Jews vs the Second Amendment



In addition to that below, Jews have funded and run most
anti-RTKBA organizations. Their plans for globalist dictator-
ship cannot be implemented so long as patriotic Americans
have the means to resist - as guaranteed them by the

Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present

Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.

1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].

1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.

1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."

1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.

1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
a later date.

February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].

1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of

September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons."
[Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic].
That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Jewish Senator
Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.

1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being

September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.

1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.

January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.

January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
connection with transfer of a handgun.

February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.

February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
Accountability Act of 1999.

March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
Industry Accountability Act of 1999.

March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.

May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
firearms licensing system.

January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].

May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
to expire in September, 2004.

October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.

March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
expired in late 2004.

March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
expired in late 2004.

[1] Celler's bill as the base or foundation of the Gun Control Act of
1968: Here or Here

[2] a long list of the anti-gun bills sponsored by Schumer, Here
[footnote #36]
On 6 Apr 2007 11:04:32 -0700, "MarVel" <>

>In addition to that below, Jews have funded and run most
>anti-RTKBA organizations. Their plans for globalist dictator-
>ship cannot be implemented so long as patriotic Americans
>have the means to resist - as guaranteed them by the
>Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
>Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
>added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
>Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.
>1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
>Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
>attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
>most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].
>1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
>Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
>Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
>owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.
>1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
>limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."
>1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
>School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
>The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.
>1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
>bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
>the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
>a later date.
>February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
>handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
>Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
>in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].
>1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
>Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
>II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of
>September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
>1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
>and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons."
>[Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic].
>That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Jewish Senator
>Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.
>1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
>introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
>the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being
>September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
>becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
>was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
>convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.
>1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
>proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
>including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
>was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
>among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
>Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.
>January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
>American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.
>January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
>Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
>connection with transfer of a handgun.
>February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
>Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.
>February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
>Accountability Act of 1999.
>March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
>Industry Accountability Act of 1999.
>March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
>Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.
>May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
>Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
>Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
>firearms licensing system.
>January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
>Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
>nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
>of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].
>May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
>legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
>ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
>ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
>to expire in September, 2004.
>October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
>Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
>of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.
>March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
>the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
>other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
>the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
>expired in late 2004.
>March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
>the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
>other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
>the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
>expired in late 2004.
>[1] Celler's bill as the base or foundation of the Gun Control Act of
>1968: Here or Here
>[2] a long list of the anti-gun bills sponsored by Schumer, Here
>[footnote #36]


January, 2007:
A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
fined and/or sent to prison.
In article <>, Lawrence
Glickman <> wrote:

> January, 2007:
> A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
> non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
> fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
> United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
> fined and/or sent to prison.

"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights" contacted me several
years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one of my essays. I
said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why Jews need to
move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
pro-government liberal mindset.

(I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)

There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
spread West.

Some likely contributors to this mindset:

-- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
in established cities.

As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most

-- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
"lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
(the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.

(This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
the Germans in their plans.)

(And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)

-- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"

-- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
"cowboy" rights.

-- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
of this is why the survivors said "Never again."

(I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
of the above.)

I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
or hell.

So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally

Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.

--Tim May
On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 13:21:45 -0700, Tim May
<> wrote:

>In article <>, Lawrence
>Glickman <> wrote:
>> January, 2007:
>> A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
>> non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
>> fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
>> United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
>> fined and/or sent to prison.

>"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights" contacted me several
>years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one of my essays. I
>said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why Jews need to
>move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
>pro-government liberal mindset.
>(I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)
>There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
>versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
>that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
>spread West.
>Some likely contributors to this mindset:
>-- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
>to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
>enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
>interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
>Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
>communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
>such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
>Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
>in established cities.
>As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
>most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
>Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most
>-- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
>"lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
>of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
>(the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.
>(This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
>Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
>for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
>Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
>the Germans in their plans.)
>(And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
>on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
>privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)
>-- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
>the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
>culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
>by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
>property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"
>-- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
>liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
>toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
>why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
>Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
>"cowboy" rights.
>-- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
>acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
>fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
>The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
>as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
>face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
>of this is why the survivors said "Never again."
>(I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
>Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
>region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
>lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
>Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
>nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
>companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
>only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
>of the above.)
>I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
>demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
>or hell.
>So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
>fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally
>Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
>and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
>the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.
>--Tim May

You speak of zionism as if it is some kind of disease. It is exactly
what the Puritans did when they settled the USA, which was not the
USA at the time of their invasion. I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.

Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
the United States.

How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n

I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
> here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians

Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
whcih was taken over by European refugees.

when they settled
> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
> the United States.

Crime is actually down to a 1/3 of what is was 20 years ago.
> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
> roll.

Banks today have bullet proof glass between the tellers and customers.
> Lg
The "individualist right to a gun" never appears anywhere in the
Second Amendment and federal force has _never_ been "checked" on U. S.
soil by individualist ownership of guns, but the real reason so few
Jews suck on the "if I git pushed too far" pacifier is because Jews
don't sit around indulging themselves in the fantasy that "utopia will
break out after an individualist shoots the tax collector."

Jews tend to be _real_ citizens who take _real_ action.

The ones who sit around daydreaming pure nonsense -- "check them evil
feds with violence" -- and stewing in their juice tend to be anti-

Bret Cahill
On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 21:32:38 GMT, "Avenger" <>

> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>> here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians

>Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
>thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
>whcih was taken over by European refugees.

Liar. There were millions of Indians. And they were systematically
murdered by the US Govn't Cavalry.

>when they settled
>> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
>> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>> the United States.

>Crime is actually down to a 1/3 of what is was 20 years ago.

Bullshit. It has never been higher. 2/3rds of cases never make it to
the Court System because that would bring the Judicial Process to a
grinding halt from overload. You LIE again.

>> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>> roll.

>Banks today have bullet proof glass between the tellers and customers.

Where is that? Not around here they don't. THEY DO NOT. Currency
exchanges do, banks do not. Why the **** do you think they get robbed
in the first place nitwit? If they had bulletproof glass nobody could
rob them.

You're nothing but a ****ing LIAR Avenger. Are you sure you don't
work for the government disinformation agency?

On 6 Apr 2007 14:58:02 -0700, "Bret Cahill" <>

>The "individualist right to a gun" never appears anywhere in the
>Second Amendment and federal force has _never_ been "checked" on U. S.
>soil by individualist ownership of guns, but the real reason so few
>Jews suck on the "if I git pushed too far" pacifier is because

>don't sit around indulging themselves in the fantasy that "utopia will
>break out after an individualist shoots the tax collector."

I think this idea needs to be tested for confirmation of results.

>Jews tend to be _real_ citizens who take _real_ action.

Some do, some don't.

>The ones who sit around daydreaming pure nonsense -- "check them evil
>feds with violence" -- and stewing in their juice tend to be anti-
>Bret Cahill

It takes balls to survive in Liberty. If you don't have any, or don't
grow any, you're going to be joining the rest of the slaves very
shortly if you haven't already.

"Tim May" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, Lawrence
> Glickman <> wrote:
> >
> > January, 2007:
> > A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
> > non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
> > fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
> > United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
> > fined and/or sent to prison.

> "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights" contacted me several
> years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one of my essays. I
> said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why Jews need to
> move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
> pro-government liberal mindset.
> (I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)
> There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
> versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
> that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
> spread West.
> Some likely contributors to this mindset:
> -- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
> to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
> enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
> interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
> Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
> communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
> such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
> Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
> in established cities.
> As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
> most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
> Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most
> part.
> -- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
> "lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
> of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
> (the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.
> (This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
> Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
> for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
> Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
> the Germans in their plans.)
> (And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
> on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
> privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)
> -- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
> the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
> culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
> by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
> property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"
> mindset.
> -- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
> liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
> toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
> why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
> Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
> "cowboy" rights.
> -- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
> acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
> fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
> The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
> as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
> face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
> of this is why the survivors said "Never again."
> (I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
> Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
> region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
> lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
> Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
> nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
> companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
> only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
> of the above.)
> I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
> demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
> or hell.
> So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
> fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally
> anti-liberty.
> Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
> and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
> the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.

This is a fascinating window on the psychology and/or mindset of the average
jew on the street. You would think that, given their history, they of all
people would understand the prudence of not relying on other people to
defend you from the wolves.

There's something very weird, almost a Bobby Fischer kind of self-loathing
inherent in this mindset. And it's undeniable.


NRA Patron, GSSA Life, recovering Republican
If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target.
On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 18:28:06 -0400, "ubermutant"
<> wrote:
>This is a fascinating window on the psychology and/or mindset of the average
>jew on the street.

AMERICAN Jew on the street. You won't find much of this
submissiveness in Israel.

> You would think that, given their history, they of all
>people would understand the prudence of not relying on other people to
>defend you from the wolves.

Those who have been touched by the hatred have prepared themselves for
the Final Chapter.

>There's something very weird, almost a Bobby Fischer kind of self-loathing
>inherent in this mindset. And it's undeniable.

I think you underrate these people. If they want to kick ass, find a
nice foxhole and don't come out until the smoke clears.

In article <>, ubermutant
<> wrote:

> "Tim May" <> wrote in message

> This is a fascinating window on the psychology and/or mindset of the average
> jew on the street. You would think that, given their history, they of all
> people would understand the prudence of not relying on other people to
> defend you from the wolves.

Thanks. It's what I've learned in my 55 years, being friends with many
Jews, working with and for many Jews, and seeing their comments, their
articles, their legal rulings, and so on.

Not all are like this. Glickman, for example, runs counter to the
typical exemplar.

I don't think their mindset will change just by individual Jews having
an epiphany. It will likely take a major reformation, a la the
Reformation the Catholics went through to become (many of them)

Ditto for Islam. Both Islam and Judaism are in their pre-reformation,
"trust the priests" stage, neither having had the kind of shift from
village elder-centered to individual choice-centered process.

> There's something very weird, almost a Bobby Fischer kind of self-loathing
> inherent in this mindset. And it's undeniable.

It's so undeniable it's even the core of Jewish humor.

Jews for the most part try to cozy up to whichever satrap is in power,
be they Communist or Fascist or Democrat or Republican (as in the
current inner Bush circle of pro-Israel plotters). They have even
turned informant on other members of their tribe, even acted as
"trustees" or "Zeks" for the Nazis, the Stalinists, even for the Shah's
secret police.

One reason the Protestant Reformation was so dramatic an event is that
it takes a huge amount of energy to break the binding energy of the
"priestly elite." After all, priests and rabbis and imams and witch
doctors have it pretty good--they get a nice comfortable living off the
taxes ("tithings," etc.) of a gullible population. Giving this power up
means unemployment.

Of course, this power is so alluring that Protestant clerics then
immediately tried to get it back, and have been moving in the direction
of consolidation of priestly power ever since. Sects like LDS have gone
almost completely back to the Catholic model, with their own imperial
capitol, hereditary priesthoods, and large and magnificent church
structures, aptly named "temples" and "tabernacles." And they've even
gone beyond the Catholics in thinking of ways to collect more tithings:
the living can make extra donations so as to baptize their dead
ancestors into the LDS church.

--Tim May
In article <>, Lawrence
Glickman <> wrote:

> I think you underrate these people. If they want to kick ass, find a
> nice foxhole and don't come out until the smoke clears.

They did well in the wars where the American-supplied jets and tanks
made the difference.

But in their war last summer, they had their asses handed to them by
Hizbollah. Their ignominious retreat back to their own lines, followed
by the sacking of the key military commanders, emphasized this.

Now Hizbollah is stronger than ever.

--Tim May
"Lawrence Glickman" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 18:28:06 -0400, "ubermutant"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >This is a fascinating window on the psychology and/or mindset of the

> >jew on the street.

> AMERICAN Jew on the street. You won't find much of this
> submissiveness in Israel.

Perhaps. Never been to Israel (sadly). I'll have to take this one on
faith. For now.

> > You would think that, given their history, they of all
> >people would understand the prudence of not relying on other people to
> >defend you from the wolves.

> Those who have been touched by the hatred have prepared themselves for
> the Final Chapter.

Were it only so, but not on this side of the pond. Not only that, they are
hell-bent on assisting the 'final chapter', as you put it.

> >There's something very weird, almost a Bobby Fischer kind of

> >inherent in this mindset. And it's undeniable.
> >
> >b.

> I think you underrate these people. If they want to kick ass, find a
> nice foxhole and don't come out until the smoke clears.

Again, count me a skeptic for now. They left Lebanon earlier this year with
tail tucked firmly underneath, and by all accounts have learned exactly zero
from the experience. The old guard, yes I'll grant you had some inspiring
times but this bunch today is .. sad to say .. disappointing.

I can't help this nagging feeling that we're about to see history repeat
itself again, with the yids complicit in their own destruction .. again. If
they're going to pull their collective heads out of their asses, there isn't
much time.

Sure hope I'm wrong about this.



NRA Patron, GSSA Life, recovering Republican
If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target.
On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 21:32:38 GMT, "Avenger" <>

> I detect just a bit of hypocrisy
>> here. IOW, the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians

>Not at all similiar. There were very few "indians" around and they were not
>thrown off their land by the Puritans.Palestine is a densely populated area
>whcih was taken over by European refugees.
>when they settled
>> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.
>> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.
>> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>> the United States.

>Crime is actually down to a 1/3 of what is was 20 years ago.
>> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>> roll.

>Banks today have bullet proof glass between the tellers and customers.

Perhaps at your bank. The branch of Wells Fargo, where I do my
banking, has no such thing.

>> Lg

Tim May wrote:
>There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
>versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
>that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
>spread West.
>Some likely contributors to this mindset:

Like my ol' grandpappy used to say: gun control is goy control.
Jews want you to be disarmed...not to be disarmed themselves.
Look at Feinstein...she had a concealed carry permit at the same
time she was working hard to make sure goys couldn't get one.
Jewish cells maintain large caches of automatic weapons in
the U.S. according to ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his
book By Way of Deception (St. Martin's, 1990). In their Orwellian
New World Order they intend to be the ones wearing the jack-
boots...not the victims.
On Apr 6, 1:04 pm, "MarVel" <> wrote:
> In addition to that below, Jews have funded and run most
> anti-RTKBA organizations. Their plans for globalist dictator-
> ship cannot be implemented so long as patriotic Americans
> have the means to resist - as guaranteed them by the
> Founders.
> Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
> Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
> added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
> Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.
> 1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
> Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
> attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
> most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].
> 1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
> Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
> Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
> owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.
> 1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
> limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."
> 1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
> School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
> The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.
> 1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
> bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
> the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
> a later date.
> February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
> handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
> Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
> in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].
> 1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
> Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
> II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of
> Representatives.
> September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
> 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
> and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons."
> [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic].
> That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Jewish Senator
> Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.
> 1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
> introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
> the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being
> unconstitutional.
> September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
> becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
> was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
> convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.
> 1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
> proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
> including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
> was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
> among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
> Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.
> January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
> American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.
> January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
> Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
> connection with transfer of a handgun.
> February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
> Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.
> February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
> Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
> Industry Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
> Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.
> May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
> Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
> firearms licensing system.
> January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
> nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
> of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].
> May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
> legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
> ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
> ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
> to expire in September, 2004.
> October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
> Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
> of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.
> March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> [1] Celler's bill as the base or foundation of the Gun Control Act of
> 1968: Here or Here
> [2] a long list of the anti-gun bills sponsored by Schumer, Here
> [footnote #36]

I know chuck schumer has been a major anti-gun nut and he is jewish.
I'm glad to see a list of them. You're right they do want a police
state here in America (just like the one they had in Russia when
hundreds of millions of russians were killed for no reason at all) A
lot of people need to be informed that is was jews that planned and
financed the Bolshevik Revolution - that installed red communism in
russia and a whole bunch of other countries - leading to a HOLOCAUST
of their innocent citizens.

>There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American

versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
spread West.

IT's because most of those people are white and jews HATE white

I've debated at least 350 jews on USA Sovereignty and Border Security
and every one to the last person has been for open borders and letting
the hordes come in. Also if we had guns we might be able to repel the
invaders. Got to get them guns out.

Jack Hester
In article <>, MaK
<> wrote:

> Tim May wrote:
> >
> >
> >There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
> >versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
> >that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
> >spread West.
> >
> >Some likely contributors to this mindset:
> >

> Like my ol' grandpappy used to say: gun control is goy control.
> Jews want you to be disarmed...not to be disarmed themselves.
> Look at Feinstein...she had a concealed carry permit at the same
> time she was working hard to make sure goys couldn't get one.
> Jewish cells maintain large caches of automatic weapons in
> the U.S. according to ex-Mossad officer Victor Ostrovsky in his
> book By Way of Deception (St. Martin's, 1990). In their Orwellian
> New World Order they intend to be the ones wearing the jack-
> boots...not the victims.

Likewise, Jews very vocally support laws encouraging free immigration
of ethnic untermenschen and applaud mixed-race marriages like black
O.J. and blonde Nicole....even as they villify Jews who marry outside
their religion. The Jew likes it when non-Jews engage in miscegenation.
It weakens their enemies.

My sister, a blonde, married a Jew and was hounded by the name "shiksa"
(or however it is spelled). She later divorced him.

--Tim May
On Apr 6, 3:21 pm, Tim May <> wrote:

> In article <>, Lawrence
> Glickman <> wrote:

> > January, 2007:
> > A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
> > non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
> > fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
> > United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
> > fined and/or sent to prison.

> "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights"...

Tim: I think you mean "Jesw for the Preservation of Firearms


> ...contacted me several years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one
> of my essays. I said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why
> Jews need to move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
> pro-government liberal mindset.
> (I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)
> There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
> versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
> that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
> spread West.
> Some likely contributors to this mindset:
> -- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
> to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
> enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
> interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
> Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
> communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
> such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
> Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
> in established cities.
> As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
> most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
> Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most
> part.
> -- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
> "lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
> of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
> (the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.
> (This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
> Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
> for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
> Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
> the Germans in their plans.)
> (And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
> on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
> privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)
> -- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
> the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
> culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
> by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
> property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"
> mindset.
> -- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
> liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
> toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
> why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
> Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
> "cowboy" rights.
> -- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
> acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
> fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
> The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
> as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
> face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
> of this is why the survivors said "Never again."
> (I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
> Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
> region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
> lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
> Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
> nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
> companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
> only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
> of the above.)
> I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
> demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
> or hell.
> So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
> fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally
> anti-liberty.
> Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
> and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
> the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.
> --Tim May
Why American Zionists are not American Conservatives.

1) American Conservatives believe in America first, and do not put the
interests of a foreign cult or power before the interests of the
American people. American Zionists (AKA "Neoconservatives") believe
in Israel first and are willing to destroy America's culture,
democracy, freedom, reputation, international standing, and economy,
all for the sake of Israel.

2) American Conservatives believe in the rule of law and respect the
United States Constitution. American Zionists do not care about what
is legal or Constitutional, only in want they can do for Israel, be it
extorting money from American taxpayers to give to Israel, or
illegally starting foreign wars for Israeli interests, not American
interests. American Zionists believe in illegal torture, illegal
spying on American citizens, and they believe in doing everything they
can to squash free speech and political dissent.

3) American Conservatives do not take orders from any cult or foreign
power. The American Zionists in the White House and Congress take
orders from AIPAC, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee. In
the year 2007 the ultimate power in America is AIPAC, not the White
House, not Congress, and not the United States Supreme Court.

America has become a fake democracy because the United States of
America has suffered a silent coup by American Zionists pretending to
be American Conservatives and American Liberals. Both political
parties have sold out the American people to the cult commune known as
"Israel." Our Founding Fathers, particularly Thomas Jefferson and
Benjamin Franklin, warned Americans about foreign cults and
conspiracies, but George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Nancy Pelosi, John
McCain, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, Hillary Clinton, and most of the
rest have sold out their own country for campaign donations and the
support by a corrupt and basically anti-American cult that has made
America the most hated nation in the world.

The world hates America because we preach freedom but practice world
wide terror and illegality, all for our God Israel. "Shock and awe"
is not "freedom." Torture is not "freedom". Rendition is not
"freedom." Rule by 2.5% of our population is not "freedom." Illegal
bombing, invasion, and occupation of foreign nations who have never
attacked us is not "freedom." Causing the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of foreign nationals for no legitimate reason is not
"freedom." Draining America's budget, destroying our own military,
and destroying civil liberties and the rule of law at home is not

How can the United States of America ever address our major problems
like global warming, the insolvency of Social Security, illegal
immigration, health care, etc., while the cult of Zionism continues to
suck our economy dry, making us fight war after war, all for an
illegal and lawless cult commune that believes that "The spilling of
goy blood cannot be compared to the spilling of Jewish blood." They
want us to illegally attack Iran next, which will be the final blow to
our economy with oil prices beyond our immagination and world wide

Strangely, and pathetically, many American Evangelical Christians
worship Israel as the body of God and are devout supporters of Jews,
no matter what crimes Jews commit, at the same time most Jews despise
Evangelical Christians and make jokes about how stupid they are.
America loves BIG BROTHER and licks BIG BROTHER'S feet, while BIG
BROTHER despises the America people and is destroying America by
sucking our economy dry. The American media supports the brainwashing
and mind control that keeps this absurd situation in play, and most
Americans are too hypnotized, to scared, or too apathetic to fight

The symbol of America in the year 2007 should be a fat, sleepy sheep,
not an eagle!


On Apr 6, 10:04 am, "MarVel" <> wrote:
> In addition to that below, Jews have funded and run most
> anti-RTKBA organizations. Their plans for globalist dictator-
> ship cannot be implemented so long as patriotic Americans
> have the means to resist - as guaranteed them by the
> Founders.
> Jews and U.S. Gun Control Legislation, 1968-Present
> Note: this webpage is a work-in-progress. More information will be
> added later. This information shows that, contrary to some claims,
> Jews have sponsored or co-sponsored most modern anti-gun legislation.
> 1968: The Gun Control Act of 1968 comes from Jewish Rep. Emanuel
> Celler's House bill H.R. 17735. It expands legislation already
> attempted by the non-Jewish Sen. Thomas Dodd. America's biggest and
> most far-reaching gun law came from a Jew [1].
> 1988: Senate bill S. 1523 is sponsored by Jewish Senator Howard
> Metzenbaum. It proposes legislation turning every violation of the Gun
> Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense, allowing a gun
> owner to be charged with federal racketeering offenses.
> 1988: Senator Metzenbaum co-sponsors a bill -- S. 2180 -- to ban, or
> limit/restrict, so-called "plastic guns."
> 1990: Jewish Senator Herbert Kohl introduces bill S.2070, the Gun-Free
> School Zones Act of 1990, which bans gun possession in a school zone.
> The law will later be struck down in court as unconstitutional.
> 1993: Senate bill S.653 is sponsored by Sen. Howard Metzenbaum. It
> bans specific semiautomatic rifles, but also gives the Secretary of
> the Treasury the power to add any semiautomatic firearm to the list at
> a later date.
> February, 1994: The Brady Law, which requires waiting periods to buy
> handguns, becomes effective. Senator Metzenbaum wrote the Brady Bill.
> Metzenbaum sponsored the bill in the Senate. The sponsor of the bill
> in the House was Jewish Rep. Charles Schumer [2].
> 1994: Senator Metzenbaum introduces S.1878, the Gun Violence
> Prevention Act of 1994, aka "Brady II." Rep. Schumer sponsored "Brady
> II" sister legislation [H.R. 1321] in the U.S. House of
> Representatives.
> September, 1994: The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
> 1994 goes into effect, including a provision that bans the manufacture
> and possession of semiautomatic rifles described as "assault weapons."
> [Note: true assault weapons are fully automatic, not semiautomatic].
> That gun-ban provision was authored in the Senate by Jewish Senator
> Dianne Feinstein and authored in the House by Congressman Schumer.
> 1995: Jewish Senators Kohl, Specter, Feinstein, Lautenberg and others
> introduce the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1995, an amended version of
> the 1990 school-zone law which was struck down in court as being
> unconstitutional.
> September, 1996: The Lautenberg Domestic Confiscation provision
> becomes law. It is part of a larger omnibus appropriations bill. It
> was sponsored by Jewish Senator Frank Lautenberg. It bans people
> convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from ever owning a gun.
> 1997: Senate bill S. 54, the Federal Gang Violence Act of 1997,
> proposes much harsher sentences for people violating minor gun laws,
> including mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of property. It
> was introduced by Dianne Feinstein and a non-Jewish Senator [Hatch],
> among others. It returns the idea of turning every violation of the
> Gun Control Act of 1968 into a RICO predicate offense.
> January, 1999: Jewish Senator Barbara Boxer introduces bill S.193, the
> American Handgun Standards Act of 1999.
> January, 1999: Senator Kohl introduces bill S.149, the Child Safety
> Lock Act of 1999. It would to require a child safety lock in
> connection with transfer of a handgun.
> February, 1999: Senator Frank Lautenberg introduces bill S.407, the
> Stop Gun Trafficking Act of 1999.
> February, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces S.443, the Gun Show
> Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.560, the Gun
> Industry Accountability Act of 1999.
> March, 1999: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.594, the Large
> Capacity Ammunition Magazine Import Ban Act of 1999.
> May, 2000: Senate bill S. 2515, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2000, is submitted by Senators Feinstein, Senator Barbara
> Boxer, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Schumer. It is a plan for a national
> firearms licensing system.
> January, 2001: Senate bill S.25, Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale
> Act of 2001, is sponsored by Feinstein, Schumer, and Boxer. It is a
> nation-wide gun registration plan [apparently there were two versions
> of that Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act bill].
> May, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Boxer and others introduce
> legislation that would reauthorize the 1994 federal assault weapons
> ban, and, close a loophole in the law that allows large-capacity
> ammunition magazines to be imported into the U.S. The ban is scheduled
> to expire in September, 2004.
> October, 2003: Senators Feinstein, Lautenberg, Levin [also Jewish] and
> Schumer co-sponsor bill S.1774, designed to stop the sunset [ending]
> of the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988.
> March, 2005: Senator Lautenberg introduces bill S.645, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> March, 2005: Senator Feinstein introduces bill S.620, "to reinstate
> the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act," in
> other words, to reinstate the 1994 assault-rifle ban [also known as
> the "Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994"] which
> expired in late 2004.
> [1] Celler's bill as the base or foundation of the Gun Control Act of
> 1968: Here or Here
> [2] a long list of the anti-gun bills sponsored by Schumer, Here
> [footnote #36]
On Apr 6, 3:21 pm, Tim May <> wrote:
> In article <>, Lawrence
> Glickman <> wrote:

> > January, 2007:
> > A Jew named Glickie ( to his friends ) announces that All
> > non-criminals are required by Law to arm themselves in order to
> > fulfill the MANDATE of the 2nd Ammendment to the Constitution of the
> > United States of America. Those unable to prove gun ownership are
> > fined and/or sent to prison.

> "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Rights" contacted me several
> years ago to ask if they could use part or all of one of my essays. I
> said "Sure," inasmuch as I had their comic book about why Jews need to
> move away from their very real (for the most part) anti-gun,
> pro-government liberal mindset.
> (I never bothered to see if or where my essay got used by them...)
> There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American
> versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
> that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
> spread West.
> Some likely contributors to this mindset:
> -- Jews and minions. Righteous Jews are supposed to live close enough
> to a synogogue and the males are supposed to live close enough to
> enough other Jewish males to form a "minion." Google for details if
> interested. This is similar to Catholics and Muslims. By contrast,
> Protestants in their Reformation established the "every man can
> communicate with God" view, without some priest, rabbi, imam, or other
> such intermediary. This made moving out to the wilds of Oklahoma or
> Oregon or Alaska, living far from others, permissable. Most Jews stayed
> in established cities.
> As a result, Jews never full absorbed the "self-defense" culture. To
> most Jews, calling the local policeman is their idea of self-defense.
> Being good with a rifle and six-shooter is alien to them. For the most
> part.
> -- Obedience to authority. Jews have historically survived pogroms by
> "lowering their eyes" and deferring to authority, by sacrificing some
> of their own, and by paying bribes to keep their inner city ghettoes
> (the term before it came to refer to negroes and Mexicans) secure.
> (This had dire consequences for them in WW II, where aside from the
> Warsaw Uprising, 99% of Jews obediently reported to the train stations
> for their train rides, where virtually no SS officers were killed by
> Jews using their guns to fight, and where ghetto leaders often assisted
> the Germans in their plans.)
> (And it is well-documented that German Jews applauded Hitler's actions
> on gun control in the early 1930s. They thought that collecting
> privately-owned guns would make them safer. They thought wrong.)
> -- A focus on "the Law." The exteme focus on minutiae of the Torah and
> the detailed picking-apart of subtle subtexts is part of the Jewish
> culture. This is why so many Jews become lawyers. "Nothing is settled
> by force" is their chant. Thus, people defending themselves and their
> property with guns is alien to this "everything is about the Law"
> mindset.
> -- General liberalism. Jews are so obviously at the forefront of modern
> liberalism that it's almost trite to mention it. But it goes a long way
> toward explaining why so many Jews are against the Second Amendment,
> why so many Jews in Congress have led the way for gun control, and why
> Jews in the judiciary have consistently ruled in favor of taking away
> "cowboy" rights.
> -- The whole mantra of "Never again!" in modern Israel is basically an
> acknowledgement that Jews became associated with disarmament, not
> fighting back, getting beat-up by healthier boys in school, and so on.
> The image of the Jew as a fey teen with side curls, rocking and moaning
> as he studied obscure 2500-year-old texts, getting sand kicked in his
> face, obediently reporting to the train station for "resettlement," all
> of this is why the survivors said "Never again."
> (I happen to think Zionism is a sick philosophy, and getting the United
> Nations to endorse the expulsion of those already living in a
> region--and there for many centuries, as the Palestinians are a whole
> lot more "Semitic" than some scrawny Jews from Krakow and Paris and
> Berlin are!--so that these skinny Jews could build a new socialist
> nation, complete with communes and collectives and state-owned
> companies, is sick. Further, the numbers surrounding them mean it's
> only a matter of time before they are overrun or nuked or gassed or all
> of the above.)
> I'm not religious at all. I have no belief in goddesses or sprites or
> demons or gods or fairies or djinns or an afterlife or a soul or heaven
> or hell.
> So I view Judaism as just one more cult. And its cult beliefs are
> fundamentally liberal (in the modern liberal sense) and fundamentally
> anti-liberty.
> Congratulations to the 3-5% of Jews in America who support gun rights
> and the notion of self-defense and protection from Big Government. But
> the other 95% are not worth a bucket of spit.
> --Tim May

Very interesting post and I agree. I opened a yahoo list awhile back
- Jews for USA Sovereignty - not one joined. That's another thing
they don't believe in.

Jack Hester