Join in the phobia

8 mecos

Active Member
May 19, 2005
Yeah thats the ticket lets hate everybody & everything just because they are different from us. Lets be closed minded & cruel . If anybody critizes us we'll say they are whining. Death to America even tho Im living here . screw you !! ****ing liberal, conservatives, Damn Mexicans, Mulims , Jews , & those ****ing Breeders and thier Damn family values keeping me from having an Abortion . And by the way I like anal sex but don 't you dare like it if it is between two guys damn Homo 's
Watch out for the new Gay street gangs they are gang raping straight guys> if you even look at them funny. Plus God told me to hate you<< and Those Atheists think they know it all . and most of them are Democrats.. and Gay cars Im selling my FORD lest anyone think I might like to eat other girls snatch

DING DONG the wicked old bitch is dead .

I guess it some sort of Political Stokholm snydrome maybe if I hate everybody like my captor ,I might get to be a rich racist on the top of the mound [kicking those coming up behind me] right wing asshole JUST LIKE MY King Geo.
You have my moms word on it!!

FOREVER SINCE BREAKFAST can we talk about flowers now

WRONG bye bye
um...8...u okay?

your posting a little crazy? Granted i enjoy downing a beer or 30 and then comming home and posting things that the next day i regret, dont remember, or (thankfully) remember and they are gone because of a mod (thanks for whoever has been doing that btw) Im just glad that the GF gods (and the w stands for WHAT not WHO) realizes that too and hasnt smacked me with some sort of bad penalty...

anyhow..whats up..your a tad agitated....

We can talk flowers....thats fine...ive been called a pansy once or 40 times in my life....lets talk pansies...shall we!

Breathe.......All is well :) i promise!
Ummm waiter.....whatever that Gentleman is sure sure it dosen't get near my ****ing order! :eek: