Jews vs the Second Amendment

On Apr 6, 6:46 pm, Lawrence Glickman <>
quoted Ubermutant:
> >There's something very weird, almost a Bobby Fischer kind of self-loathing
> >inherent in this mindset. And it's undeniable.

and replied:
> I think you underrate these people. If they want to kick ass, find a
> nice foxhole and don't come out until the smoke clears.

You really don't get it. Dennis Prager - prominent Jewish talk-
radio host and conservative - said in 1993 at a synagogue in
Greensboro, North Carolina that "the real 'religion' of most American
Jews is liberalism." Add in that American Jews in the past two
generations generally have avoided anything that would have taught
them tactical skills - like military careers, police careers, or
hunting - and the Jewish community in America just is hardly full of
potential equivalents of the Israeli soldier.

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!
Bret Cahill wrote:
> The "individualist right to a gun" never appears anywhere in the
> Second Amendment

That is an outlandish lie spewed by a really poor lier who thinks his
reader is an idiot. You depend on this "the right of the people" really
means a collective right, that is, a power of the government. It is a
stupid interpretation that only the stupidest of idiots and the most
cynical of freedom haters spew. All that remains is to determine if
you're a run of the mill common idiot, or a cynical freedom hater. It
makes small difference which you are, really.

Sadly, too many of his readers ARE idiots, as I found out in another

> and federal force has _never_ been "checked" on U. S.
> soil by individualist ownership of guns,

The Federalist party was trying to block the election of Thomas
Jefferson as President, and they had the votes to do it.

However, the angry mob outside the capital wanted congress to honor the
election, and they had the guns to make congress do it.

Then there was the small matter of the war between the states.

The Bear Creek Rebellion also comes to mind.

> but the real reason so few
> Jews suck on the "if I git pushed too far" pacifier is because Jews
> don't sit around indulging themselves in the fantasy that "utopia will
> break out after an individualist shoots the tax collector."
> Jews tend to be _real_ citizens who take _real_ action.

Lord knows what you're gibbering about with these absolute statements
about Jews.

Some Jews would rebel, as in those that belong to the Jewish Defense
League, which is no different than neo-Nazis, really; just substitute
"white" for "Jew" and you could have a Stormfront website. It is amazing
what you can get away with if you are a protected minority.

Other Jews not only wouldn't fight, but would help the tyrants.

You can't really tell what people would do just because they're Jewish.
There may be a statistical TENDENCY for them to go one way or the other,
but almost all sweeping generalizations about the whole population are
false other than statements like "Jewish people are Jewish".

> The ones who sit around daydreaming pure nonsense -- "check them evil
> feds with violence" -- and stewing in their juice tend to be anti-
> semites.
> Bret Cahill
MajorHart wrote:


> I know chuck schumer has been a major anti-gun nut and he is jewish.
> I'm glad to see a list of them. You're right they do want a police
> state here in America (just like the one they had in Russia when
> hundreds of millions of russians were killed for no reason at all) A
> lot of people need to be informed that is was jews that planned and
> financed the Bolshevik Revolution - that installed red communism in
> russia and a whole bunch of other countries - leading to a HOLOCAUST
> of their innocent citizens.
>> There's something in Judaism, at least in the European and American

> versions, which is at nearly polar opposition to the "frontier ethic"
> that is usually associated with Protestantism and the pioneers who
> spread West.
> IT's because most of those people are white and jews HATE white
> people.
> I've debated at least 350 jews on USA Sovereignty and Border Security
> and every one to the last person has been for open borders and letting
> the hordes come in. Also if we had guns we might be able to repel the
> invaders. Got to get them guns out.


Another "Jewish is a race" poster.

Your opinions will be considered, accordingly.

On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:00:24 -0700,
(the_blogologist) wrote:

>Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>> the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

>There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of

Yes exactly. I see you've done the math and have the correct numbers.
The problem with that little bit of land, is that it contains HOLY
RELICS that are central to the religions to be found in that area.
For example, I will say The Dome of the Rock, the Tomb of Rachel (
which was destroyed/desecrated by the Muslims after Ariel Sharon made
a visit to it ), in fact, the burial place of Jesus, which is supposed
to be below ground in one of the churches ( is it the Dome of the
Rock?). Anyhow, the significance has little to do with Lebensraum, as
the Nazis claimed ( that's living space for non-germanic people ), and
everything to do with the Historic Significance of that particular
spot of property.

The same can be said for Mecca and Medina. They don't have a lot to
offer as cities, except in a Religious capacity. So that, IMO, is
what all the fighting is about. Who gets to possess the Holy Relics.

>> I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Israel modeled its'
>> imperialism after the USA's modus operandi.

>To plunder the land for it's non-existant natural resorces i'll bet.

I wasn't around when this happened, AFAIK, but word has it that God
spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai and told him of a Promised Land. That
if Moses could get the Jews to turn away from golden calfs and drunken
fornication, and if Moses could get them to tow the line and be
good, as in obeying the 10 Commandments, then they would be rewarded
with the Promised Land.

This sounded like a good idea to everyone at the time, since they had
wandered as nomads in the desert for 40 years after Egypt was forced
to free the Jews from bondage by Plagues and a visit from the Angel of
Death that slew the first born of every Egyptian family ( this is
PASSOVER, which is also known as PESACH ), when the Angel of Death
"passed over" the houses of the Jews which were identified with blood
on the door lentils, and a Mezuzah. It is a deeply religious time of
year in Israel to many people.

So you have your Christians who say Jesus is buried there and that is
their rationale for staying; in fact he was born and lived in the
region, and the books of the Bible describe his entire life and death
occurring in that area alone. I guess he didn't have a Club Med Card
at the time.

The Muslims who claim Mohammed the Prophet has a connection with Mecca
and Medina, where he stepped off the Holy Rock and ascended into
Heaven, and then you have the Jews, who claim this is the birthplace
of their religion, and the locus of monotheism. That all makes it an
international area in my opinion, and it should belong to the world,
but the people there feel differently.

The Jews say "God gave it to us"
The Muslims say "This is the land of Mohammed"
The Christians say "This is the land of Jesus"

So, they fight over who gets what, and fight they do.

>> Speaking for myself, I would make it a CRIME for law-abiding US
>> citizens to not be armed. It puts excess burden on Law enforcement
>> agencies and contributes to the escalating crime wave that is sweeping
>> the United States.
>> How many banks do you think would be robbed if the perps knew that
>> each teller had an Uzi slung over their shoulder, ready to rock n
>> roll.
>> Lg

>More unarmed people died in ONE year of Hitler's death camps than have
>died in the entire history of civilian gun crime in the US. If they
>really wanted to fight crime in the US they'd take the cable TV out of
>prison cells. If they do ban guns, there's likely to be mass
>non-compliance, as indicated by the massive amount of buying that went
>on in gun shows prior to Clinton's gun ban. What would flooding our
>courts with "gun crimes" do to crime in general?

The courts in the US are already flooded way way beyond the capacity
to handle the caseloads, and thus, THE PLEA. ( plea bargain), which
endeavors to circumvent the need for Habeas Corpus and a criminal

Go to and then to Frontline, and watch the program "The
Plea." It explains all this in detail.

I see the savagery of the world has not changed over the millennia,
just the weaponry. It is why I have both edged weapons and firearms.
I cannot rely on The State to care about my welfare, unless there is a
dollar in it for them. Although to be fair, I think I do have one of
the finest Emergency First Responder teams in the country right here
where I live. They've saved my life so many times by now, I've really
lost count.

But I still need weapons for the few minutes it takes help to arrive
when under assault from criminals, because it is in those few minutes
when it is decided whether you and your loved ones live or die.

And then there is always the possibility of our Government crumbling
to dust. Don't happened in Rome. And when things go ****
up and the next war is fought on our territory, in our neighborhoods
and cities, in our backyards, we need a way to defend ourselves.

rogue KILLING SQUADS ( Einsatzgruppen ). This happened under
Clinton's watch when Yugoslavia split apart along sectarian lines.
Don't think the same thing can't happen again, or was only limited to
The German Situation.

On Apr 6, 6:52 pm, Tim May <> wrote:
> I don't think their mindset will change just by individual Jews having
> an epiphany. It will likely take a major reformation, a la the
> Reformation the Catholics went through to become (many of them)
> Protestants.

It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!
On 7 Apr 2007 14:26:25 -0700, ""
<> wrote:

>On Apr 6, 6:52 pm, Tim May <> wrote:
>> I don't think their mindset will change just by individual Jews having
>> an epiphany. It will likely take a major reformation, a la the
>> Reformation the Catholics went through to become (many of them)
>> Protestants.

> It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
>that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
>skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
>degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
>more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
>workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
>more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
>American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli

More bullshit from the editor. What makes you so certain that a
social worker
couldn't or wouldn't blow your **** away in a heartbeat if push turned
to shove? You are delusional. I don't know any doctors of medicine,
or Jews, or Intelligentsia of the Jewish faith, or Jewish lawyers,
that do =not= have firearms and know how to use them.

You are really disconnected from the real world. What a way to go
through Life. Living in an alternate universe.

Lawrence Glickman wrote:
> On 7 Apr 2007 14:26:25 -0700, ""
> <> wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 6:52 pm, Tim May <> wrote:
>>> I don't think their mindset will change just by individual Jews having
>>> an epiphany. It will likely take a major reformation, a la the
>>> Reformation the Catholics went through to become (many of them)
>>> Protestants.

>> It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
>> that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
>> skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
>> degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
>> more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
>> workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
>> more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
>> American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli
>> counterpart.

> More bullshit from the editor. What makes you so certain that a
> Jewish:
> social worker
> PhD
> Lawyer
> neurosurgeon
> couldn't or wouldn't blow your **** away in a heartbeat if push turned
> to shove? You are delusional. I don't know any doctors of medicine,
> or Jews, or Intelligentsia of the Jewish faith, or Jewish lawyers,
> that do =not= have firearms and know how to use them.
> You are really disconnected from the real world. What a way to go
> through Life. Living in an alternate universe.

As a Jew in the field of medicine, and one who is armed to the teeth,
I'd be more than happy to show editor what happens when my family, or
I, am put in a life threatening situation.

Notan said:
> It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
> that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
> skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
> degrees, doctorates, or law degrees.

Practical work, like digging ditches, car sales, collecting garbage, driving
truck, cab or the army. Degrees, doctorates, and law degrees are for lefties,
there are plenty of jobs that don't need a degree. Education is over rated,
and the schools are hotbeds of liberalism and socialist thinking. They're no
place for young, impressionable minds and should be rethought with the idea of
> >There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
> >million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
> >Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
> >desert?

The Muslims are now in Israel, New York and London obtaining hair
samples, nail shavings, blood samples, etc ... of all admitted Jews.
DNA is being extracted, analyzed and filed. Every Jew and their
offspring will be brought to Medina for 'processing'. They can run,
but they can't hide.

Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
for all.
In article <>,
PK Smith <> wrote:
>Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
>for all.

On 8 Apr 2007 04:47:00 -0700, "PK Smith" <> wrote:

>> >There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>> >million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>> >Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>> >desert?

>The Muslims are now in Israel, New York and London obtaining hair
>samples, nail shavings, blood samples, etc ... of all admitted Jews.
>DNA is being extracted, analyzed and filed. Every Jew and their
>offspring will be brought to Medina for 'processing'. They can run,
>but they can't hide.
>Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
>for all.

In less than 5 seconds, this Jew can put more holes in you than Mother
Nature did. Don't even think about it.

On Apr 7, 5:40 pm, Lawrence Glickman <>
quoted me:
> > It would be GENERATIONS off. For it to occur, it would require
> >that the average American Jew actually pursue careers with useful
> >skills in a tactical or strategic sense - rather than social-work
> >degrees, doctorates, or law degrees. It would require that there be
> >more American Jews who were skilled basic gunsmiths than social
> >workers, more American Jews who were nurses and not neurosurgeons,
> >more American Jews who were police officers and not lawyers, for the
> >American Jewish community to be tactically capable like its Israeli
> >counterpart.

and replied:
> More bullshit from the editor. What makes you so certain that a
> Jewish:
> social worker
> PhD
> Lawyer
> neurosurgeon
> couldn't or wouldn't blow your **** away in a heartbeat if push turned
> to shove?

On an INDIVIDUAL basis, maybe. On an AVERAGE basis, who would you
rather have on your side if your area of operations turned into
complete social chaos - a gunsmith or a social worker, a nurse or a
neurosurgeone, a police officer or a professor? And religion wouldn't
matter - other than that American Jews are much more likely to be in
the tactically-useless jobs than in any they'd have spent a career
learning tactically-useful skills.

No $4 to park! No $6 admission!
> Check the list of businesses that officially support gun
> control posted her by Patriot Games. Then check how many of them are
> owned by Jews (few, if any). An asshole is an asshole, be he Jewish or
> Gentile. You want to simplify everything by making everything that's
> wrong the fault of the Jews. There's a terrible price to pay if you
> were to be successful. It wasn't Jewish criminals that ruined Germany;
> Gentile criminals did that.

Check out the board of directors and shareholders first. Those are the
owners of the business.
> >Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
> >for all.

> In less than 5 seconds, this Jew can put more holes in you than Mother
> Nature did. Don't even think about it.

Complain all you want ... it won't stop what the Muslims are doing.
They are now collecting DNA samples. Whether in 10 years or 1000
years, all Jews will be "processed" because of DNA samples taken
throughout the late-1990s. It was a mistake for Jews to push their way
into Palestine. They will eventually be pushed out.
On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 07:31:12 -0500, Lawrence Glickman
<> wrote:

>On 8 Apr 2007 04:47:00 -0700, "PK Smith" <> wrote:
>>> >There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>>> >million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>>> >Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>>> >desert?

>>The Muslims are now in Israel, New York and London obtaining hair
>>samples, nail shavings, blood samples, etc ... of all admitted Jews.
>>DNA is being extracted, analyzed and filed. Every Jew and their
>>offspring will be brought to Medina for 'processing'. They can run,
>>but they can't hide.
>>Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
>>for all.

>In less than 5 seconds, this Jew can put more holes in you than Mother
>Nature did. Don't even think about it.

Need extra ammo for Wave 2...Ill send ya a spam can.


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
On 8 Apr 2007 06:26:39 -0700, "PK Smith" <> wrote:

>> >Its just a matter of time before the Jewish issue is settled once and
>> >for all.

>> In less than 5 seconds, this Jew can put more holes in you than Mother
>> Nature did. Don't even think about it.

>Complain all you want ... it won't stop what the Muslims are doing.
>They are now collecting DNA samples. Whether in 10 years or 1000
>years, all Jews will be "processed" because of DNA samples taken
>throughout the late-1990s. It was a mistake for Jews to push their way
>into Palestine. They will eventually be pushed out.

Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?


A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion,
butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet,
balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations,
analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer,
cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects. Lazarus Long
Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:

> On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:00:24 -0700,
> (the_blogologist) wrote:
> >Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
> >
> >> the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
> >> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
> >> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
> >> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

> ==============================================================
> >There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
> >million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
> >Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
> >desert?

> Yes exactly. I see you've done the math and have the correct numbers.
> The problem with that little bit of land, is that it contains HOLY
> RELICS that are central to the religions to be found in that area.
> For example, I will say The Dome of the Rock, the Tomb of Rachel ....

That was the justification for the Crusades.
On 9 Apr 2007 03:55:59 -0700, "TTan" <> wrote:

>> Palestine? Wheres that? Whats its capital?

>Just look at any map prior to 1918

Maps change. I mean, where is Rhodesia for example? You need to
accept change. If you can't accept change, you are doomed.

On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 18:51:42 -0700,
(the_blogologist) wrote:

>Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 7 Apr 2007 10:00:24 -0700,
>> (the_blogologist) wrote:
>> >Lawrence Glickman <> wrote:
>> >
>> >> the Jews in Israel are doing to the Palestines exactly
>> >> what the Puritans did to the indigenous Amerindians when they settled
>> >> the 13 colonies on the eastern seaboard and then proclaimed Eminent
>> >> Domain as an excuse to steal the entire casino.

>> ==============================================================
>> >There are about 1.5 BILLION muslums in the world. There are about 10
>> >million Jews, 5 million in Israel. There are plenty of places the
>> >Palestianians could go. Why the hell do they need that tiny strip of
>> >desert?

>> Yes exactly. I see you've done the math and have the correct numbers.
>> The problem with that little bit of land, is that it contains HOLY
>> RELICS that are central to the religions to be found in that area.
>> For example, I will say The Dome of the Rock, the Tomb of Rachel ....

>That was the justification for the Crusades.

and rumor has it that Hitler was after the Ark of the Covenant. That
is the original container of the original 10 Commandments. And the
search for the holy Grau (cup) Grail, that Jesus drank from at the
last supper, and the lance that pierced Jesus' side to end his torment
on the cross, as Schicklegrubber thought that his armies could not be
defeated if they possessed these relics.

I can't help but wonder if that had something to do with Rommel's
Africa Corps and his adventures in the region.