Jews vs the Second Amendment

Gunner wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:50:19 -0400, Bearkiller <>
> wrote:
>>the_blogologist wrote:
>>>Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>>>>the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>>>million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>>>Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of

>>Because it belongs to them.

> Not any more.
> Gunner

It will return to them in the future. The US government will be forced
to stop underwriting the Zionists in Israel, more Jews will (wisely)
leave Israel than are immigrating into or being born there, and the
muslims will simply out-populate them over time.
Gunner <> wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:50:19 -0400, Bearkiller <>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >the_blogologist wrote:
> >
> >> Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
> >>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
> >>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
> >>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
> >>
> >>
> >> There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
> >> million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
> >> Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
> >> desert?

> >
> >Because it belongs to them.

> Not any more.


> Gunner
> A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
> butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
> balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
> take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
> analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
> cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
> Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:16:54 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>> wrote:
>>>>You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.
>>>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>>>today by the US government.

>> It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
>> you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
>> all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
>> Why so?

>There is nothing wrong with American Nationalism, holding up one's
>national culture as an overall positive isn't wrong.

AMERICAN Nationalism? you stupid ****stick? THAT is the proper one,
and everyone else is wrong about being loyal to their own countries?
You are not only a sick *******, but a goddamn stupid one. I can't
waste my time with stupid ****. Give me a reason to continue this
conversation. Say something intelligent.

> Wishing to coerce
>that culture upon others is wrong. Europeans who immigrated to
>Palestine and stole the land of those living there were wrong.

The ******s who turned Rhodesia into Zimbabwe were wrong too. Doesn't
change a goddamn thing now, does it. Go argue this point with Mugabe.

>>>>It is exactly
>>>>what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>>>>USA at the time of their invasion.
>>>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>>>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.

>> But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
>> prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

>Since I live in an area devastated by that Puritanism 140 years ago, you
>really don't want to second guess what I am or am not "doing about it".

You're doing nothing about it but whining.

>>>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned

>> Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
>> to take this essay of yours seriously?

>I'm not responsible for what's happening there, you may take that up
>with the Chinese embassy.

So I proved you were wrong when you said "The problem with that is,
civilaztion worldwide has abandoned colonization." Here you admit to
it. That you were wrong about that, as you are so many other things.

>>>except for a pass granted to the zionists.

>> Lie. see above

>The US government isn't financing China in Tibet, it is financing the
>Israeli theft of Palestinian land which continues today.

The US government isn't only financing China, it is giving proprietary
classified weapons technology to them. Ask Billy Clinton about that.
Again you show your PROFOUND IGNORANCE. It is too deep. I see you
live in a very deep hole in the ground. What's the temperature down

>>> That's
>>>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.

>> Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
>> facts of reality.

>Reality? The reality is that the europeans that immigrated to Palestine
>and stole the land from those living there are being financed in their
>thefts by the US government, and that's wrong.

Get a life. This happens every day. If you sincerely want to do
something about it, assassinate the guilty parties involved. Pick up
a gun and go do something about it. Bitching here on uselessnet isn't
going to get you anywhere.

>>> I'd rather have
>>>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>>>Redding, California.

>> Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
>> you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
>> stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
>> Some of us do learn from our mistakes.

>Sice I didn't say that, it's another of your confabulations. That Jews
>immigrated into and have put themselves inside a barbed wire enclosure
>called Israel isn't my fault. They should have immigrated to someplace
>safe, that's my point.

I said the WARSAW GHETTO. Do you know anything about that? Of course
you don't. You're an ignoramus. An ass. An nitwit. A cretin. An
idiot. A moron. And I bet you have a medal for each of those honors.

>Where I live, Jews have been safely participating in the culture for
>over 200 years, 8000 Jews fought for our unsuccessful struggle for
>independence 140 years ago. One of the oldest synagogues in Amnerica is
>located in my state.

THE OLDEST SYNAGOGUE in America is the one I attended in my youth:
Turo Synagogue in Newport Rhode Island. Don't try to hand me any of
your ****. I can see your crap coming before it even leaves your

>>>>I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>>>>imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
>>>No, modeled like the National Socialists from that country that killed
>>>so many of them.

>> In the Holohoax? Nobody was killed in the Holohoax, or haven't you
>> been keeping up.

>That's called a non sequitur.

No, it's called a LIE. Until you can distinguish the Truth from a
Lie, you're lost. You'll be lost forever until you get your bullshit
meter calibrated.

>>> Apparently Zionists loved National Socialism, just
>>>hated this one narrow aspect of the German variety, or rather retargeted
>>>that aspect to the Palestinians. Zionists needed more leibensraum.

>> They'll get it after the USA turns Iran into a dustbowl. It is part
>> of The Plan

>So says Ohmert.

So says -I-. I am the one feeding The Master Plan to Israel. Do you
think I would do that in a clandestine way? **** no. That would be
too obvious, and monitored by the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc etc. I feed the
plan in open view, where I can maintain plausible deniability.

>>>>Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>>>>citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>>>>agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>>>>the United States.
>>>While I agree that everyone should be armed in America, it's typical
>>>Zionist thinking to use coercion to put an idea into action. If an idea
>>>has merit, it must be sold on its' merits, not through the use of force.

>> No coersion involved, except to wake up the sleeping sheep before they
>> get aboard the trucks to the slaughterhouses.

>If you pass a law, government enforces that law throught coercive means.
> Too bad you don't seem to know that.

You apparently don't know your ass from a hole in the wall. Talk
about the pot calling the kettle black!

>>>>How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>>>>each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>>>Never underestimate the power of fools.

>> I promise not to underestimate you.

>Very poor ad hominem.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

>>>The robber of a gun store who
>>>walked past a police car to get in the front door immediately found that
>>>his DNA line ended.

>> Maybe not. No doubt he left behind a bunch of half-breeds to carry on
>> his lineage.
>> Lg

>Someone has to clean the ditches.

So, you'll always have a job.

Bearkiller wrote:

> Can I have my name on the 'Wall of ****tards'?

Your mother put it there before you were born. She was a psychic.
Bearpoofer wrote:

> I'm so badass, I let my boyfriend use a nylon whip instead of a silk one!

You should stick to blowing goats. It's what you were best at.
On Apr 7, 5:50 pm, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
> >> It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
> >> that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
> >> skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
> >> degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
> >> more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
> >> workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
> >> more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
> >> American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli
> >> counterpart.

and replied:
> As a Jew in the field of medicine, and one who is armed to the teeth,
> I'd be more than happy to show editor what happens when my family, or
> I, am put in a life threatening situation.

You don't get it - at all. While you'd undoubtably do just fine
against a (lone) burglar, the reality is that - while you were in med
school - the Special Forces, SEALs, Army Rangers, and Delta were full
of redneck kids spending that same time becoming some of the best at
small-unit tactics for fighting other platoon-size groups. While
you'd undoubtably do just fine against a lone burglar, countless black
and Hispanic kids - their small-unit-fighting skills honed (if
roughly) in gang wars - got pretty good at squad-level fighting during
the years you spent in med school, then went on to Iraq to get more
practice while you did internship in some stateside hospital.
Just the - realistic - observations of a Jewish redneck and
Southerner who's spent much more time shooting than in synagogue-board

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!
On Apr 7, 5:33 am, "Avenger" <> quoted me:
> > Get real. At least 7/8 of Jews in America live in core urban Blue
> > Nation - and much more reflect the leftist politics of that area than
> > its politics reflect theirs. Is Catholic Ted Kennedy any less anti-
> > gun than Jewish Feinswine?

and replied:
> NY is mostly country and a lot of people own firearms. NYC is a tiny part of
> NYS where 1/2 the population lives. Even there a lot of people own firearms.

But - like I said - it's that New York City metro area that most
all of the state's Jews live in, and (for that matter) an estimated
half of America's Jewish population. You may not realize this posting
from Britain - but I as a Jew (and right-winger) would estimate over
87% of American Jews live in just four metro areas, all liberal: New
York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami. Most American Jews are wildly
out of touch with how people in most all of America think as a result.

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!
Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:16:54 -0400, Bearkiller <>
> wrote:
>>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>>>On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>>>>>You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.
>>>>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>>>>today by the US government.
>>>It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
>>>you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
>>>all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
>>>Why so?

> ========================================================
>>There is nothing wrong with American Nationalism, holding up one's
>>national culture as an overall positive isn't wrong.

> AMERICAN Nationalism? you stupid ****stick? THAT is the proper one,
> and everyone else is wrong about being loyal to their own countries?
> You are not only a sick *******, but a goddamn stupid one. I can't
> waste my time with stupid ****. Give me a reason to continue this
> conversation. Say something intelligent.
>> Wishing to coerce
>>that culture upon others is wrong. Europeans who immigrated to
>>Palestine and stole the land of those living there were wrong.

> The ******s who turned Rhodesia into Zimbabwe were wrong too. Doesn't
> change a goddamn thing now, does it. Go argue this point with Mugabe.
>>>>>It is exactly
>>>>>what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>>>>>USA at the time of their invasion.
>>>>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>>>>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.
>>>But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
>>>prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.

>>Since I live in an area devastated by that Puritanism 140 years ago, you
>>really don't want to second guess what I am or am not "doing about it".

> You're doing nothing about it but whining.
>>>>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned
>>>Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
>>>to take this essay of yours seriously?

>>I'm not responsible for what's happening there, you may take that up
>>with the Chinese embassy.

> So I proved you were wrong when you said "The problem with that is,
> civilaztion worldwide has abandoned colonization." Here you admit to
> it. That you were wrong about that, as you are so many other things.
>>>>except for a pass granted to the zionists.
>>>Lie. see above

>>The US government isn't financing China in Tibet, it is financing the
>>Israeli theft of Palestinian land which continues today.

> The US government isn't only financing China, it is giving proprietary
> classified weapons technology to them. Ask Billy Clinton about that.
> Again you show your PROFOUND IGNORANCE. It is too deep. I see you
> live in a very deep hole in the ground. What's the temperature down
> there?
>>>>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.
>>>Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
>>>facts of reality.

>>Reality? The reality is that the europeans that immigrated to Palestine
>>and stole the land from those living there are being financed in their
>>thefts by the US government, and that's wrong.

> Get a life. This happens every day. If you sincerely want to do
> something about it, assassinate the guilty parties involved. Pick up
> a gun and go do something about it. Bitching here on uselessnet isn't
> going to get you anywhere.
>>>>I'd rather have
>>>>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>>>>Redding, California.
>>>Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
>>>you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
>>>stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
>>>Some of us do learn from our mistakes.

>>Sice I didn't say that, it's another of your confabulations. That Jews
>>immigrated into and have put themselves inside a barbed wire enclosure
>>called Israel isn't my fault. They should have immigrated to someplace
>>safe, that's my point.

> I said the WARSAW GHETTO. Do you know anything about that? Of course
> you don't. You're an ignoramus. An ass. An nitwit. A cretin. An
> idiot. A moron. And I bet you have a medal for each of those honors.

You're string of ad hominem attacks has lost you any chance at winning
this debate. You've presented no facts, no rebuttal, and have whimpered
through it all.

Bye now.
On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 22:31:35 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:16:54 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>> wrote:
>>>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>>>>>>You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.
>>>>>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>>>>>today by the US government.
>>>>It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
>>>>you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
>>>>all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
>>>>Why so?

>> ========================================================
>>>There is nothing wrong with American Nationalism, holding up one's
>>>national culture as an overall positive isn't wrong.

>> AMERICAN Nationalism? you stupid ****stick? THAT is the proper one,
>> and everyone else is wrong about being loyal to their own countries?
>> You are not only a sick *******, but a goddamn stupid one. I can't
>> waste my time with stupid ****. Give me a reason to continue this
>> conversation. Say something intelligent.
>>> Wishing to coerce
>>>that culture upon others is wrong. Europeans who immigrated to
>>>Palestine and stole the land of those living there were wrong.

>> The ******s who turned Rhodesia into Zimbabwe were wrong too. Doesn't
>> change a goddamn thing now, does it. Go argue this point with Mugabe.
>>>>>>It is exactly
>>>>>>what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>>>>>>USA at the time of their invasion.
>>>>>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>>>>>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.
>>>>But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
>>>>prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
>>>Since I live in an area devastated by that Puritanism 140 years ago, you
>>>really don't want to second guess what I am or am not "doing about it".

>> You're doing nothing about it but whining.
>>>>>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>>>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned
>>>>Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
>>>>to take this essay of yours seriously?
>>>I'm not responsible for what's happening there, you may take that up
>>>with the Chinese embassy.

>> So I proved you were wrong when you said "The problem with that is,
>> civilaztion worldwide has abandoned colonization." Here you admit to
>> it. That you were wrong about that, as you are so many other things.
>>>>>except for a pass granted to the zionists.
>>>>Lie. see above
>>>The US government isn't financing China in Tibet, it is financing the
>>>Israeli theft of Palestinian land which continues today.

>> The US government isn't only financing China, it is giving proprietary
>> classified weapons technology to them. Ask Billy Clinton about that.
>> Again you show your PROFOUND IGNORANCE. It is too deep. I see you
>> live in a very deep hole in the ground. What's the temperature down
>> there?
>>>>>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.
>>>>Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
>>>>facts of reality.
>>>Reality? The reality is that the europeans that immigrated to Palestine
>>>and stole the land from those living there are being financed in their
>>>thefts by the US government, and that's wrong.

>> Get a life. This happens every day. If you sincerely want to do
>> something about it, assassinate the guilty parties involved. Pick up
>> a gun and go do something about it. Bitching here on uselessnet isn't
>> going to get you anywhere.
>>>>>I'd rather have
>>>>>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>>>>>Redding, California.
>>>>Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
>>>>you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
>>>>stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
>>>>Some of us do learn from our mistakes.
>>>Sice I didn't say that, it's another of your confabulations. That Jews
>>>immigrated into and have put themselves inside a barbed wire enclosure
>>>called Israel isn't my fault. They should have immigrated to someplace
>>>safe, that's my point.

>> I said the WARSAW GHETTO. Do you know anything about that? Of course
>> you don't. You're an ignoramus. An ass. An nitwit. A cretin. An
>> idiot. A moron. And I bet you have a medal for each of those honors.

>You're string of ad hominem attacks has lost you any chance at winning
>this debate. You've presented no facts, no rebuttal, and have whimpered
>through it all.
>Bye now.

You useless ****. You didn't address even ONE of my contentions.
Useless ****. Back to jail you go. and **** You. SLAM! (sound of
solitary confinement door being shut). wrote:
> On Apr 7, 5:50 pm, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
>>>> It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
>>>> that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
>>>> skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
>>>> degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
>>>> more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
>>>> workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
>>>> more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
>>>> American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli
>>>> counterpart.

> and replied:
>> As a Jew in the field of medicine, and one who is armed to the teeth,
>> I'd be more than happy to show editor what happens when my family, or
>> I, am put in a life threatening situation.

> You don't get it - at all. While you'd undoubtably do just fine
> against a (lone) burglar, the reality is that - while you were in med
> school - the Special Forces, SEALs, Army Rangers, and Delta were full
> of redneck kids spending that same time becoming some of the best at
> small-unit tactics for fighting other platoon-size groups. While
> you'd undoubtably do just fine against a lone burglar, countless black
> and Hispanic kids - their small-unit-fighting skills honed (if
> roughly) in gang wars - got pretty good at squad-level fighting during
> the years you spent in med school, then went on to Iraq to get more
> practice while you did internship in some stateside hospital.
> Just the - realistic - observations of a Jewish redneck and
> Southerner who's spent much more time shooting than in synagogue-board
> meetings.

Which is fine with me.

Until I'm ready to attack/defend an entire village, my training and
mini arsenal are quite adequate to defend my family and myself.

> I will eviscerate anyone or any entity that attempts to harm any Jew
> within my reach. this time around, expect a real armageddon.

Idle talk that matters little. Once the DNA samples are fully
collected, its just a matter of time. The Muslims will finish what
Hitler started, and the Jews have nobody to blame but themselves.
On 10 Apr 2007 04:46:55 -0700, "PK Smith" <>

>> I will eviscerate anyone or any entity that attempts to harm any Jew
>> within my reach. this time around, expect a real armageddon.

>Idle talk that matters little. Once the DNA samples are fully
>collected, its just a matter of time. The Muslims will finish what
>Hitler started, and the Jews have nobody to blame but themselves.

I understand your fantasy. It goes along with your psychosis. Sadly,
I have to report, there is no cure for what is wrong with you. Best
of luck in your future visits to the Psych Ward.

Lawrence Glickman wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 22:31:35 -0400, Bearkiller <>
> wrote:
>>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>>>On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:16:54 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>>>>Lawrence Glickman wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 09:24:47 -0400, Bearkiller <>
>>>>>>>You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease.
>>>>>>Zionism is a mental disease which is, unfortunately, being underwritten
>>>>>>today by the US government.
>>>>>It is no more a disease than American Nationalism. Look up the word;
>>>>>you apparently were asleep during that lecture. God bless America and
>>>>>all that ****. Do you think it should be different anywhere else?
>>>>>Why so?
>>>>There is nothing wrong with American Nationalism, holding up one's
>>>>national culture as an overall positive isn't wrong.
>>>AMERICAN Nationalism? you stupid ****stick? THAT is the proper one,
>>>and everyone else is wrong about being loyal to their own countries?
>>>You are not only a sick *******, but a goddamn stupid one. I can't
>>>waste my time with stupid ****. Give me a reason to continue this
>>>conversation. Say something intelligent.
>>>>Wishing to coerce
>>>>that culture upon others is wrong. Europeans who immigrated to
>>>>Palestine and stole the land of those living there were wrong.
>>>The ******s who turned Rhodesia into Zimbabwe were wrong too. Doesn't
>>>change a goddamn thing now, does it. Go argue this point with Mugabe.
>>>>>>>It is exactly
>>>>>>>what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
>>>>>>>USA at the time of their invasion.
>>>>>>Puritanism was and still is a disease affecting America. The invasion
>>>>>>of Iraq "for their own good" is puritanism at it finest.
>>>>>But you do nothing about it. All that is necessary for Evil to
>>>>>prevail in the world is for good men to stand by and do nothing.
>>>>Since I live in an area devastated by that Puritanism 140 years ago, you
>>>>really don't want to second guess what I am or am not "doing about it".
>>>You're doing nothing about it but whining.
>>>>>>>I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>>>>>>>here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>>>>>>>what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>>>>>>>the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>>>>>>>Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>>>>>>The problem with that is, civilization worldwide has abandoned
>>>>>Tell that to the Tibetans and the Dali Lama. What horse ****. Am I
>>>>>to take this essay of yours seriously?
>>>>I'm not responsible for what's happening there, you may take that up
>>>>with the Chinese embassy.
>>>So I proved you were wrong when you said "The problem with that is,
>>>civilaztion worldwide has abandoned colonization." Here you admit to
>>>it. That you were wrong about that, as you are so many other things.
>>>>>>except for a pass granted to the zionists.
>>>>>Lie. see above
>>>>The US government isn't financing China in Tibet, it is financing the
>>>>Israeli theft of Palestinian land which continues today.
>>>The US government isn't only financing China, it is giving proprietary
>>>classified weapons technology to them. Ask Billy Clinton about that.
>>>Again you show your PROFOUND IGNORANCE. It is too deep. I see you
>>>live in a very deep hole in the ground. What's the temperature down
>>>>>>proven to have been and currently is a huge mistake.
>>>>>Nothing has been proven here except your unfathomable ignorance of the
>>>>>facts of reality.
>>>>Reality? The reality is that the europeans that immigrated to Palestine
>>>>and stole the land from those living there are being financed in their
>>>>thefts by the US government, and that's wrong.
>>>Get a life. This happens every day. If you sincerely want to do
>>>something about it, assassinate the guilty parties involved. Pick up
>>>a gun and go do something about it. Bitching here on uselessnet isn't
>>>going to get you anywhere.
>>>>>>I'd rather have
>>>>>>seen all of the Zionists come to America and settle in Nevada or
>>>>>>Redding, California.
>>>>>Then you could put a barbed wire/razor wire fence around the place and
>>>>>you have your catch. Not a chance, asshole. None of us are that
>>>>>stupid anymore. Remember the Warsaw Ghetto. Same modus operandi.
>>>>>Some of us do learn from our mistakes.
>>>>Sice I didn't say that, it's another of your confabulations. That Jews
>>>>immigrated into and have put themselves inside a barbed wire enclosure
>>>>called Israel isn't my fault. They should have immigrated to someplace
>>>>safe, that's my point.
>>>I said the WARSAW GHETTO. Do you know anything about that? Of course
>>>you don't. You're an ignoramus. An ass. An nitwit. A cretin. An
>>>idiot. A moron. And I bet you have a medal for each of those honors.

>>You're string of ad hominem attacks has lost you any chance at winning
>>this debate. You've presented no facts, no rebuttal, and have whimpered
>>through it all.
>>Bye now.

> You useless ****. You didn't address even ONE of my contentions.
> Useless ****. Back to jail you go. and **** You. SLAM! (sound of
> solitary confinement door being shut).

From the Department of Last Words Department; welcome to Glickman
World, please keep your hands and feet inside the tram while it's in motion.
On Apr 6, 2:04 pm, "MarVel" <> wrote:
> In addition to that below, Jews have funded and run most
> anti-RTKBA organizations. Their plans for globalist dictator-
> ship cannot be implemented so long as patriotic Americans
> have the means to resist - as guaranteed them by the
> Founders.
> Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
> Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
> added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
> Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.
> 1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
> Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
> attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
> most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].
> 1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
> Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
> Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
> owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.
> 1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
> limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."
> 1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
> School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
> The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.
> 1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
> bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
> the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
> a later date.
> February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
> handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
> Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
> in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].
> 1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
> Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
> II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of
> Representatives.
> September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
> 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
> and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons."
> [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic].
> That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Jewish Senator
> Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.
> 1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
> introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
> the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being
> unconstitutional.
> September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
> becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
> was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
> convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.
> 1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
> proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
> including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
> was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
> among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
> Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.
> January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
> American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.
> January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
> Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
> connection with transfer of a handgun.
> February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
> Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.
> February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
> Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
> Industry Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
> Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.
> May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
> Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
> firearms licensing system.
> January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
> nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
> of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].
> May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
> legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
> ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
> ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
> to expire in September, 2004.
> October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
> Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
> of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.
> March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> [1] Celler's bill as the base or foundation of the Gun Control Act of
> 1968: Here or Here
> [2] a long list of the anti-gun bills sponsored by Schumer, Here
> [footnote #36]

Where does Jack Ruby fit into that?

I am one Jew who would be delighted to shoot you in the head with a .
45, if it would make you feel better. wrote:


> Where does Jack Ruby fit into that?
> I am one Jew who would be delighted to shoot you in the head with a .
> 45, if it would make you feel better.

It would make the rest of us feel better.

Does that count?

On Apr 10, 12:16 am, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
> > You don't get it - at all. While you'd undoubtably do just fine
> > against a (lone) burglar, the reality is that - while you were in med
> > school - the Special Forces, SEALs, Army Rangers, and Delta were full
> > of redneck kids spending that same time becoming some of the best at
> > small-unit tactics for fighting other platoon-size groups. While
> > you'd undoubtably do just fine against a lone burglar, countless black
> > and Hispanic kids - their small-unit-fighting skills honed (if
> > roughly) in gang wars - got pretty good at squad-level fighting during
> > the years you spent in med school, then went on to Iraq to get more
> > practice while you did internship in some stateside hospital.
> > Just the - realistic - observations of a Jewish redneck and
> > Southerner who's spent much more time shooting than in synagogue-board
> > meetings.

and replied:
> Which is fine with me.
> Until I'm ready to attack/defend an entire village, my training and
> mini arsenal are quite adequate to defend my family and myself.

Ever heard of Crown Heights? That New York City mini-pogrom
teaches that - even without widespread societal collapse - those with
tactically-worthwhile skills win against a society of social workers
and neurosurgeons.
When the **** hits the fan in terms of widespread societal collapse
over a wide area, will you want your village/neighborhood to have one
gunsmith, one nurse, one police officer, and one retired Special
Forces soldier - or one social worker, one neurosurgeon who can't
function as a surgeon without a functioning hospital and nurses that
no longer will exist, one physics professor, and one lawyer, all of
whose job skills are tactically worthless?

No $4 to park! No $6 admission! wrote:
> On Apr 10, 12:16 am, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
>>> You don't get it - at all. While you'd undoubtably do just fine
>>> against a (lone) burglar, the reality is that - while you were in med
>>> school - the Special Forces, SEALs, Army Rangers, and Delta were full
>>> of redneck kids spending that same time becoming some of the best at
>>> small-unit tactics for fighting other platoon-size groups. While
>>> you'd undoubtably do just fine against a lone burglar, countless black
>>> and Hispanic kids - their small-unit-fighting skills honed (if
>>> roughly) in gang wars - got pretty good at squad-level fighting during
>>> the years you spent in med school, then went on to Iraq to get more
>>> practice while you did internship in some stateside hospital.
>>> Just the - realistic - observations of a Jewish redneck and
>>> Southerner who's spent much more time shooting than in synagogue-board
>>> meetings.

> and replied:
>> Which is fine with me.
>> Until I'm ready to attack/defend an entire village, my training and
>> mini arsenal are quite adequate to defend my family and myself.

> Ever heard of Crown Heights? That New York City mini-pogrom
> teaches that - even without widespread societal collapse - those with
> tactically-worthwhile skills win against a society of social workers
> and neurosurgeons.
> When the **** hits the fan in terms of widespread societal collapse
> over a wide area, will you want your village/neighborhood to have one
> gunsmith, one nurse, one police officer, and one retired Special
> Forces soldier - or one social worker, one neurosurgeon who can't
> function as a surgeon without a functioning hospital and nurses that
> no longer will exist, one physics professor, and one lawyer, all of
> whose job skills are tactically worthless?

I happen to live in a community where people are professionals AND rather
well versed in the art of survival.

Believe it or not, they're not mutually exclusive!

On Apr 10, 5:01 pm, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
> > When the **** hits the fan in terms of widespread societal collapse
> > over a wide area, will you want your village/neighborhood to have one
> > gunsmith, one nurse, one police officer, and one retired Special
> > Forces soldier - or one social worker, one neurosurgeon who can't
> > function as a surgeon without a functioning hospital and nurses that
> > no longer will exist, one physics professor, and one lawyer, all of
> > whose job skills are tactically worthless?

and replied:
> I happen to live in a community where people are professionals AND rather
> well versed in the art of survival.
> Believe it or not, they're not mutually exclusive!

Just out of curiosity, what percent of the people in that community
are Jewish? In heavily-Jewish areas, you tend to find a lot of the
residents with advanced degrees - but very few with tactically-useful
skills. Parental career pressure on Jewish kids for at least two
generations has produced that kind of Jewish community in America.

No $4 to park! No $6 admission! wrote:
> On Apr 10, 5:01 pm, Notan <notan@ddressthatcanbespammed> quoted me:
>>> When the **** hits the fan in terms of widespread societal collapse
>>> over a wide area, will you want your village/neighborhood to have one
>>> gunsmith, one nurse, one police officer, and one retired Special
>>> Forces soldier - or one social worker, one neurosurgeon who can't
>>> function as a surgeon without a functioning hospital and nurses that
>>> no longer will exist, one physics professor, and one lawyer, all of
>>> whose job skills are tactically worthless?

> and replied:
>> I happen to live in a community where people are professionals AND rather
>> well versed in the art of survival.
>> Believe it or not, they're not mutually exclusive!

> Just out of curiosity, what percent of the people in that community
> are Jewish? In heavily-Jewish areas, you tend to find a lot of the
> residents with advanced degrees - but very few with tactically-useful
> skills. Parental career pressure on Jewish kids for at least two
> generations has produced that kind of Jewish community in America.

Realistically, I'd say 25-30%.

Lots of young, retired, like-to-hunt folks. (We're in the mountains.)

On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 13:53:49 -0400, Bearkiller <>

>>>>There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>>>>million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>>>>Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>>>Because it belongs to them.

>> Not any more.
>> Gunner

>It will return to them in the future. The US government will be forced
>to stop underwriting the Zionists in Israel, more Jews will (wisely)
>leave Israel than are immigrating into or being born there, and the
>muslims will simply out-populate them over time.

Sure it will. About the same time the Anasazi regain control over


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long