was it?
On 9 Apr 2007 03:55:59 -0700, "TTan" <> wrote:

>> Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?

>Just look at any map prior to 1918

So you are admitting to being unable to provide the name and location?


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:46:09 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>Ted wrote:
>> Avenger said:
>>>Then you know nothing about your own Constitution since these Rights were
>>>enumerated as INDIVIDUAL rights. And US Supreme Court rulings all say this.

>> Then why, has there never been a supreme court ruling in favor of the right to
>> keep and bear arms?

>Judicial corruption.

Avenger and you are both incorrect





David B. Kopel [FNa1]

In each and every case..they found the 2nd Amendment to be an individual


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:50:19 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>the_blogologist wrote:
>> Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>>>the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

>> There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>> million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>> Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>> desert?

>Because it belongs to them.

Not any more.


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>
> wrote:
>>>You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.

>>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>>today by the US government.

> It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
> you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
> all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
> Why so?

There is nothing wrong with American Nationalism, holding up one's
national culture as an overall positive isn't wrong. Wishing to coerce
that culture upon others is wrong. Europeans who immigrated to
Palestine and stole the land of those living there were wrong.

>>>It is exactly
>>>what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>>>USA at the time of their invasion.

>>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.

> But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
> prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

Since I live in an area devastated by that Puritanism 140 years ago, you
really don't want to second guess what I am or am not "doing about it".

>>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

>>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned

> Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
> to take this essay of yours seriously?

I'm not responsible for what's happening there, you may take that up
with the Chinese embassy.

>>except for a pass granted to the zionists.

> Lie. see above

The US government isn't financing China in Tibet, it is financing the
Israeli theft of Palestinian land which continues today.

>> That's
>>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.

> Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
> facts of reality.

Reality? The reality is that the europeans that immigrated to Palestine
and stole the land from those living there are being financed in their
thefts by the US government, and that's wrong.

>> I'd rather have
>>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>>Redding, California.

> Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
> you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
> stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
> Some of us do learn from our mistakes.

Sice I didn't say that, it's another of your confabulations. That Jews
immigrated into and have put themselves inside a barbed wire enclosure
called Israel isn't my fault. They should have immigrated to someplace
safe, that's my point.

Where I live, Jews have been safely participating in the culture for
over 200 years, 8000 Jews fought for our unsuccessful struggle for
independence 140 years ago. One of the oldest synagogues in Amnerica is
located in my state.

>>>I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>>>imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.

>>No, modeled like the National Socialists from that country that killed
>>so many of them.

> In the Holohoax? Nobody was killed in the Holohoax, or haven't you
> been keeping up.

That's called a non sequitur.

>> Apparently Zionists loved National Socialism, just
>>hated this one narrow aspect of the German variety, or rather retargeted
>>that aspect to the Palestinians. Zionists needed more leibensraum.

> They'll get it after the USA turns Iran into a dustbowl. It is part
> of The Plan

So says Ohmert.

>>>Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>>>citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>>>agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>>>the United States.

>>While I agree that everyone should be armed in America, it's typical
>>Zionist thinking to use coercion to put an idea into action. If an idea
>>has merit, it must be sold on its' merits, not through the use of force.

> No coersion involved, except to wake up the sleeping sheep before they
> get aboard the trucks to the slaughterhouses.

If you pass a law, government enforces that law throught coercive means.
Too bad you don't seem to know that.

>>>How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>>>each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n

>>Never underestimate the power of fools.

> I promise not to underestimate you.

Very poor ad hominem.

>>The robber of a gun store who
>>walked past a police car to get in the front door immediately found that
>>his DNA line ended.

> Maybe not. No doubt he left behind a bunch of half-breeds to carry on
> his lineage.
> Lg

Someone has to clean the ditches.
In article <>,
> Lawrence Glickman wrote:
> > On 9 Apr 2007 03:55:59 -0700, "TTan" <> wrote:
> >
> >>> Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?
> >> Just look at any map prior to 1918

> >
> > Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
> > accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.
> >
> > Lg

> Actually a 1956 map still shows Palestine.. And Ersatz Israel was never
> to be an enclave of just Jews. The murderous racist Zionists made it so!
> The murdered and pillage the Arab majority out of their birthright and
> the mutual gift of land from the UN. The Jews do need to be separated
> from decent society and isolated for all time.
> >


What would you know about decency, Don?

I'm surprised I can't smell you from here..
