Josh/GraDoN sigs

weeeeeeeeee new sig, spiderman theme

hehe sorry hailey ill follow your advice next sig :D
hmm text kills it a bit IMO mr Gradon -_-
nice how you see these things after you make the sig :\
Edit* and its could be a little darker and brighter IMO some brighness/contrast should do the trick
ok so i worked on it and i kinda like the final one:

hehehehhe my first sotw try, any good? -_-

bleh photobucketis being an ass takes years to upload and it doesent want to upload bigger images like the album cover :(
it hates me?
Ha ha commented yourself, omg...I had to lol at it...:lol:
Anyway, it looks pretty good...and the paint **** is real funny...just random, you know...ha ha...

As for photobucket...yes, it hates you...sorry...
ok so for SOTW i started to work on some ideas and they are just started as you can see no text or borders and ect. so any good so far?


I like the colors and brushes in v2 more, but I like the way you made the render look in v1. But in v2, I think you did a little to much brushing, so don't so much, maybe delete a few layers. I don't like anything really but the way you made the render in v1.
Your name is hard to see I think a rule state's it wants the username visible,
other than thats it's great, keep up the good work while I'm gone.
You've improved alot.
well what you can try to do, is try some of your Default Fonts
Thats what I do, some can be found with the simple ones over the complicated ones,
when I can't maku-up my mind I choose to use a Font I already had.

and see if you can bring the render layer over And duplicate put one underneath the oil background
and just blur the bottom one wuith the blur effects and the top render layer bring the opacity a bit low until you find somehtin.

If you can't find anything that will work just try a diffrent style.