Josh/GraDoN sigs

ok 2 new sigs.....
was bored this morning and so i made these...


i like the piper one more...
^^^^ I like the new one the most...but you maybe could have used another color in it....just Orange and Black looks a little strange
I don't like that Piper just doesn't look good to me...
Kurosaki one...well, the background is pretty nice...solid...but the render isn't that good in my opinion...
The last one is the best of these 3...I like everything about it...except for border...that white doesn't fit...
Cool that you are in a mood for makin sigs...:thumbsup:
Blending, blending, blending. All the images seem to just stick out.. work on blending a little.
How do you do it? Belending I mean... I know a really easy was and I could explain it to you.
Nice tech sig....the blending is good this time...the colors are alright...also I like the brushes that you used..and you put your name in there in a nice's not too overall it's really a great sig...

go on like that...
fantastic first try i tried one once and i came out so crap so i now stick with what i know lol but yeah 9/10 for effort 10/10 for colours 9/10 for over all outcome
Good job.. Blending looks good...Don't really like that random bright spot at the top right.. but um tech is tricky and teadious.. 9/10