Josh/GraDoN sigs

I think the problem is that the picture is not good enough integrated in the it was your first's alright...maybe experiment a little with it...
hmm ok ill leave it there for now thanks though
ok i think my last sig wasent scary enough for diana so i made a scary one lol

hahaha i love it!!! my best bad sig ever >< no comments needed :D
c4d looks good, the render doesn't fit well with teh style, but good for the first try.. Your new one is okay.. The render needs to be blended in a bit, it looks like you just stuck there and added your name.
looks and black works together so good...but yeah...the size is messed up
I don't like the text, but can't complain because my text always looks blah, but the render needs to be blended in more, Hard to see your name.. umm... yea thats about it.. so other then that, nice!